WARNING: You need to make regular make visits to the fridge

That guy looks like he was severely overweight. So, you may play for hours at a time, but you need to exercise to keep clots from forming. A clot isn't going to form overnight, so keep the blood moving folks!

Also, a healthy diet is going to reduce clot formation too.
Just goes to show that if you don't look after the RL then there will be no virtual life.

While the deceased looks overweight from the image on the article, I don't for one minute think that DVTs afflict the overweight only. Those of us in good health could also succumb to such an affliction.
This story has a little more information http://whatsonningbo.com/news-4206-...fter-playing-xbox-for-12-hours-at-a-time.html shows you don't have to have any other problem, other than sitting for long periods.

I still feel like there are other factors, because I've seen this type of death in the news before, and usually appears to be people are rather lazy and unhealthy.

Clotting, in general, happens with people who aren't healthy eaters or physical in a daily routine. Good blood flow is going to be the key. As I said, clots don't happen overnight.
While at the fridge, grab some tonic water.

Problem solved.

Thats sad. But if he was playing game for 12 hours at a time,did he not have a job?...or college?..he must have been able to eat though. I find myself losing weight because I won't stop to eat sometimes. But I workout alot too in RL. :scratch2:
Thats sad. But if he was playing game for 12 hours at a time,did he not have a job?...or college?..he must have been able to eat though. I find myself losing weight because I won't stop to eat sometimes. But I workout alot too in RL. :scratch2:

Oh good, you're one of us few Americans who takes the time to workout haha