Wolf's Diary

Hey EF!

1st..old news. My dentist appointment was actually worse than expected. The hygenist was actually stopping during my cleaning to converse with me. :eek: I don't mind 'friendly' in fact, I appreciate it. Nothing worse than going some where you don't like in the first place and then have to deal with crabby people besides. But, she was acting like we're old friends having coffee or something. I don't know what people are thinking sometimes.

2nd...new stuff! Nothing to report here. Same old, same old. Probably do some hunting later...

3rd.....What to look out for. I see that Devil Doll has finally started a diary. Keep your eyes on this one folks. I have a feeling it'll be very enlightening.

ps...Just tell me who it was Sveta.....I'll handle DD's light work for him... :boxer:


Wolfucious Says:

Be the difference.
Hey (again) EF!

Normally I wouldn't post to my diary twice in the same day but, I had a really good PE experience and just had to share.

I was out east of Argus hunting Maffs and Bimbos. Loots were not good. I later hooked up with a soc mate to go hunting Walruses on the new continent. Loots still sucked and when we went to leave I got bit by the 10-to bug and recieved the dreaded "Internal Error" virus! You're confused, aren't you? You're saying, "Yep. Old Wolf's finally lost his mind." I havn't seen anything good yet. The good thing was that, while I was east of Argus getting nothing but broke, I bumped into Darkscorp and Rose from Clan Deathstalker. These have to be two of nicest people I've run into in PE yet. I'm sure, if you've met them, you'll agree. We had a very nice conversation about stuff other than PE. I know, I know, had to believe but, it's true. :eek: We did discuss EF a bit. Rose reads but, doesn't post. I tried to assure her that we're a friendly bunch and that I would see to it that anybody giving her a hard time would answer to me. :mad: No...I don't think she bought it either but, I tried. :D (Hi Rose :wave: ) We then went our seperate ways but, I feel my PE life has been enriched by the encounter. As a lot of us have said many times, the people really make this game. DS and Rose, the pleasure was truley mine.

Good night EF.

Wolfucious Says:

A stranger is just a friend you havn't met. (I know...I've used this one before but, under the circumstances, it bears repeating.) ;)
Howdy and Happy Father's Day!

I'm the luckiest Dad in the world. It is not our practice to do BIG gifts on the more minor holidays such as Father's Day, Mother's Day etc. I guess the rules have changed! For doing my duty as a father for the past year I recieved the following:

1 Box of Captain Crunch w/ Crunch Berries. Yumm!
1 Bottle of Starbucks Mocha Frappachino. Store bought but, still delicious!
1 Box of Fudge Covered Oreos! Which are sitting here with me at work.
1 Homemade Tyedye T-Shirt. Made by my younger daugter.
1 Homemade Father's Day Mix CD. Made by my older daughter. Listening to it as I write this.

and finally...

1 Magnavox Progressive Scan DVD/VCR Combo!!!! :eek:

I was speechless. I know...me...speechless! It was totally un-expected, exactley what I wanted and totally deserved if I may say so. (not) :silly2: I hope the rest of you Dads out there made out as well as I did today. Of course this all happened in the 15 minutes we had before going to church, then out to breakfast with my in-laws and then all the way out to my parents for lunch, then back home so I could change and go to work. Wheww! long day but, a good one. Now lets see if I can get into PE!


Wolfucious Says:

Jesus is coming, look busy!

The good news is that I was able to login to PE. No answer from support concerning my 'Internal Error' status but, I got in so who cares. The bad news, of course, is that the loots are still less than stellar. I did get 28 ped from a Molisk Raider. Little bugger killed me once but, I found him. Good thing to since that was my best loot of the night.

The rain has finally stopped here so, you know what that means...more yard work. :( I know Sveta...big shoulder muscles. :rolleyes: You think digging makes your shoulders hurt? Try trimming tree branches with one of those 12' trimmer things. Wow...am I feeling the burn today! Still sunshine, fresh air and exercise...I guess it's not all bad.

Some critter has invaded my wife's plum tree...is she pissed. Hopefully my father-in-law, who has the biggest green thumb in the entire free world, will be able to figure something out.

