when did u get your 1st HOF?

when did u get your 1st HOF in your main profession?

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Sep 26, 2006
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Don Roberto Roberto
I started to play like 2 and a half years ago
I had a break for about 1 year, then I started to play again a couple of months ago
I have 181 total attributes (without HP)
I`m close to lvl 32 laser sniper hit naturally, not chipped (hunting is my main profession)
for the last couple of month I did mostly long runs (300-400 peds worth of ammo/run) usually 3-5 runs/day
I don`t go for the wrong mobs for my level
I hunt mostly feffs (kobold + 2a plates), troxies (ghost+5b), ambu, armax, sometimes longu high maturities, u know the mobs at this level
I`m using maxed L weapons (sometimes I go for the next 9,5 HA in the serie)
now I`m just wondering.. wth am I doing wrong? why I didn`t get a solo hof yet?
am I the only one doing it wrong?
some1 told me there are 90% of the players at this level who didn`t get a solo hof yet, yet I know in game A LOT of ppl with 25% of my skills that still got their hof..
so this is why I made this poll.. some whining mood, yes, but I really wanna know how this goes for other ppl too..
There weren't even levels back when I got my first - so I didn't answer the poll.

Pick a different mob - go mine on CND with a big amp - craft on full condition.
One of those 3 will surely give you your first hof.

Good luck !! :beerchug:
Think it was around level 19 or so :D
11,7k atrox :yay:
got my 1st hof (12k uber) from a bery stalker not so long after serenpedity
(was hunting the same way as you: trox/trax, feff/argo/drones...)

now i'm lvl 43 and i'm waiting for my next one :cool:
be patient and don't give up
still waiting for mine:( Had a bunch in mining, but all I want is a solo hunting hof:laugh:
There weren't even levels back when I got my first - so I didn't answer the poll.

Pick a different mob - go mine on CND with a big amp - craft on full condition.
One of those 3 will surely give you your first hof.

Good luck !! :beerchug:

Pick a different mob - I did even revival killing on falx for hours.. not even a global lol
go mine on CND with a big amp - I was asking about a hof in the main profession, I don`t have enough skills to play it right in another profession... :) (btw, would you do it only to get a HOF? and how much will cost you? I`m talking about normal game play..)
craft on full condition - see above

thanks for the :beerchug: though, I`ll also have a :smoke: with it :)
oh and I voted "after lvl 50" just hoping I`ll get it at least then lol
Last week, in an event. I think the trick is to stop even thinking about globals or HOFs then they pop up and make you say silly things in chat :laugh:

still waiting for mine:( Had a bunch in mining, but all I want is a solo hunting hof:laugh:

Afraid the same goes for me... Lvl 32 laser sniper with no hof hunting. Plenty mining. Eventually I'll pop the right mob at the right time. So will you.
around lvl 15 prospector. burned like 5 103 amps with crappy returns and then 1200 pedder of narc popped up.

anyway hofs are nothing to "want". I would appreciate stable return instead of CND style loose lot get some back later.
besides that if You really want hof spent a lot and spent fast. breakeven or profit not guaranteed. :silly2: (sometimes changing professions help a bit too)

hunting hof: time & location unkown yet.
My first hof was special. I have been playing for 2 years or more. When I was around lvl 15 laser sniper hit.
I was just having fun shooting some daikibas/combibos at swamp camp.
Then suddenly after the 5th one. BANG!!!
A daikiba young 364 ped!!! :D
It was totally unexpected.:laugh:

I got my first hof about 2 years ago... it was my first global even.. there was no lvl's back then so dunno what to answer and vote...

lol edit.... 3 years even, damn I have played almost 3 years, felt like 2 ^^
What YourMom said, easiest way to lose your hof virginity.
Though it might be a painful one so i'd recommend to keep hunting
mobs suited for your lvl and wait for the big one instead :)
First question: What do you consider a HOF? Now day you can HOF from a 50 pedders. IF you really want to have your name on the HOF list then start playing from 00:00 MA time and dont stop until you get that HOF.

IMHO, who's really give a flying folk if it HOF or Globals. On a 500 peds ammo run I rather have ten 40 pedders than one 200 ped HOF or three 50 ped globals. :ahh::ahh::ahh:
I was asking about a hof in the main profession, I don`t have enough skills to play it right in another profession... :)

Well, then the choices are simple & pretty limited.
Either change mobs or camp one mob forever. (I vote ambu)
I'm sure you'll hof at one point or another.
Altho after 2.5 years - you could have one of those really unlucky avatars and never hof. :eek:

Best of luck :thumbup:
im lvl 45 hit and got 1 245ped esto "hof" at lvl42 or somethin..(i dont count those at hofs if they aint top 25)

4 team hofs tho...

coz of that shit i changed my main proff to mining.. lvl30 prospector and around 20 hofs
First question: What do you consider a HOF? Now day you can HOF from a 50 pedders. IF you really want to have your name on the HOF list then start playing from 00:00 MA time and dont stop until you get that HOF.

that could take a year... if were talking about hunting
So far i've hof'd once in 2.5 years and it was completely random. I was hunting in one location, got bored thought I'd try another mob and got a 800ped hof on the second kill. That was in Sep 07 when a hof was a hof.

Your better off not hunting for them, they'll find you.
Still waiting for mine.

I did however FINALLY get my 2nd and 3rd solo globals. My first was like two frickin' years ago! So yeah...with my luck, it'll be a long time before i get my first HOF!
nice idea for a poll but the poll is poor... since not many people are over 30 mining and msot minign hofs are say in the 15-30 range itll mix in wiht hunters levels

So will give a worthless outcome :)

fyi lvl12 mining
chose before level 10 because regardless of whether or not there were levels when I started, I had only been playing for a couple of weeks (I arrived 11/25/2005) and was getting my tps .. ended up at the outpost south of nymph, ran west, met faucer young .. using an enablade-a .. I switched to ranged weapons shortly after, haven't bothered trying to skill up since then.

sorry i cannot participate at this poll. I m at 50 laser pistoler hit profession, in 3 years i kill alone or in team all the different kind of mobs in eudoria-amethera, i m a depositer, i don t like at all chip-in and:
that is all
Haven't gotten any yet....
i just guesstimated at my level, as they didnt have them back when i started, i got my first hof on feffoid. north of fury within 2 weeks of starting game, i couldnt have been more than level 10...
Haven't gotten any yet....

are you serious??? well you are a senior member here in forums, perhaps spend more time in game and you might... i'm kidding....you have got globals though???
I am sorry to hear you havn't had your solo hof yet. In due time I am sure it will happen. I was lucky to get one in feburary. I recall not having marksmanship yet so I was very low in skill at that time.

I think the trick is to stop even thinking about globals or HOFs then they pop up and make you say silly things in chat :laugh:
I agree with this not thinking about them helps alot.

anyway hofs are nothing to "want". I would appreciate stable return instead of CND style loose lot get some back later.
I think this as well

Your better off not hunting for them, they'll find you.

Yup hof are out of our control. If it is going to happen it will if not it won't.

Really I feel it is a matter of time for us all to get one we just don't know when. Best of luck to everyone and have fun:D
I got my first solo hof in mining within 200 peds of probing (melchi - about 400 peds).

But that isn't my primary profession here.

I got my first solo hof in hunting about a year back (was about level 30 in laser pistoleer) ~1k peds feffoid.

I just got my 2nd solo hof hunting a few hours back ~ 500 peds trox.

Been here about 2,3 years, and I have had only 2 solo hunting hofs and 2 mining hofs.

Lots of solo hunting globals but hofs are very elusive for me. :)
I got my 2 first HoF about 2 week after starting, 1 mining about 1k lyst other one at the rig in team about 1k ped trox guardian :D

My highest was 11k molisk The day before my birthday on february