want to be a juggler?

omt that last part at the end with 5 balls in each hand is just insane!
Yeah, unbelievable that he can pull this off.
I'm a wannabee juggler myself :silly2: 3 balls is really easy now, 4 balls still give me some trouble.
Guess i should keep on practicing during work hours :laugh:
wow :) i never got the hang of juggling :rolleyes:
2 balls is more than enough for me :naughty:

Its only a small section on there but there is a bloke who juggles with chain saws and at the end he juggles on a skateboad balancing on a pipe with only one but its like whooh

his name is Mad Chad

And not to mention but it has lots of other stuff infact I may even start a thread dedicated to pointing this DVD out its just amazing take a look at some of the clips,

it comes with a book that trys (yes I said trys) to show how you to do it along with 3 dvds of cool stuff
Squee said:
Nice one. Still neva understand how those guys get that coordinate and have a life at the same time.

... who says they have a life? :wise:

I can juggle four balls very easily and have at various times in the past been able to throw five balls in the air and catch them in the right hands.

But these guys are on a different planet.

The guy doing five is incredibly skilled because any tricks with five are so difficult. Tricks with three are very easy but it is still very tricky to not make any mistakes when you are varying the tricks so much!

Forrest :)
Wow, the Chris Bliss 3 ball routine is a great illustration about how technical juggling isn't merely about "How many objects can you keep in the air?" Unfortunately, the 5 ball parody on google won't run on my PC for some reason. I'm sure that it's great too, but in either case this really is "poetry in motion!"

My other observation on this as a juggler:

Four and a half minutes is a LOOOONG time for a choreographed routine!
... 4 balls still give me some trouble.

You trying to cascade, or do 2 columns? For columns, practice with 2 in your dominant hand, then practice with 2 in your off hand.

I gots no help for ya for a cascade with 4, mister. LOL
Yep, that's why four never seems to look very impressive - the balls don't swap hands. Still, there are quite a few tricks you can do with four, and I can do about 0.0001% of them :)
I guess you could start one column of 2 a half beat off from the other, then go hand to hand.

That's sheer speculation on my part. I can just barely keep 2 columns in the air for a couple of seconds before the two columns get too wild for me to maintain. Part of it is I throw side-side instead of front-back like most others, apparently.