Welcome to Ca-lyp-sino... Your ultimate guide to profits!



Dec 14, 2006
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James Jambon Zidane
Hello everyone, after looking over the forum and playing the game for a while, I though posting this was vital. I feel that everyone should know exactly how the game works before you get too involved in it to lose sight of the reality of the game.

This is your guide to making money on entropia!

Alright, I'm going to cut right to the chase and then explain my point of view,

*There is only ONE was to really make money for sure playing entropia, and that is to sweat, forever.*

Everything else you can do in the game to make money is essentially gambling, just like pulling the arm of a slot machine. I know there have been alot of people saying this and even more that choose to deny this reality and keep the illusion that they actually have some control over being able to profit in the game. But the fact of the matter is that it's all a gamble and I'm going to explain how in each of these section.

3b)How deposits work
8.cashing out

1. Items - I found it quite odd that there is no explination of what any of the items in the game actually do. There is merely speculation on everyones parts as to what function each item performs. For example, ore amplifiers. There are many theories as to what these items do, the most common theory is that they increase the size of any deposit you find by one size lvl for each lvl of the amplifier. Meaning with a 101 amp a poor IV become a small V and so on... However while this item may seem like a great investment you need to take into consideration that each amp cannot be repaired and reduces in value .5 PED for every use (for a 101 amp it is .5, for a 102 its 1 PED and so on...). The differance between a poor IV and a small V is about .68 PED, meaning an additional profit of .18 PED. However, while this is a profit, you need to look at the other side of the coin, an amp does not increase how often you find deposits, so if you head out with 20 bombs and a 101 amp and hit nothing your losing an addition 50% because of the amp. It recieves decay whether or not you hit something. So look at it this way. Would you say it's fair that you hit 1 out of every 3 bombs you place? if so, that would mean that you are losing 1 PED in decay on the amp to hit one small V that gives you .18 PED of that back, meaning a net loss of .82 PED on your amp.

The only way that amps redeem their value are when you hit sizable deposits that are higher than an X sized deposit. This can be related to putting 2 tokens in a slot machine rather than just one.

This is the same across the board for items and amps. While weapon amps increase you attack they also increase the ammo cost and they decay. While they allow you to kill larger monsters you are still gambling that the bigger monster will drop items worth more than you spent to kill it.

Buying better items like better orefinders cost alot of PED and will only affect your find rate a small %. a change from a maxed lvl 101 orefinder to a maxed lvl 102 ore finder only will increase your find rate 4% (if your lucky enough to find a location that hasn't already been mined), this 4% is based on the the fact you will only increase your average depth 40M per tool lvl and there is a max depth of 1000. Meaning when you upgrade your items you increase your odds but very slightly. All the while, using these higher lvl increases your odds, they also increase your cost. The decay per use costs more. Meaning that while you may only find 4% more finds your costs to use this 4% advantage are increased 8%.

2. Skiling -
many people argue that it's all about your skill lvl and that when you get to a high lvl you'll really start turning a profit. But this is merely speculation as no one REALLY knows what each skill is and how it affects your game play.

There are many misconceptions about how skills affect what you do. For example, the propecting skill does not increase you find rate at all, ever! Your prospect skill only allows you to use the better tools that you need to purchase. You can even test this out, everytime you recieve xp in prospecting look at your skill progress on the next lvl finder. We already covered what advantage the finder lvls have.

Skilling in some areas will increase your success rate, but you need to look at the percentages... there are 14,000 levels to every skill, yes 14 thousand. If you consider you are starting at 0% success rate, with 14,000 skill lvls that means for every 140 lvls you increase 1% in success rate! WOW!

This 1% increase is still good as it's an increase but you have to consider how much PED you have to invest in lvling that skill. For example the long blade skill. You may need to swing an axe 3000 times before you get to lvl 300. each time you swing that axe it costs to .08PED in damage, meaning a total cost of 240 PED to attain that lvl. That lvl which can be sold later for about 20 PED if your lucky (only skill lvl's above 1000 sell for over 100 PED).

While you are skilling you need tobe sure that every monster you kill gives you the amount of PED to cover the cost of killing it or you are losing PED.

