What happened to mining?

My dear Jorael, the explanation is very simple: You are in your 'unlucky' period. No matter what you do, how you mine or where you will get nothing. Same goes for hunting, but I don't know if those 2 flags (mining and hunting 'lick' flag) are maybe the same one (I have a felling it is but I cant confirm it).

Well in my experience they are both the same flag when you are in the BIG loss period. Not to be confused with the "some days hunting is better, some days mining is better" kind of period :)
Only good thing I would point out as I have seen some ores going up in price/demand due to fewer miners. For instance, on auction, zinc is like 130% or so now. The markup will balance stuff out I have a feeling. Especially as more (L) items are used up. My :twocents:
I have as bad mining as anyone else here, but i have experienced this before, there can be very long periods of nonprofit, then suddenly you get a month or something with mostly profit or atleast breakeven, and perhaps a really big find. Then the bad period comes again...
I think its suppose to be like this for quite many, to make the market alive, a moving market is like a moving river, if the river is standing still then it dies...
As many of my soc members of pac also feels, its kinda crappy mining, doesnt matter what tools or skills you have, it plainly is bad.
I often mine for 500ped or so / day, and my returns last months wherever i go, is 30% or so...

It seems that this VU have been best for crafters, and i have to say its the first time they had it this good too in all of entropias history :O, so they deserve it.
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Made two runs today, 150tt return for 200bombs and 235tt for 200 bombs (no globals, not cnd). I don't amp and 200 takes more than an hour to drop so it's far from a short run and lucky run. Remember to use your personal mining theories because you will do worse than a random run only if your theory is right and you misapplied it :)
my mining sucks too , i don't even have that noobs luck anymore, well dont think i ever did . ive just maxed the mf211 still cant find anything bigger than tiny lol
i really gotta say that mining sucks atm, i now have 211, and max it and everytime i mine i lose peds, but before i mined with tt shit, and found more deposits then iv found with 211 so far.
and iv been on cnd sevral times, only found 209 peds lyst (max)

so i think it sucks lol :S

Recorded more carefully now since wanted to update info here...

During last week made 8 mining runs 150boms each on Amethera.
Used of-105 and multiple oa101's and 2 oa103's.

Total 1200 bombs
Result: 89,3% on tt value back (included decay to costs) :)
(worst run 73%, best run 98%, not a single hof)

So mining is just the same as been for a long time now.
I love markup on ores :yay:

mining has been better than ever for me in this VU really. Been loosing all the way since december last year so it`s finally my turn to actually get something back :D This is the case about ores though, but when it comes to enmatters i dont find shit with my enmatterfinder 104...... :confused:

I have been testing out amps too, but i get better results without them so i spend it on bombs instead :cool:


I have to agree with zap and the nightbird.

I'm using 105s with 101 amplifiers. I can't afford anything better. I always calculate return in terminal value. I don't include HoFs (what are those, anyway?). horrible runs are 70%. good ones are 110%. average is around 80-85%.

the return is pretty much the same as it has always been for me.

oh, I'm looking for both ore and energy. when one of them is poor, it drags my average down. I should be more careful, but I like to end the parallel runs at the same time. this is certainly a bad habit that I'm trying to break.
last two runs are 230 and 220tt back for 200bombs each run, don 't remember some earler ones but all profit so far
Ive been mining for 4 years now and I have allways done well! But the last 2 month has been really, really bad for me! It feels like some kind of a bug! :) Hope it get better or else I might stop playing! I play because I love mining, but right now......boring! :) But as I always say:

-Better days are coming! ;)
yeah mining has been crapy for me ive been doing 50ped runs when i can and get like 5 to 15ped returns and havent found a single deposit over small since the VU
Hi Jor,

Since I decided to axe crafting I have recently gone back to using my MD-50 and ED-50 unamped and give my L finders a break since I have been hitting them hard for a while and I want to save the tt for days when I can really concentrate on mining.

I had about the same experience you are having with my first 213(L) ore amp. I figured I would amp the hell out of it and hit CND and every where else. I did eventually end up with a ~780 ped gazz which at the time was my biggest hof in mining but that was it through the entire tt of the finder. I did seem to do alright though and I did not experience extreme losses even after the 213 tt ran out and I went back to my MD-50 once again.

I do alright with my MD-50/105 setup unamped it just takes me longer to accumulated enough ore to sell on the market which lately has not mattered much since my auction spaces are currently filled with BPs.

I recently picked up a 212(L) because the price became reasonable and it has paid me back the initial investment through decent finds and I got my biggest hof to date a 890 ganganite lol MA is holding onto that 1K for me ;)

I have been mining for quite a while and seen lots of changes. While I have never gotten a tower in mining I tend to make more ped in that profession on a consistent basis but there are times I scale back to no amps, less decay, and I take less bombs out. I have noticed that lately things seem askew but I am not sure if another ATH is building or its just a flux in crafting or a transition of people taking time off because of the Holidays.

Its strange but I tend to notice that right before a VU loot is either really good (like MA is clearing out storage before the next VU) or its really crappy (like MA has let its quota of loot go for the VU so its bare bones until the next) This is just a speculation but maybe the balancing manager is busy with pre VU stuff and just lets the system auto pilot for a while who really knows.

My basic theory is that if loot stinks bad then stop what you are doing and try something else since there is no sense throwing peds into something that is not enjoyable. Granted it might take me loosing a few in a row before I change up or scale back.

My only gripe about mining lately is MA making some of the best finders in game (MD-50, ED-50, MF105, and the like) and making them mediocre at best.

The last two VUs have changed things a bit and people are either adapting their game play or leaving. The rubberbanding VU sent many people to the crafting machines and this last VU seemed to polarize many people you either could live with the changes or it was the straw that broke the camel's back. So that being said slight changes in game play can and do affect us all.

This last VU kind of went over like a wet thud all the awesome changes were kind of outshined by the amp nerf and the auction changes. So if there are less people playing buying less crafted items there will be less resources being cycled through the system which will make it harder on us all. What I also noticed is the lack of benefit using the new weapon amps. While using a mining amp gives noticeable benefit (L) weapon amps don't seem to have that fervent cycle like mining equipement and mining amps do maybe that will show up later and things will normalize.

This next VU could be pivitol.
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next run, 299tt for 200bombs, no globals but still nice :)
Im curious... is every skilled miner having the same results as me? I recently used 2/3 of an OF212 maxed. I got 2 relevant stones (tridenite and maganite) with it.. 1 stone of each. No Hof's, rarely i profited in a run, and when i did profit something, the next run i would lose the profit and some more.

I mined everywhere, CND, Eudoria, Amethera... And still had big losses. So i decided to change to OF105, and the result is the same. *edit* although 105 gives me more average finds.

Im kind of in shock, as some other friends are complaining about not finding anything, and having constant runs with 25% return.

On the other hand, i keep seeing noobs getting big hofs.

Is it worth to skill mining? Or is it just me who is jinxed?

Im just perplex with this.

I use a 212 but am maxed on the 213 (haventlooked at 214) and Ihave had no problems at all. I find just as I always have. I have taken a break from ore though to skillmy en since it is wildly lacking. Now enmatter has sucked for sure but I think it is more due to the fact that my skills suck.
Soc mate and I recently did a team mining run. His skills are slightly less than mine. Same equip 211(L) (we're both maxed) 100 bombs each. Same general area (Stayed just within radar range).

Not counting his 1,300 HOF, :eek: he still did W-A-Y better than me. I didn't come close to breaking even. He profited big time. The HOF (and it's 125% markup) was just serious icing.

We were literally right next to each other the whole time, but the difference in what we found was amazing. Them's just the breaks.