Going to our family cottage for a couple of days. Looking forward to going down to the dock with some cold beer and a good book and forgetting all about rl stuff for a while. Maybe do a little fishing. It's what summer is all about. We'll be spending the week of July 4th down there. No PE of EF for like 10 days. :scared: I hope I survive. :laugh:

One final note to clear up something. Not that this has been mentioned by anybody or anything. I re-read my diary from time to time just to get a more distant perspective on how what I've written here may look to others. I tend to refference other EF'ers. It has to do with my writing style (according to my wife). I don't want anybody to think that I'm showing any favoritism or anything like that. I refer to people that I know read my diary and that I've got something to say to concerning this or that from other threads. I'm only mentioning this because, from a certain perspective, it might seem that I'm obsessed with Svetlana or Ultimababe because they're in here quite a bit. I'm not...it's just the way I write. I've always loved reading works by authors that speak directly to the readers in their stories. Or movies when the actor jumps out of character for a second to say something to the audience. It's kind of a reward for watching or reading. I guess that's what I'm attempting to do. Anyway...that's all. Just 'Crazy Ol' Wolf' being paranoid.

Adios. :bandit:

Wolfucious Says:

It is better to remain silent and thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt. (maybe I should listen to these myself...)
Hey EF.

The big news today is that Dogg and I finally got our first uber HoF. 953 ped on a molisk young. Now, I'm totally stoked by this and I am very happy to only have had to split it 2 ways but, a molisk young.......why have I been wasting my time and money killing Atroxs, Longus, Ambulimaxs, Armax....etc. when a molisk young is gonna pay me like that? I know...luck of the draw. But really, does this make any sense? I guess I shouldn't complain...it was a really nice HoF. Bought a better FAP (FAP 83) and a shotgun (ASG-1 Pig) with my share. I needed a better FAP, my FAP 50 just wasn't cutting it. The shotgun was a splurge just for fun. I'll probably have to sell it next week for ammo but...what the hell. It's only money after all.

IRL news, 2 more days of work before vacation. Gonna spend 10 glorious days on the shores of Lake Chautaqua. This does however mean no PE or EF. Oh well...I can't lose money if I'm not playing right? Hopefully, the new vu will be here when I come back. That will bring some change...good and bad I'm sure.

Personally, I like VU time. Change is good. It keeps you sharp. It keeps you learning. Even bad change can be a learning experience that will benefit you later on. Maybe I just have an older persons perspective on this but, I also know I'm not alone.

Anyway, this is probably my last entry before I go away so...have a good one EF. HoF and global your asses off, cause when I come back, they're all mine! :evilking:


Wolfucious Says:

Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
Hello EF.

I'm back. Actually I've been back for a couple of days but, I had some stuff to catch up on before updating my dear, old diary. Chautauqua Lake is quite possibly the most beautiful place on Earth (that I can afford to visit anyway). My family and I had a ball the entire 10 days we were there. Swimming, fishing, reading, relaxing...we did it all. It was tough coming home. Here are a couple of pics from the trip. I know how you folks like pictures....

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Me goofing around. Yes...that's my first beer of the day. ;) I knew what you were thinking!

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and this is one of the many sunsets we were privileged to behold.

We are really lucky to have a place like this to go. My kids will cherish the memories of our cottage on Chautauqua Lake for the rest of their lives.

Back to good ole' PE stuff.

I bumped into MickeyBlueEyes aka Aweb while he was doing some home decore shopping. Had a nice little chat with him.

I've also recieved a request from Laughs At Blood to join our society. I havn't forgotten about you. I don't always see these people everyday so, I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Incidentally, if anybody else is interested in joining our merry little band, feel free to send me a PM and I'll pass your request along to the rest of The PACK for review.

I like the new VU so far. I can't wait to go on a Robot Ship Quest. That sounds pretty awesome. I didn't do a whole lot to Wolf as far as alterations go. The little guy is damn near perfect...why mess with a good thing. When tatoos come around...well, we'll see.

Other than that, I'm just happy to be back. :)

See ya around the watering hole EF! :wave:

Wolfucious Says:

It's easier to beg for forgivness, than to ask for permission.

Not really much to report on today. Hunting is in a down slump for The PACK. I'm losing PEDs faster than Brittney Spears loses respect. :eek: (Oops...did I say that out loud? I just meant to think it...) I've been slowly removing things from inventory to supply my hunting habits. I'm not at all happy about it. :mad: On an up note, I gave crafting a whirl the other day. It's kinda fun...I guess. Made some Jesters and 1 Maddox 1 after I looted the BP that is. Of course, All but 1 Jester and the Maddox got TT'd for ammo later on but, I still got the skills. Something different to do.

