Uber: Where is imp2870 ?

You can never know!!! At least Star call it :D
Big Gratz boubou :)
:cheer: :yay: Gratz :yay: :cheer:

I think i need to go hunting bots.
Nice loot! :)
But too bad you didnt get two ped less ^^
Would have been funnier. :p
Answer: not in your loot screen. Not to be picky but if every imp goes to frenchies i'll go :silly:
I guess it went where my gratz is gonna go... to someone who appreciates the fact they actually got a decent loot window. gl
Nice hof, gratz. :)

And about Imp 2870 - U lost. Try again later! :laugh:
Congratulation :cool: :scratch2:
gratz:) nice loot :cool:
gz, nice loot!!!

ps. where do i find those big bastards? only find some 01-05 SE from Jason... :confused: ds.
LOl. Go kill some gen 10 then ask yourself that upon looting some tasmo.
GRATZ!! Just wait for it....
What is that helmet you looted? It looks like boar?

Yes its a boar L ;)

And the spot with big troopers is about " 83600 - 75600 " eudo - theres also some big droka, ara, & legio =)