Wanted: Buddy chat channel


Jan 19, 2007
Avatar Name
Naomi NP Polder

I'm fed up with the out-dated society system. I have a lot of friends in many societies, and in many levels of skills throughout entropia. I would just LOVE to say high, or whatever is on my mind in a chat channel to them.

Here is how it could work:
The same way as we have a vehicle guest list, and that we can select driver or guest seat, one could open the friends list and highlight the attribute 'add to buddy channel' People should also be able to leave someone elses buddy chat channel ofc!, it's got to be a mutual thing.

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What would be the point of soc channel then? :scratch2:
No thanks simply because soc chat would then be useless :laugh:
If I'm not mistaken though, I think I heard Kim say that in the new improved Chat interface, they will allow us to create our own channel - and invite players to it. There's your buddy channel :)
I would love to see a buddy channel. :yup:
Edit: I think I misunderstood, disregard for now.
oc chat would then be useless :laugh:
If I'm not mistaken though, I think I heard Kim say that in the new improved Chat interface, they will allow us to create our own channel - and invite players to it. There's your buddy channel :)

yehey buddy channel...:)
buddy channel please :)

buddy channel please :)

positive thoughts... positive thoughts... :)
Yeah, agree.

Gosh your coming up with some good ideas.

Go work for MA maybe ?
What would be the point of soc channel then? :scratch2:
No thanks simply because soc chat would then be useless :laugh:

not all my buddies are in my soc....
What would be the point of soc channel then? :scratch2:
No thanks simply because soc chat would then be useless :laugh:
If I'm not mistaken though, I think I heard Kim say that in the new improved Chat interface, they will allow us to create our own channel - and invite players to it. There's your buddy channel :)

Oh man... :D

what Kim have said there is really needed... Some people got friends outside the society that they like to stay in touch with =) like former society friends, pvp friends, mining friends, hunting friends... number of category's is endless :D
Kim said they completely reworked chat, it supposed to be changed in June's VU but for 'unforeseen reasons' some of planned changes didn't came through and will be added in first VU after summer (so maybe chat as well).
Some of my more rowdy friends to say, would be nice to have private chat so we can talk as we please to not worry about being proper. Sometimes you just gotta talk like a lonely drunk sailor ;)
I always get a little nervous when I hear that they have completely re-worked something. I hope that the new chat system is good :)

EDIT: I really like the Buddy Chat Channel idea that OP has. +Rep
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bump, still want this :)
Well, if you get your Buddy channel, I want a Turdhead channel. Then, I can drag everyone who pisses me off into it and spam their chat with messages about what jackasses they are.

Do want

Chatting is a really nice feature... the most used, the most known feature as well in game... Improving this to the better will only result in happy people!

(note MA: do not break something else with it that does already work)
Very cool idea!

Oh wow this post made me "Alpha"! :)
(Alpha was my custom forum title and name of my soc in Afterworld... R.I.P.)
While I generally like the idea, I'm not sure how it can be done in practice - my buddies aren't necessarily buddies of each other, so I'd basically gather up a crowd of strangers in one room...
While I generally like the idea, I'm not sure how it can be done in practice - my buddies aren't necessarily buddies of each other, so I'd basically gather up a crowd of strangers in one room...

The same goes sometimes for people within a society, so what's the problem?

Buddy Groups is something that can grow, you can make groups for several purposes:
- best friends
- hunting/teaming group
- people that you can ask for advice
- ...

Also, people can be in several of your groups, however you desire it.
It is an alternative to the outdated soc system.
This way one doesn't have to pm 30 people telling the same every time lol.
Also, it is an interesting way to organise friends, as in, having inner circles, clowds, networking,... way more uptodate then 'all hail the king' of 1 society. We're not at the middle ages anymore, think of real life community websites :)
So what you're saying is that you have a channel that you can assign friends to so that you can chat to them without using the pm system like the team chat channel but without needing a team.

Couldn't this lead to an increasing number of chat channels as we'd become linked to multiple groups through various people. It would also need an acceptance dialog otherwise we'd be getting unwanted messages from people who just dragged us into a channel without our permission.

If it's only one wouldn't it just end up as a global chat channel visible to everyone as we all add people to it.

As for the new and improved chat my only hope is that it isn't based on the nokia voice system we've already got in place. I've disabled that on my system for a reason.
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