why only last shoot for kill count


Mar 22, 2005
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Stoica Alina Alina
Since eomon and longtooth are gone i think it's np with this thread. So lots of ppls during this migration were waiting for last shoot to get the kill count. Had some problems with some guys but i rely wonder how many mobs i lost :laugh:. On longtooth i used to spend my time looking on forums, youtube.

Just hope they put in futher like 10% dmg (or something) to take the kill count and for team who make 10 % dmg first get it for that mob. As i said kill shoot imo it's not fair.
Agree, and I actually saw one guy do it on TI fouls too lmao
yep, suffered from that on LT too. I think that shall be most dmg done to count for kill counter. It was realy anoying that someone with ml-35 can do that almost unnoticed.

In most cases i was changing spot to not hunt near others, but it was obvios ppl will be exploiting that as soon as they noticed that is possible.

And +rep for OP for not posting that earlier and not giving ideas to idiots.
That would deny the whole purpose of CFA missions. It would truly suck for people in a big team if the killshot condition was removed. I was in several teams where there was highly unequal dps. I was also in situations where my socmates gave me the killshot, teamed and unteamed

If you make it first damage gets kill - > then people will just go around and shoot every eo+ longtooth first

If you make it at least 10% damage- > then how do you police the teams factor and the "helper" kills?

I don't see any reason for it to be changed just because a large percentage of EU are assholes.
I think it should be made just like Mayhem. Who loots the mob, gets the point. It is fair like that, and it can not be exploited. If it will, it will be just another kill steal, and people complain about that anyway. That is an old problem that will never be solved. So why make a new one? Just keep the old one and be happy.

This way, if a society or a team wants to help someone complete a mission, it will team up with that person and that person will loot the mobs. If the deal is so that the looter gets no loot, they can put the team on most damage takes all, if they are a group of people that don't trust each other.

I don't see any reason for it to be changed just because a large percentage of EU are assholes.

When people are assholes you need better rules to keep the sh1t clean.
I don't see any reason for it to be changed just because a large percentage of EU are assholes.

So you would rather MA keep the assholes and not change the rules to get them off, then to change rules and keep the nice people.
maybe in addition to looting options in team we cn use sone "kill counter options" - like looter get kill count, or leader get it ,or most dmg done get it ?
So you would rather MA keep the assholes and not change the rules to get them off, then to change rules and keep the nice people.

Those same assholes purchase rutuba, (L) weapons, craft 150% materials into TT, and send foerippers to the tier-grave. It would be like outlawing auction zombies and multiple accounts. They all stimulate the economy. It's not like removing the killshot condition would prevent assholes from ruining other players' experience in another way.
Clearly there is a possibility of middle ground. Make the skill shot only count if the killer dealt 40%+ damage to the mob or was in the same team as those that did. Just like looting the mob. Most of the back-end code for this already exists by necessity.
I think it should be made just like Mayhem. Who loots the mob, gets the point. It is fair like that, and it can not be exploited. If it will, it will be just another kill steal, and people complain about that anyway. That is an old problem that will never be solved. So why make a new one? Just keep the old one and be happy.

This way, if a society or a team wants to help someone complete a mission, it will team up with that person and that person will loot the mobs. If the deal is so that the looter gets no loot, they can put the team on most damage takes all, if they are a group of people that don't trust each other.

That looks like a very good idea to me. :yay:
I think it should be made just like Mayhem. Who loots the mob, gets the point.
Agree with you on this... BUT... for both Mayem and the quest system, they should make it that everyone in a team gets the point. That way team hunts have a purpose and are fun - not battles over who will get the loot. I usually hunt in third person if I hunt, and when I do I just click on the healh bars til the mobs are dead sometimes. That means I might accidentally loot when not intending to. Others might too. Just give everyone in the team the point to make it more fair and balanced. I mean come on, what's a few extra novas and skill points given away a little faster then they otherwise would hurt, especially since the quests are one time things as is ? Now if quest become repeatable missions, then that's a whole other story...
I think it should be made just like Mayhem. Who loots the mob, gets the point. It is fair like that, and it can not be exploited. If it will, it will be just another kill steal, and people complain about that anyway. That is an old problem that will never be solved. So why make a new one? Just keep the old one and be happy.

This way, if a society or a team wants to help someone complete a mission, it will team up with that person and that person will loot the mobs. If the deal is so that the looter gets no loot, they can put the team on most damage takes all, if they are a group of people that don't trust each other.

