Time to wipe the dust from my Lr53...


Mar 21, 2007
... I wonder if I can still shoot straight with it :D

(My Story)
I started the game in VU 9 and hit my peak about mid 2009, then I left the game to do some soul searching (and career advancing :D). I was never really any good, i recall my last skillcalc was in the 80-85K before i cashed out, i recall hp was something like 13X and i know i could use an lr53 and Aphis (apis was maxxed), ahhhhmmmm and the one after that something 24 (blp) rifle.

I did ok, i didn't leave EU because i lost majour cash, i did leave out with less of what i put in but that was from my own failed attempts at trading and being scammed (my own fault). In fact, i have fond memories of funding a nice UNL boar set after a Mollusk hof :) and generally I didn't have much to complain about, but i was a $200/week depositor so that helped haha :D

Jokes aside, in all honesty, i MISS EU, i miss my friends here, i miss the hunts, cnd mining, being PVP'd by Akon and Co. I miss talking shit with friends, running noobies to teleporters, giving advise to new hunters out in the field, chatting with the guides, bugging my ex-mentor for more info and just grinding out there trying to get that extra HP or max that next item.

I left after the cryengine update, i needed to get my head cleared, get my career advanced and finish my studies. I also realized the power of that old saying, sometimes you only realise the value of something when it is lost to you...

I miss it all, the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the friends and the "enemies" :D, or maybe i'm getting old and sentimental, but bottom line is, i want back in! And i want to be back, harder, meaner and badder than ever!

....... but i lost my memory lol, i don't even know how to properly chip up to 100K or what skills/weapons work well in the new game, i don't know how the new mindforce stuff works and I just read there are CARS lol :D.

I'm also looking for a home (after i'm kitted again), a soc of dedicated people who would accept someone who will give their best for their team and uphold the name of any soc I am part of. My word is my honour, i don't borrow or ask for anything from anyone (if i can i'd help anyone, noob or uber, stranger or friend), I just want some serious players who will be out there with me taking on the joys of EU life again, day after wretched day :D :D, in the snow, in the desert, in sea or on land, in good times and in bad...

I also need some info on what armour, skills, weapons and items to purchase, and how to best maximise myself for hunting/the odd pvp run. I don't know if the gear i had would cut it today, used to use bear/boar and salamander + amped lr's, apis and so on. I was never much of a miner XD, but did it for the HP + some sword killing

I don't really need pin point details, just a broad idea (i'll fill in the gaps), i just realise the game has changed loads and I have forgotten SOOOOO much. I'd rather listen to people who are out there now and know what's going on, than do a bad chip in and buy useless stuff cause i think they are COOL lol.

So help a noobie out ;), I really appreciate anyone taking the time to comment and help me with some info/advice.
Welcome back to Entropia.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Basicaly, the same items you used before, are the same as they are now, except tier rates.
You can find info on that in the forum though, not going to explain it all here :)
Other new stuff, you'll find in game, missions, cars etc, again, info can be found here.

If your looking for a friendly bunch, could try Entropia Directory.