(w.i.p) Compendium of monster ped values


Aug 12, 2013
there are alot of tools out there to help players like you or me be more eco but i wasnt able to find a list of average value of mobs "the ped per kill"

so i took a shot at making one my self, its still work in progress but when its finished it will have all the mobs a-z and all their known maturities and levels and each time i kill a mob i record the average value of the items that particular mob dropped in ped, average mark up will be coming later

im hoping to finish a-d by the end of the day


*edit i added a feature that takes into account the weapon your using and if your in a team)
its far from being done but i think once i start logging in more kills it will be a useful tool for beginners and pros alike
*edit #2 ill start hunting this afternoon going from a-z killing 10 of each to start filling in the data

which reminds me if you'd like to help me out with this shoot me a pm and ill add you to the editors list so you can add your data or help me make changes
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Have you seen Scorch's wonderful tool: HERE

Thanks for sharing. +rep.
Have you seen Scorch's wonderful tool: HERE

Thanks for sharing. +rep.
thanks for the life of me i couldn't find anything like that when i was searching myself
i think ill keep this running myself it can work as a log i suppose and who knows raw data may help me be more eco
remember that the loots fall into distinct ranges (multipliers) for example, a mob might have normal loot of .5-2 ped, another range at 10-30 ped, another at 60-150 etc. You should probably try and record these separately.