Oh...I almost forgot to mention, Dogg (our soc leader) gave me a belated B-Day present the other day...A minor TP chip! It was a total surprise and one that was really appeciated. Now all of us higher ranking PACK members have 'Hot Chips' as we call 'em. It's really cool and very addictive. Thanks again Dogg! Now I've go to start sweating again to make ME. :rolleyes:

My disciple is up to 25% completion on his mentorship. I've promised him a set of Rascal armor at 50%. (I hope I've got the PED for it when the time comes... :scared: )

That's it for now EF! L8R.

Wolfucious Says:

Scratch a liar, find a thief.
Dear Diary.

Once again I've experienced the joys of being the squeeky wheel that gets the grease. After complaining in my last entry about how bad hunting has been, I proceeded to hunt tonight anyway. After selling everything in my storage that I was willing to part with, I went to Echidna. I headed out east to get chickens (Berys) and bastards (Feffs). To my shock and surprise the loot was going well. Everything was dropping gold for me. Not just ones and twos...fives, tens...skins, paint etc... Then it happened...an 82 ped global on a Feffoid Bandit. Huzzah! I shouted and quickly took a screenie. I continued hunting in the same area. The loots were still very good so...why leave. Then it happened again! A 330 ped HoF on a Berycled Provider! OMFG! I thought...could things get any better than this. I won't bore you with every little detail but, here are a few other highlights. I went up a rank in Marksmanship (Experienced), I gained a health point (109), I found some dung (120 in one pile!) and I found some Angelic Grit...never hit any of that before. It was the best night hunting that I've had in a long time. There was a Kaze table in the HoF by the by...worth almost 48 ped. Anyway, it's time for me to crawl back to my den for some shuteye. Just had to share a positive story.

G'Night EF! Pleasant Dreams!

Wolfucious Says:

When in doubt, BITCH!
Geezz! I'm almost on page 2 here ffs....better get busy.

I worked a double last night which also gave me double hunting time. ;) I wish I could post that I hit a 1000 ped HoF on a Chirpy Young or something but, sadly, that didn't happen. :( Let me tell you what did happen. I did get a 93 ped global on a Cornundacuada Mature. I also, through the course of the night, went up 1 rank in the following skills:

Laser Weapon Technology
Inflict Ranged Damage

In addition, I also "Investigated" my first robot spaceship! I got the 50 ped which was much appreciated but, mine was also a little unusual. It was under water so the drones just kept drowing...or is it short circuiting?

I did some more crafting as well. I've got a whole ton of Jester D1's now. I was thinking about taking them and an equal number of Mann MPHs to Phoenix and trade one weapon and 100 rounds of ammo for sweat. I've got a ton of force nexus that I've mined but, sweating really sucks...no pun intended...oh what the hell...pun intended! :laugh: I need the ME for my TP chip which I'm now hopelessly dependent on.

That's all folks! See ya around!

Wolfucious Says:

I've got soul but, I'm not a soldier.

The Killers
Hello EF!

Been a while since I posted last. Don't want to neglect things too much but, it is summer time and Mother Nature has finally smiled on the Buffalo area with a nice, warm, sunny summer. In short I'm spending too much time sitting outside drinking beer and don't have much left to write in my diary. Bad Wolf! :mad:

Let's start with PE stuff. Been hunting about the same as always. Nothing much to speak of loot wise...no globals or HoFs in a while now. Hmmmm :scratch: , maybe I should join the Crimson Angels. Nahhh...I'll stick with The PACK. Enough daydreaming, back on topic. I did get a Bravo Type Plasma Annihilator from a friendly Atrax yesterday. It was only worth 7 ped but, still a nice item for a change. The good news is my skills appear to be flying atm. I seem to go up a rank in something 4 or 5 times each day now. I did experience one downer in the skill dept...I am no longer able to extract sweat from critters anymore. Now I gotta pay those #$%^& high prices! Today was an exceptional one as far as skills go however, today I unlocked RDA! That's right Dogg...I'm sniffing up your arse about now. :laugh:

What's that? Oh...I'm sorry. You don't know what the hell I'm talking about. Allow me to explain. Dogg has been ahead of me in skills practically from day 1 (or day 2 actually since he started a day before me.) He hunts a lot more than I do. He's also un-encumbered with spouse and children so...he can pretty much do what he wants. Latley however, it appears that I may be catching up. He denies it of course but, he unlocked RDA a week or so ago. So...there ya go. :silly2:

Anywho..on to rl. Grrrrrrrrrrr rl! Actually, real life has been treating ole Wolf pretty good these days. My wife got a job, my 16 year old daughter got a job and I just found out that it looks like this year will be my year to get a laptop for Xmas! Can't wait! Also, in 2 days, I'll have the house to myself for 5 days! Welcome to Wolf's World. All hunting, all the time! My wife and kids are going to the cottage for a week without me. :eek: OMFG! I just thought of something...I can hunt naked if I want to!!! Why would I want to...ehh... :dunno: we'll see.

