Why space is working and how it could work better...

Im late with my annual bump but i think this topic deserves a look at now that we have universal auctions and a cargo mission transport concept has been announced for June 2015.

Travel times for goods and players dont need to be the same anymore - there could be a variation of options and opportunities with time intense long lasting cargo missions as well as with approprite fees for faster or instant deliveries via universal auction.

Ammo costs in space pvp could go into the mission reward pool to generate more rewarding high value missions or to go straight to the winner in a pvp battle to give a direct incentive for more action in space.

Alot of effort has been put in getting trade terminals accross the planets with local tools and to get all planets to grow more local economies while now also supporting gaps in those economies through universal auction - the steps taken could be carried on by creating local planetary currencies or by making equippment which can only be used on the originating planet allowing its value to be tied to the local currency and therefor becomming vastly more eco for a visiting player who can buy more with his stronger currency but has to cycle his 'investment' locally.
While there is already alot of 'puny' equippment and catering towards new players going on, the opportunity to have planets that cater to gamers on different wealth levels and therefor balance themselfs against one another should be considered.

For this to truely work out it would be important that money for events/globals/hofs/ath is gathered and payed out for each planet separately and not universal. Its far to unbalancing and also frustrating for players on one planet to see that they get bad payouts because of an event going on on another planet where lots of peds are cycled and the 'weight'/probability for payout is respectively much higher.

We still can see loot returns going down universal wide when something big happens or is about to happen on a single planet/event whereas for true balance all planets (planet areas) and space (maybe even space sectors) need to have their own loot pools.
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