3. Mining - Mining is a big crap shoot. Firstly, yes all resources are in the same locations for everyone. I can find a resource in the same place you can. I've already tested this. To explain how mining works I have drawn a picture, which you can see here.

There are multiple level to the ground, the lower lvls hold the most valuable ores (not the biggest deposits, deposit size is completly random). And only those that have the higer skill lvls can mine things at the bottom lvls'. As you increase in skill the depth you can go to in mining increases, slightly. Notice how in your finder it says average depth? well just like an axe that does dmg from 9 - 30 your finder only hits a random max range from 0 - (your finder + skill lvl) averaging what the finder says. Meaning if there is a resource at 300M and your average depth is only 200 you may need to bomb the same place two or three times to hit that resouces 300M below. However it is possible, just as it's possible to get critical hits with an axe, you can get a "critical hit" with your finder that lets you hit something 800M down.

You goal here is basically lvl up to increase you average depth so that you have a better chance of hitting somethign. Since, if you look at my diagram you can see there may be two finds in the same place one at 300M the other at 950M... if your lvl isn't high enough you won't be able to hit the lower one. So increasing your lvl may seem to increase your find rate, but it's just allowing you to mine what was already there.

About the positioning of resources. Yes alot has been said about this too. And yes, there IS a way to pin point where resources are. Although it's nearly imposible and VERY costly. The skill gains you recieve when bombing will paint a picture for you of where thigns are. I'm not going to lay out the WHOLE concept as it would take forever lol. Essentially though...

your skill gain tells you that something is near, this is comprable to fighting with an axe. When you swing that puppy, even if you connect or miss, it's random whether or not you get a skill increase, however you WILL get at least one in fighting any monster as you are doing the thing that allows you to skill. If you try swinging at another person or an object you won't get anything. With this in mind... For mining, you get prospecting for using your finder, randomly of course. Like swinging your axe gives you longblade skill if you hit or miss. Geography tells you there there is something nearby that may or may not be withing your depth range. If you get geo skill xp and no find it 80% of the time means it's too deep for you, 20% of the time it means it's 100 - 300M away from you. Perception affect alot of things in the game, you get perception for doing all sorts of stuff. Not really sure what it means in mining though. And intellegence lvl's with an increase in perception.

Higher your perception the higher your intellegence goes. For ever 100 perception xp gotten you get an intellegence boost. Knowing this, it's a matter of gambling, all those added thigns increase your luck, for a cost. You take 20 bombs and bomb and area trying to cover as much ground as possible. Hopeing that..

a)the place hasn't just been bombed, and if it was it was done by a noob that couldn't get anything deep down
b)There are resources spawned in that location
c)The deposits are within your depth range
d)The deposits are big enough to give you a profit

All these things come into play. And if the planets are in alignment with all these factors you may get a hit.

3b)How deposits work - Well deposits are set like this. The game tracks ever PED make from people selling resources to the TT and buying bombs. It takes this value every hour, lets say for this example it's 1000 PED and it says, ok game, make a random number of random sized deposits of random resources with a total value of 900 PED (the extra 100 PED is their profits, and yes I know your gonna say if this were the case they would have no ped...blah blah, however all income made from everything
is know and processed, if weapons makes a larger profit those profits spill into something lacking like ore), once those deposits are made it places them randomly on the map and random depths, pertaining to what a resouces min depth is. Eg, gold can't be found at less that 700M. And there you go. It might get more complex than that but that's the general idea.

4. Hunting - Hunting again is another random game. You get a weapon that does big damage to kill big game monsters to give you bigger loot. Just like mining. However there are the added costs of not just you weapon damage, but armor and med packs.

The size of the monster determines it's maximum loot. You won't get a global off the weakest monster in the game very often. However keep in mind that there is that .05% of globals that get put in the noob areas to allow even new weak people to hit a jackpot. The only thing I'm thankful for is that armor is fairly resiliant. It usually takes a long while for your armor to get damaged, at least a much slower rate than your melee weapon. You are investing money into good gear, repairs, and a med pack, to fight bigger monsters that have a better chance of dropping bigger loot. loot sizes are determined by the profits made at the repair terminal and the TT for ammo.

