United Buyers Exchange Resource (U.B.E.R.)

TT Buddies in U.B.E.R.


TT Buddies...

If you find me in game sometime, add me to FL, and I'll try to do the same for you.

I can usually be found at Omegaton West Habitat, near the Delta Tower, or down the hill at the auction room, when I am online. My times online vary a lot... but that is the place I can usually be found.

I'll make you in to one of my "U.B.E.R. TT trading buddies" - that is I'll TT you stuff that I tried to sell in my shop but that no one bought. If you don't take the stuff it'll just end up in the TT when I sell it to the TT, which is something I hate doing. Think of this as a second hand TT shop type of thing. It's not the best stuff in the world, but if you are just paying TT for it, who cares. It's a low risk way for you to get your hands on a lot of items at the lowest prices possible over time.

What you do with the stuff - I don't care. In theory, you could start up your own trading business, or buy a shop or booth and try selling it yourself.

I just want to get rid of it and hate feeding the TT machine. I have about 3-5k peds on the auction at any given point in time these days, all going towards TT+0 bids. Sometimes I win, sometimes I don't. If I don't, I just put the peds back in to the auction on more TT+0 bids as soon as the peds are back on my pedcard.

If I do win I drop the stuff off in my shop or booth for a day or so, sometimes longer sometimes less time than that, depending on Market value. If it does not sell after so long there, I just want to get rid of the stuff so that I have more peds to cycle.

That's where you enter the picture. You can have the stuff at TT prices - the same prices I got it for. The only thing that I ask in return is that you TT me stuff of approximately the same market value, or that you come across regularly because you craft or loot it yourself. I'm not asking for tons of high market value things... just junk items you normally TT because you crafted it to build up your skills, looted it because you hunted something and got back loot you did not want, etc.

Shoot, I might even just have you TT me back stuff that I TTed to you a few weeks earlier so we sort of become huge TT Item Storage tanks for one another.

In theory, if we get enough people involved with this, we will own every darn thing that rolls off of the auction at TT prices or that anyone TTs to other folks in the community, and just keep trading among ourselves until someone buys it from us or one of us feeds it to the TT machine.

In theory, if we get enough people involved, we can also start specializing in our market niches... Maybe one shop owner sells only melee equipment that they got at TT prices. Another shop owner might sell only pistols... another might only sell components... another only animal oils... Right now, just starting out, it's all going to be a hodge podge of junk from a lot of different parts of the economy - the specialization part will come later, as we get more established and all of our ped cards start growing... and we all become more established in our own little maket niches.

In truth, my blueprint business sort of started out that way when it first started. I was doing a TT shop for the NBK, and found some individuals TTing me tons of blueprints. I eventually decided to start paying them back with consignment deals on some of the more rare things...

This whole idea is sort of a service to the community because it forces market values to drop, which on some levels, helps us all out in some ways at various times. The market values will go down when we bid on TT+0 items and win at that price... at least for a day or so...

It also forces other folks, besides ourselves to not have access to the stuff at TT prices, so they'll start paying us for it! ;)

Is this a bad thing? Some might think so since markup is so low, or because it steals what n00bs might normally have access to at TT prices, but really we all are just honest folks trying to make a living in EU - and if a n00b trader wants to join us, nothing is stopping them...

Additionally, this is a service to those that buy from us since they can know that we, or our shops, are selling things very cheaply, and with less risk than even the auction because any bid on the auction can possibly be overbid at any time, making buying from it highly frustrating sometimes.

The goal here is to take on that frustration ourselves and only bid on TT+0 items, or items priced at 100% or lower... or just to buy stuff directly from society mates, etc. at TT prices so they don't pay outrageous auction fees and put up stuff at TT+0 prices in the first place...

We get that first bid in on TT+0 stuff before anyone else on everything that we can... If people are silly enough to put startbids of TT+0 out there on the auction, we may as well let them pay the auction fees to line our pockets with stuff we can have for free, basically!

