What will you call your revived pet?

Few Scars

Aug 18, 2009
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Bjorn Bjorn Longstaff
We are seeing the SDS teasers, the statues etc. Our pets will be revived with some luck this month. Beyond the emotional reunions, the tears of joy at seeing our beloved, starving pets again we may have the options to do many new things.
It is hoped that we can ride, fly and even PvP with them. There was a trend to name them for advertising, but when the Taming release comes, what will you call your old or new pet?

I miss my little Daiki...
I will keep his name!! Killer!! :laugh: (dakiba stalker) Just seems right to me!! ;)
Geriatric .
one of them will be called Starvin' Marvin. the other will be called OPEC... The third will be called Lazarus..
I find it funny people seem so certain that pets are coming in the next sds vu.
Mine was fairly original I named my Dakiba: Fluffy
His name is and will allways be "Köttbulle", he is a Exosaur Stalker. (Köttbulle is Swedish for Meatball).

Then he have several brothers and cousins in sleeping together with him in hibernation, the names of thouse I don't really know yet.
all names stays as they are
I had one special pet that I called RobVee Junior. He must be very hungry by now... :whip:

Shameless plug
Are you reading this and would you like to have a pet too? Just visit RobVee's Pet Shop at the Medusa Bazaar, floor 2, shop 2! There a still a few Pet Deeds for sale!
My snablesnot male young is called Big Frank :cool: I used to have a daikiba stalker and he was called Little Johnny! ;)
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Next release will contain hangars, maybe not even space travel, still no pets.

So no, I don't think about a pet name yet.

I am going to tame a Levi and name it BugEyeBoo. :laugh:
I will rename him to "don't get your hopes set up too high, we are dealing with MA and it's just a client stability fixasaurus"
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I think I have 4 left and I will call them all "Forceaile"

Pronounced 4 sale
I will call them what I always have ... useless.

thinking ill rename my pet from snot rocket(snable ;)) to insert more coins :silly2:
Dead Meat.

Optionally: roadkill (this will get Johan going :) )
i prefer to keep it short and simple... i will have exo and daki
Looking for tamed Gibnib lvl7, will decide how to call him latter.
I have 4 pets. No idea what they are. Think the one was once called Meep
Mine will be named VU20
Mine will be named "Traveller" after Rober E Lee's Horse.

Hey... it's just who I am :)