5. Selling - proclaimed to be the biggest money make in entropia. And it can be, all the really good money comes in selling stuff to other people, not to the TT. However, the down side to this is that it becomes a gamble selling anything at auction.

Since you have to pay a non refundable fee for listing your item. If it doesn't sell your still stuck with the item minus some ped for listing it. And to make it even harder to profit at auction, the fee's for listing items are differant depending of what you are trying to sell. For example, lysterium you can sell to someone for 107% fairly easy, however the auction chages you like 16% of total value to list the item. turning your 7% profit into a 1% profit. You only way to sell really effectivly is to sell that the town center, but that get tedious and annoying when you have to be there the whole time constantly spamming the chat with what your trying to sell. Unlike every other mmorpg that allows you to simple open a little shop, sell your goods while the windows open then leave.

If you want to sell things in a shop you can too, but that becomes a HUGE gamble. Reason being that you have to pay a monthly fee to have the store open. Which means that while you are selling these goods you need to profit enough to cover costs of your rent and enough to make it worth your time to sell stuff. If you have ever been to an ingame store it's a sad state of affairs, prices are usually much higher than in the auction or at the town center reason being that they are just trying to make enough to survive.

The other added "bonus" to having a store is that there really are none that are easilly accessed. Most are 16 thousand miles out in the boonies are require you to navigate through a maze to find the stores. Like the shops at oxford. Now with the new lag malls everywhere it should make it a bit easier for peopel to get to your store, however the deisgn of the stores is still very poor, most stores in the mall are the size of coffins and lag when no one or stores are even in them, I'd hate to see it when it's full of people and stores... 3 steps forward 2 steps back (you know what I'm talking about). So owning a store is a gamble that you are going to be able to sell your goods and make enough money to cover your 60 - 120 PED per month fee for the store.

6.Land - buying land is great to make money as you will collect a % on peoples sales, loots or ore finds. however, it's a gamble becasue it's typical that you need to spend $15,000 USD to buy some land. Of which you need to make back though your commmissions. And personally I don't know too many people that like shopping, hunting or mining in places that charge a commission, as most people are losing money as is and when they get a good loot or find they don't wanna have to give up the 4% or more of it.

7. Sweating
- your only way to make money for sure. Again it's all about being lucky enough to get sweat off a monster before they kill you. Just standing close to one is enough to set them off. While you need to invest no PED into sweating, you need to invest like 60 Hours a week for a couple months before the money you make becomes mentionable. For the first 200 lvls you'll be lucky to make 7 USD a week, at 1000 lvls' you can get about 15 USD a week for 60 hours work. You really need to get to lvl 14,000 before you can start making like 100 USD a week. And even then everyday sweat price is dropping. When the game started sweat was worth 4.5 PEC per bottle, now your lucky to get 0.8 PEC per bottle. And I see this value dropping even more
as new VU come out and they make sweating harder. Plus in order to make any money with sweat you MUST sell it to players, you can't tt it unless you want .01 PED per 1000 bottles. And oddly enough sweating is a skill you can't sell... Funny how that works eh? The only skill that allows you to make money and MA want's to limit those who have high skill lvls.

8. Cashing out - before you go and invest 6 billion hours of your life making MA money, you should look over their cash out policies... If you want to cash out you need to have over 100 USD in your account AND you will be required to wait 90 business days to get your money. yes 90 business days!! Translating to about 4.5 months!!! That's a long time to wait for $100 especiialy when you've just spend the last 6 sweating for it. And during the entire cashout wait period you still need to be active or they'll close you account and keep your winnings. Pretty chinsy.

That's pretty much the run down of the game. It's nearly impossible to profit consistently. And the only way to profit consistently requires you spend over 40 hours a week at it, and log on every day or your account will be close and all PED forfeit due to inactivity. You might as well just get a job :p so "your welcome to explore the possiblities" as they put it in there propaganda ingame ads. But don't expect too much.

So yes, sorry to have this drag on but it's essential everyone knows what they are getting into before hand... I may make another post explaining more about skills and items but we'll see if there is a responce for it. I know what the bulk of items and skills do after investing TOO much time and money finding out.