Typically the people that do the TT+0 start bid auctions are greedy scammy resellers anyways, (at least the ones that do it over and over and over - not just the one time sellers, etc.) so this is one way we can help wipe them out of the community sort of... and/or get them to do things more honestly by doing start bids above +0, or just becoming an honest reseller that aims to lower prices by joining us.

What I'd like to do, really, is to get a lot of low level, high volume person to person traders or shop owners working with me on this project since we already have a customer base, and will have a lot of various items on us that we won't mind trading to one another to help fill one another's market niches. We just keep growing that over time... slowly consuming every TT item we can get, keeping the TT machine from taking away profit potential on various items.... if we can't sell the stuff, just trade it to others in our little trading circle that can give it a shot - keep cycling it among ourselves til someone finally buys it, or decides to join us as an end user, and actually use the items in question.

We just slowly take over the TT trading business... Lots of stuff does go for TT prices on auctions... and lots of stuff gets TTed daily. Both STTS and EIF proved that this sort of thing can work. The major downfalls with STTS is that it only tried selling in auctions, and had major headaches in creating paper trails to make sure that everyone got their commissions.

The major downfall with EIF is that it only let it's own investors sell things to it at TT prices. What I hope to do with this is highly similar to STT and EIF, but with fewer hassles. We help one another out like EIF does for it's investors. We take in anything at TT prices like STTS did - but don't pay back commissions like STTS did (unless you want to set up your own private deals to do that) - instead we just ask that others TT us stuff, and in turn, we TT them stuff sometimes... Working together we achieve more. We also avoid the auctioneer taking all our money slowly over time....

There won't be any consignment deals that I'm personally setting up because I'm fed up with trying to track profits in my blueprint consignment shop - burning many hours of figuring things out on google documents weekly or biweekly, but you folks can feel free to set those up among yourselves if you like. It's not hard to track it all. I'll even show you how I did it with my shop if you want me to... It's just time consuming.

It's also hard to part with the commissions once they are on your card if you do a consignment deal, but if you do get in to consignment business, that's one thing you MUST do or else you'll get called a scammer faster than you can pull sweat off of a ambu.

There's very little risk of scams with this idea since everything is being traded at TT value - which also means there's very little risk that you'll lose get burned by paying TT+ for items only to see the prices drop on you the next day... because of overinflation due to marketing hype or some other reason. You pay TT. I pay TT. We both come out ahead in the long run. Slowly, over time, we get more people involved. We grow as a group together, with all of pedcards growing at the same time!
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That is the biggest wall of text I have ever seen!!!


* Now goes back to read it... :computer:
take all the time to read it that you need.

take all the time to read it that you need. It is a bit of an old, yet new, and revolutionary idea... work together with a group of people instead of working as an individual against everyone in the entire community. ... take time to actually figure out a way to do low risk investing in game - while using the principle MA keeps teaching us that "all trades are final," which a lot of people that get wrapped up in all these investment funds tend to forget.

It's also something I myself have started to fall away from by getting in to consignment deals that blow too much of my time irl... time to get back to the basics and KISS method (Keep it Simple, Stupid) - too much complexity is silly. It just makes sense - the cheapest stuff in game is sold at TT prices. Use that knowledge and profit from it with a group of individuals doing the same thing.
Interesting idea. The Web site seems to not be active... Is the network URL in the previous post going to be made available?

I want to be UBER ;)

that ning place still exists. I just have not been using it, lol. The social group is still out there too, but not too active...

I was actually was almost completely inactive in game til they changed the tier system a little while back...

lots of different things still possible, just not a lot interested.... maybe your post and this one might change that going forward?... Now that rent is free, lots more is possible then in the old days when STTS existed.

The social group is https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/group.php?groupid=174

side note - I have opened up consignment deals in my shop again, just to NBK at the moment mostly... and max number of items I'll take on in to consignment deals is max number of items in the shop... see the nbk forums if you are in nbk for more details on all of that.

I also hear that the Growth Fund is doing some consignment deals with it's shop over at deer mall... talk to Nihilist about that. ;) :)
ah, now I recall why I quit using ning... it's not free forever, lol.

Social group for U.B.E.R. does still exist though if folks are interested in using it.