Win 1k EFD: Guess the number of sweat bottles


Feb 28, 2009
(still paying it forward)

This will show you how to get to anok sellims if your interested:

Guess the number of sweat bottles I got in 1 hour at anok selims and win 1k EFD!


This give away is first of all to keep paying it forward, and second of all to promote awareness of the new sweat camp at Anok Selims. LET THE GUESSING BEGIN!

1.) have fun
2.) have more fun
3.) have alot more fun
4.) get drunk
5.) pass out
6.) wake up and do it again

PS: This contest ends at midnight MA time on the 8th of march.
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"Clever Answer" :


The number above the bottle could be anything from 1 to lots, but in your inventory there is only 1 bottle. :D

"Actual Answer"

I'm gonna guess on the optimistic side and say 1000 exactly, cos I'd like to think it's still possible to sweat a k an hour...


I only sweat if I've run out of peds, there's nothing on TV and my jogging suit's in the wash. So I'm no expert...

Also, as directed, I Had fun, and now I'm drunk. But I didn't fall over Yet. I might though...
Im going to guess 666 .... because sweating is evil ;)
643 maybe a few more maybe a few less
546; you know I'm right :cool:.
747 for the win :yay:
IDK who will get it yet, but I have a feeling that a newer player has a much better chance of winning ;). keep up the guessing!
343 bottles!
911. that is my guess. :dunno:
you'll get 298 for sure.
I got stuck in that outpost in my first days.. and it was pain to find a way back to sweat camp :D

anyway, my guess 222
Guess: 607

Reason: I'm kind of a math geek and 607 is the highest possible, while still being reasonable, guess which is also a Mersenne Prime Exponent. What this means is that 2^607 - 1 equals a prime number which by the way is 183 digits long. Alternative guesses could have been 521 and 1279, but as I'm both an optimist and a realist I of course chose 607.

If you still haven't gone crazy due to boredom, I can inform you that the 45th and largest Mersenne Prime ever discovered, 2^43.112.609 - 1, was discovered on August 23rd 2008, a mammoth 12.978.189 digit number!

As a bonus it can be said that, assuming that one digit is the size of a single pixel, all the digits would not fit on a standars HXGA display with a resolution of 4096*3072 pixels. If you were to print it all out on paper, using times new roman and text size 12, you would have to use about 2000 sheets of paper, printing on both sides.

If you were to count all the numbers, not sleeping eating or even playing eu and you did so at 10 digits per second, it would still take about 15 years before you were done.

Still haven't got enough?

Well that sucks because I'm out of material :D
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490, i do much better

Six hundred and twenty eight!
Guess: 607

Reason: I'm kind of a math geek and 607 is the highest possible, while still being reasonable, guess which is also a Mersenne Prime Exponent. What this means is that 2^607 - 1 equals a prime number which by the way is 183 digits long. Alternative guesses could have been 521 and 1279, but as I'm both an optimist and a realist I of course chose 607.

If you still haven't gone crazy due to boredom, I can inform you that the 45th and largest Mersenne Prime ever discovered, 2^43.112.609 - 1, was discovered on August 23rd 2008, a mammoth 12.978.189 digit number!

As a bonus it can be said that, assuming that one digit is the size of a single pixel, all the digits would not fit on a standars HXGA display with a resolution of 4096*3072 pixels. If you were to print it all out on paper, using times new roman and text size 12, you would have to use about 2000 sheets of paper, printing on both sides.

If you were to count all the numbers, not sleeping eating or even playing eu and you did so at 10 digits per second, it would still take about 15 years before you were done.

Still haven't got enough?

Well that sucks because I'm out of material :D

Do you run prime 95 on your computer? I used to but it just takes to much resources and I can never predeict when I am going to be using the computer so I can schedule it when I wont be :p.
225 bottles!
If I'm within 200 bottles, I get half the prize ok?
i think 495