So be forewarned about this game, that all the vital info is pretty self serving in the game, MA will feed you alot of propaganda but anything worth knowing about the game you'll need to find out on your own or ask people. Either way it will most of the time be speculation.

I don't want everyone getting all uppity and flamy with this thread... this is just the truth as I see it. You can figure it out for yourself. I personally have found this out and am sharing it with everyone. I'm leaving this game as soon as my last PED runs out and I am going to be building a new mmorpg that incorporates a real cash economy and eliminates the casino feeling from it. I've already got 2 million worth of investors lined up and up for more. If your interested post here and I'll contact you.

There are ways to make money in entropia but it really requires you to think outside of the box. All the traditional ways are a gamble.

Remember to MA the only thing that matters is their profits. The game is designed for them to profit, just like a casino, the house always wins.

Cheers to everyone, I wish you all the luck in the the world trying to crack MindArks Entropian Ca-lyp-sino.
Life is a gamble. ;)
why'd you post this thread twice?
It's a game, play it like one ;)
(even when they state it's not)
why'd you post this thread twice?

wasn't really sure where to put it to be honest, and thinking from the position of a n00b this is the first section I'd come to. And I wanted n00bs to read it.

However, seasoned pros probably wouldn't come here... so... ya two posts :p
This should be stickyed for it contains more info then MA have ever put out themselves and acts as a true guide for newbies on what they can expect. Join and play the game for fun, just be aware if you think, because its real money ingame,doesn't mean making money.

Its for MA to profit at your expense and give you enjoyment/entertainment in return.
How long have you been playing?

I mean both, ingame time and having an account?

Just curios.

You missed in your withdrawal section the fee that MA takes from each withdrawal.
This should be stickyed for it contains more info then MA have ever put out themselves and acts as a true guide for newbies on what they can expect. Join and play the game for fun, just be aware if you think, because its real money ingame,doesn't mean making money.

Its for MA to profit at your expense and give you enjoyment/entertainment in return.

thank you, that's exactly what this thread is about!

If your playing for fun great, but don't expect profiting to be a walk in the park ;)
How long have you been playing?

I mean both, ingame time and having an account?

Just curios.

You missed in your withdrawal section the fee that MA takes from each withdrawal.

Yes, and upon telling you how long I've been playing the flaming will start be w/e I've been playing for about 1 week. That's all and in that time this is the impression I've gotten from speaking with people and my own experiances. As well as doing dozens of tests.

ahh yes, I forgot to mention that wonderful fee they take, thx for pointing that out.
why'd you post this thread twice?

So he can get people to ask him about...

I'm leaving this game as soon as my last PED runs out and I am going to be building a new mmorpg that incorporates a real cash economy and eliminates the casino feeling from it. I've already got 2 million worth of investors lined up and up for more. If your interested post here and I'll contact you.

besides, he does not want experienced players to contradict him...1 week playing...says alot...:rolleyes:

Cheers :beerchug:
thank you, that's exactly what this thread is about!

If your playing for fun great, but don't expect profiting to be a walk in the park ;)

anyone thinking playing an MMO and making money would be easy, is on some good drugs :D
Well, you're wrong in many aspects of what you said, I think.

First of all and most important, you don't need to log in every day, MA will return your empty character (no skills, no items) if you don't log for one year, but not one day ! Second, there's no one TT-ing their minerals or enmatters to terminal, or maybe just 1 % of what they get that have a very low markup.

I don't want to start writing the irregularities I see in your post, they are too many.

You should play more than a week before starting to write a guide.

Are you romanian ? Your nickname says so, it's the translation of 'ham' from English.

Have a nice day.
Well, you're wrong in many aspects of what you said, I think.

First of all and most important, you don't need to log in every day, MA will return your empty character (no skills, no items) if you don't log for one year, but not one day ! Second, there's no one TT-ing their minerals or enmatters to terminal, or maybe just 1 % of what they get that have a very low markup.

I don't want to start writing the irregularities I see in your post, they are too many.

You should play more than a week before starting to write a guide.

Are you romanian ? Your nickname says so, it's the translation of 'ham' from English.

Have a nice day.