Perfect solution imo, simple, can be used in the same "good way" as killshot can now for teams that decide to help eachother out (its pretty clear they made these missions as a solo challenge mainly with the whole 1point/kill for one ava, period), and its based on current system so no major work for MA/FPC to change it.

Agree with you on this... BUT... for both Mayem and the quest system, they should make it that everyone in a team gets the point. That way team hunts have a purpose and are fun - not battles over who will get the loot. I usually hunt in third person if I hunt, and when I do I just click on the healh bars til the mobs are dead sometimes. That means I might accidentally loot when not intending to. Others might too. Just give everyone in the team the point to make it more fair and balanced. I mean come on, what's a few extra novas and skill points given away a little faster then they otherwise would hurt, especially since the quests are one time things as is ? Now if quest become repeatable missions, then that's a whole other story...

Ehm... youre joking right?
I think it should be made just like Mayhem. Who loots the mob, gets the point. It is fair like that, and it can not be exploited. If it will, it will be just another kill steal, and people complain about that anyway. That is an old problem that will never be solved. So why make a new one? Just keep the old one and be happy.

This way, if a society or a team wants to help someone complete a mission, it will team up with that person and that person will loot the mobs. If the deal is so that the looter gets no loot, they can put the team on most damage takes all, if they are a group of people that don't trust each other.

IMO this is a good idea, as it would stop the amount of :cussing:'s that kill your mob :mad::mad::mad:

Also as stated before, whoever gets thye 1st shot on a mob gets the loot, this would stop KS'ing (after an avatar ks'd an ambu of a team of mine when we had shot it like 10 times :mad:)
Why not make the kill count a real number (i.e.: floating point), instead of an integer. That way kill points can be distributed by total contributed damage for a kill. For example, you do 100% damage, you get 1.0 point. You do 36% damage, you get 0.36 point. I think that would be fair for solo and team hunters and would effectively stop those kill-shot stealers. Would probably also be super easy to implement.
Agree with you on this... BUT... for both Mayem and the quest system, they should make it that everyone in a team gets the point. That way team hunts have a purpose and are fun - not battles over who will get the loot. I usually hunt in third person if I hunt, and when I do I just click on the healh bars til the mobs are dead sometimes. That means I might accidentally loot when not intending to. Others might too. Just give everyone in the team the point to make it more fair and balanced. I mean come on, what's a few extra novas and skill points given away a little faster then they otherwise would hurt, especially since the quests are one time things as is ? Now if quest become repeatable missions, then that's a whole other story...

No offense, but if you can't play the game, it would not make much sense to change the balancing to make up for your lack of desire to learn better. And I know you will say that you can play just fine, but come on...
Those same assholes purchase rutuba, (L) weapons, craft 150% materials into TT, and send foerippers to the tier-grave. It would be like outlawing auction zombies and multiple accounts. They all stimulate the economy.

You have a very fair point :)
..except that some of us (most of us) can't afford the high-damage oldskool weapons, but the rest stands without qualification IMHO

As long as they don't affect me directly (negatively, that is) every pec they waste in game doing their own thing is good for me, MA and FPC lol
Also as stated before, whoever gets thye 1st shot on a mob gets the loot, this would stop KS'ing (after an avatar ks'd an ambu of a team of mine when we had shot it like 10 times :mad:)

That would promote 100%-lootstealing-in-advance. Simply run around putting 1 shot into every mob you see and then wait for some sucker to kill them for you so you get all the loot.

1/ The only sure way to not get Loot-KS'ed is to use a bigger gun or hunt in a team. If KSers still overpower you with damage, it may be that you are hunting mobs above your level. I've been Loot-KSed hundreds of times in the last 4 or 5 years.

2/ The only way to not get Point-KS'ed is to avoid other GDs on radar. Mostly works for me. Just try harder, look around more. of the 1250 LT I killed recently, only about 100 were with other GDs on radar. None of the 50 Eomon kills had anyone else around.

The more complex the code, the more complex the bugs. We're in a mess already, just trying to get back functionality we had years ago :(
Probably a technical thing. Way easier for system to keep track of points
if it is based on procedure of the mob status (from alive to dead). instead
of counting % in damage done.

BlackHawk said:
I think it should be made just like Mayhem. Who loots the mob, gets the point.
It shouldn't suprise me the least if it gonna be the other way around in
the future, that Mayhem gonna count killshots instead of who loot it.
They should give the point once you loot.

They should also make higher maturities worth more points for the missions.