When gratz'd do you have to anwer nowadays?

Sonya Heart

Apr 25, 2006
-= Sodan Shadows =-
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Sonya Blade Heart
just curious,

Im sitting there doing a damper run, watching the tv and apparently global, speakers off and not really looking at the screen (c'mon how many times do u Global on damper :D) anyway I only notice after a glance at the screen to see a load of residue.

I scroll up and sure enough theres a global with 1 comment that includes a gratz,

What doesnt look like much later is the comment i then get "U autoclicking?"

If someones crafting and esp when u know that they are doing something mind numbing like dampers do you REALLY expect them to be focusing on the screen much?

Should you sit there attentivly lookin just in case u global and have to answer a gratz?

Anyway ive answered him and no further reply so I guess he's AC'n now :D

Just anoying so thought I would see what u guys thought on it.
cmoon, that's weak :ppp xD
to each his own. If you elect to turn off your speakers and drown yourself in something else while mindlessly clicking away on dampers, that's ok.

The fact that you took the time to read up in the chat and see that someone had noticed your global and congratulated you... and then you took the time to reply is another "completely up to you" thing.

I gratz people all the time. I say hello to people all the time... if they reply, great.. if not, not worries... many people are flooded with PM's when they global, so it isn't like you can be expected to see every single message line that crosses the screen.
hmmm I wonder if there's a market for a 'gratz bot'

scans chat for "gz" "gratz" and prompty replies "ty" lol ;)

I never expect a response from a gz I give and often I dont reply to hunting gz I get
I'd say if you want to be polite you should answer. On the other hand I only say "gratz" the first time I'm in the same room with somebody. Which makes me wonder if I'm polite for not complimenting someone the other dozen times?

The issue with autoclicking is obvious but I don't know how to avoid that then.
kygon said:
hmmm I wonder if there's a market for a 'gratz bot'

scans chat for "gz" "gratz" and prompty replies "ty" lol ;)

I never expect a response from a gz I give and often I dont reply to hunting gz I get

Funny you should say that, in another game there was a bot that scanned for a chat request and said "hi"

It went wrong and spammed local with "hi" for hours :D

In hunting or mining its never been a problem, 9/10 I will respond mostly i wont see it though (to which some people get anoyed).

It just seems that in crafting your automatically AC'ing if you dont reply within a set amount of time.

Just something I will have to deal with I guess.
I agree with Black Rain.... I' gratz and say hello to alot of ppl as I hunt.... Perhaps the chat window is not open... I don't think it's rude if you don't get a response.... only if you get a rude response.
I find it difficult to concentrate on Entropia 100% doing anything in the game. Oh I am sorry, were you talking to me? :D

I would not sweat it! <---- Entropia paronomasia. :cool:
Sonya Heart said:
just curious,

Im sitting there doing a damper run, watching the tv and apparently global, speakers off and not really looking at the screen (c'mon how many times do u Global on damper :D) anyway I only notice after a glance at the screen to see a load of residue.

I scroll up and sure enough theres a global with 1 comment that includes a gratz,

What doesnt look like much later is the comment i then get "U autoclicking?"

If someones crafting and esp when u know that they are doing something mind numbing like dampers do you REALLY expect them to be focusing on the screen much?

Should you sit there attentivly lookin just in case u global and have to answer a gratz?

Anyway ive answered him and no further reply so I guess he's AC'n now :D

Just anoying so thought I would see what u guys thought on it.

Go to hades, find a crafting bot, then AC in peace without getting worried someone might ask if you AC
kygon said:
hmmm I wonder if there's a market for a 'gratz bot'

scans chat for "gz" "gratz" and prompty replies "ty" lol ;)

I never expect a response from a gz I give and often I dont reply to hunting gz I get
wouldn't work, i always write grats or gratsi :D
you need to check more ;)