I've been asked that twice lol no I'm not romainian.

and yes some of what I said may be slightly exadurated, you may not need to log in everyday to be active, however if you've got like $3,000 you don't want to become unactive and have them seive everything, cause I could be wrong but last I check there was no info on account inactivity and how long you could be gone before being considered inacitve.
So he can get people to ask him about...

besides, he does not want experienced players to contradict him...1 week playing...says alot...:rolleyes:

Cheers :beerchug:

don't be a jerkoff! I already posted explained why I posted twice, see above, and I don't care if people ask me or contact me about my mmorpg, I've already got 2 mil backing it, like a care.

And I would love expericance players to give there adivce rather than shutting thigns down how about you put your money where your mouth is and give some advice? Your pretty quick to be like "no no, your wrong" but I havn't seen you ONCE post anything about how things are differant than what I'm saying. So unless your gonna offer your opinion about how thigns works please do us all a favor and shut it, no one likes a childish flamer!
I've been asked that twice lol no I'm not romainian.

and yes some of what I said may be slightly exadurated, you may not need to log in everyday to be active, however if you've got like $3,000 you don't want to become unactive and have them seive everything, cause I could be wrong but last I check there was no info on account inactivity and how long you could be gone before being considered inacitve.

1 year, it does say that on their site i belive, its where i learned it form. maybe the FAQ . and you would loose you ped balance, they just TT your gear for you
why does the name "alexis" ring a bell here ;)

as i also posted in your other duplicate thead (forum rules? )
status said:
there are proven ways, but do you think anyone is willing to share it that easy
I know ways to make PED, but do you think im gunna share it with you when 1, i dont know you, 2 your attitude, 3 cause i worked hard to learn it and, 4 cause you right, this game is not for every one soo :wave:
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don't be a jerkoff! I already posted explained why I posted twice, see above, and I don't care if people ask me or contact me about my mmorpg, I've already got 2 mil backing it, like a care.

And I would love expericance players to give there adivce rather than shutting thigns down how about you put your money where your mouth is and give some advice? Your pretty quick to be like "no no, your wrong" but I havn't seen you ONCE post anything about how things are differant than what I'm saying. So unless your gonna offer your opinion about how thigns works please do us all a favor and shut it, no one likes a childish flamer!

And so we resort to name calling because someone disagrees with you (-rep).

Unlike some people, I don't try to tell others how they should play, if they should play, or anything else. I think everyone can decide for themselves. I also don't think I am qualified to write a guide after only one year on calypso, what makes you think you can do it after only one week?

I only offer my point of view on the issues that people post about on this forum, they are my views and can be taken any way one wishes.

Shut up??? me? I don't think so...:rolleyes:

Cheers :beerchug:
And I would love expericance players to give there adivce rather than shutting thigns down how about you put your money where your mouth is and give some advice?

You would have gotten a lot of advice and help if this thread was called "here are my theories, what do you think?". Instead you present false assumptions based on your tiny knowledge of this game as facts and evidence of why the game sucks.

This thread should be removed instantly from the noob section before a noob actually reads it.
OOOooooOOOOoooOOo Double Thread :D.

Maybe you should have checked out Alices guide before depositing, shes really has some good advice on playing economically... Also Pinkys guide is a good guide to make peds ingame...
And so we resort to name calling because someone disagrees with you (-rep).

Unlike some people, I don't try to tell others how they should play, if they should play, or anything else. I think everyone can decide for themselves. I also don't think I am qualified to write a guide after only one year on calypso, what makes you think you can do it after only one week?

I only offer my point of view on the issues that people post about on this forum, they are my views and can be taken any way one wishes.

Shut up??? me? I don't think so...:rolleyes:

Cheers :beerchug:

but you think your qualified to condemn someone that does?
but you think your qualified to condemn someone that does?

Of course, I am extremely qualified to point out that a one week noob can not know enough about EU to teach others. Not one of your opinions are based on personal experience, that is all I need to know. If anyone out there needs a guide, there are those mentioned by Mikah previously.

Have fun :)
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I don't understand why this and the other thread hasn't already been shut down ... it's very clear that the motive here is not only to discredit MA, but to also promote and solicit for your own game development ...

If an Admin disagrees with this decision, they can reopen this thread, but I find it highly unlikely given the content, so please do not post this again ...

Therefore .. :locked: