ViagraFalls' diary

Well. I checked my bank account the other day, and just in time for xmas, my withdrawal came through.

I'm happy to report that I walk away with more than I deposited, as unexpected as that was to me, too.

Thank you Lootius!
My new years resolutions

- Move to DK
- Swing dance (once #1 has been achieved)
- Learn to master the guitar
- Get more certified
- Get back into martial arts again
- Actively participate in masonry again
- Finish up the webshop framework I've been thinking about for 2 years
- Live life to the fullest
In response to my last diary post, I am proud to announce that yesterday, after 4.5 years, I became both a Microsoft Certified Application Developer, and a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer for .NET.

I had one exam left to take, and I passed it yesterday :) I've already started reading up for the next exam I'll be taking ;)
And on the First day...

Lootius tried obtaining tickets to Genesis for his loyal servant. But the masses flocked in such great numbers that within an hour, all seats were occupied.

Much groaning, sighing and cursing was heard from Casa di Viagra, until Lootius, The Lord, decided to do His magic.

So, one morning, when the Pope rubbed sleep fom his weary eyes, his gaze fell upon a message proclaiming extra tickets for the concert were available. And the Pope booketeth, and Lootius saw it was good!

Blessed be the Mama of those who cannot Dance, for Jesus is no son of them, as they roam the Land of Confusion, constantly bumping into those who mastered the Invisible Touch.
