Question: What would you do if a 100K PED ATH comes your way?

What would you do if a 100k ATH will comes your way?

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As frustrated in EU as I am Id prolly buy more chips fill them, wait for them to sell, auction gear, and start the withdrawl process.

Sit home waiting for 9 months for check to arrive and scream like a little girl when it comes. Deposit the check, immediately withdrawl enough for a major drunken weekend and have fun.

Suffering from the hangover the day after the weekend I would get up, smile at the sun, grab my junk and wave it to the east as I yell fare thee well to MA after realizeing I did not break even after all with the extra fees to get the money back home.
Wonder how long it will last if you click it away on amp's condition style, over and over ......

I believe TCS Matty AA is trying to figure that one out :D

I'll ask him how far into this project he is so far
I'd put 20k into my hunting stash....aka.....low gen drone hunts FOREVER! :D

I'd drop 10k into goodie's, better mining finder's, armor

I'd throw 10k into a UL weapon as an investment

Keep 10k for bomb's

Take the remaining 50k out and buy myself a milkshake or 30 :D
I'd like to think I'd know what to do, but to be honest, I don't. It's one of those situations where you don't know what you'd do untill it actually happens, for me atleast.

Withdraw 75-80%, keep the rest, invest in skills/items ;)
Withdraw 90k ( for that amount of money I work here about 3 years.. )
I will probably get credit for more money and buy myself some nice apartment to not pay rent anymore..

For 10k left, I will first go in sweat camp and organize some nice little event for newbies. Price will be some starting equipment.

Then I will organize some event for my soc. Also I will give some money to generals, they will know what to do with that money.

Rest money I will keep for some nice little shop and to keep skilling ;)
I voted withdraw most and reinvest a small amount...But I am not too sure now. If it was a couple of years ago I would have bought a hangar and became a pilot ingame but alas, the prices have rocketed! I would probably buy an Adj Fap to be honest, if I had a little extra, maybe an imp fap, and get skilling :D

I would chill out at swamp camp and heal for hours ;)
Frankenberry-NBK Legion
where is the option: "burn it all and feel sorry afterwards"? :laugh:

No probably Withdraw a part and invest a bit. But I wont get it anyway.
where is the option: "burn it all and feel sorry afterwards"? :laugh:

No probably Withdraw a part and invest a bit. But I wont get it anyway.

Sorry Henceforth... I missed that one; ohh... and by the way, you're not a believer? :rolleyes:
- Buy a V1 and an Adjusted V1.

- Create a wonderfull new outfit to be a little more unique.

- Keep the rest of the money ingame , not neccesarely to use it all up in a few weeks but just to keep playing like I play now with the only difference I would spend ammo faster because of the V1 purchases :)


Ahh i would be able to hunt without depo for about a year.. awesome.
A year after I joined PE I would have answered I'd withdraw enough to cover my deposits to that point and use the reset ingame but now I'd either withdraw the lot asap or wait for the exchange rate to go in my favour before I game MA the chance to claw it back.
Withdraw some to "even" out what i've put 2 new kick ass computers Crytek able.... 1 for my wife who currently doesn't play, but hopefully with a new puter, I might be able to convince her...

then go buy more amps, bombs, and what else....look for another ATH! :D :laugh:
i think i would the money back in game i do not know how or in to what i might chip in and buy some equipment may be a la but would see how we go over the next year now there is so plan to go forward with the planet.but hold on a minute 100k is never going to happen ever although a good way to get new player "you might just hit a 100k hall of fame" and it might even get us older player playing hard and longer.
Amazing... by far, the biggest portion of voters chose "Re-invest all in game".

I thought a lot about the value of the virtual ATH, before making the poll; I wanted a sum that it's not too big, but not too small either. I'm happy that apparently, I made the right compromise.

Please keep voting Ladies and Gents... this might be turn very useful indeed, at least from a Social Study standpoint.
I would withdraw 2001 peds so i could use the word "profit" without sounding like complete idiot. :yay:
100K ATH I will leave it ingame. MA will make sure it cost me 100K before my luck come back lol.

Treasure hunt in PA?:scratch2:

prolly would withdraw most
Sorry Henceforth... I missed that one; ohh... and by the way, you're not a believer? :rolleyes:

I can hope but Im realistic :D

There are not every day 75k towers or +100k UNL guns in the loot