That's all for now EF. Last one in is a rotten snarg!!!

Wolfucious Says: (this ones for Ulti)

It's better to let it out and bear the shame than hold it in and bear the pain.
Howdy Everybody.

The Wolf good luck streak continues. I'll just hit the hightlights....you people have better things to do than read my clever blah blah blah.

Was hunting (not gonna say where because...it's MINE!!!) Loot was reasonable until bang! 145 ped global on a Mature Berycled. Cool....ran out of ammo. Back to town....back out to the spot...not much to kill on the way....drop some bombs....Bam! 522 ped Massive deposit of Caldorite!!! Woot! I says! Still early...still got ammo...more hunting.....still not much to kill....(hmmm worked before)...more bombs...Blam! Robot ship! 27 ped and a beacon...the Pack's first....at last something to kill......killing.....killing......killing....damn, out of ammo....getting late....hmmm...one more bomb...ok, six more...hmmm six deposits...mining....uh-oh here comes 1....2....3...Atrax and all I have is my half spent 2x0 axe....kill one 6 ped and.....Wham! GSI! Kill the other 2...finish mining....hitting T.

It just doesn't get much better than this.

Peace and Luck and Love EF!

Wolfucious Says:

It's not the years...it's the mileage.
Me again...

Nope. Not gonna make you sick with good luck stories again. I did get a 64 ped global 3 days ago. Then 2 days ago I was part of 2 team globals..50 and 54 ped. But, that's really about it. I tried out my robot beacon and got the, "The beacon is having trouble contacting it's source...blah blah blah.." rubbish twice, 2 hours apart. I wonder what that's all about. :rolleyes: We were really looking forward to trying out the robot adventure thingy...oh well, try again some other day. Hunting has dipped down again. Back to depositing I guess. One shining spot in an other-wise dreary couple of days in PE...got to talk to Skam in Echidna. :) It's really cool when I run into folks that I've met through this site.

Oh yes...I forgot to update everybody how my week of being (almost) single again is going. This is day 4, one day left. Sat was really kind of a bust except I did some grocery shopping and got myself a few items that I really like and don't get very often. Including but, not limited to, 1 pint of Ben and Jerry's Everything But The... ice cream. :tongue2: Saving that for tommorrow. Let's see, I've been staying up late, getting up late, watching what I want on TV, playing a LOT of PE (of course), eating what I want, when I want to eat it and eating as much of it as I like with out someone saying, "I didn't get any of that and now it's gone" or "Can I have some of that" or "How many of those is that today dear...". I havn't closed the bathroom door in 4 days! I hunted in my underwear...couldn't bring myself to go commando. It's been a lot of fun. And now I realize how much I need my wife and kids. If I kept going like this...well God knows what might happen. :eek: Seriously though, I'm having a good time but, I miss my family.

That's about it for ole' Wolffie today.

Peace Out EF!

Wolfucious Says:

How do you keep an EF Diary reader in suspense......
Hey EF.

It seems that I've been damned. :eek: Damned by The EVIL Lootius! Loots have been below horrid latley. I'm back to scrimping and have sold nearly everything that I managed to save through my glory days ( was it 2 or 3 days ... :scratch: ) Oh well...that's PE, isn't it. I still love the game, still love the people, still managed to get a global last night. :rolleyes: 104 ped Itumatrox Provider! I only got 1/4 of it but, we had a really good time. I was also lucky enuf to be teamed up with one Flitachous Byte when she got her first ever mining global....76 ped worth of crude oil! She was so happy she shared with me which was really nice of her...especially in light of my current financial state.

In other news, I got to talk to 2 of my favorite PE people, Rose and Darkscorp. I've also noticed that Rose has finally decided to register here. Way to go Rose! According to DS she is very free with her opinions at home. Hopefully she will share here insights with all of us her at EF very soon. (hint hint) Seriously Rose, we need as many intelligent, mature, insightful people as we can get ... and I can't do it all by me onesy now can I? Just kidding. I like to do my Capt. Jack Sparrow impression for Sveta every now and again. ;)

Thats all I've got EF. TTFN!

Wolfucious Says:

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."

Jebediah Springfield
Last edited:
Greetings EF.

As you could probably tell, I've been un-inspired to post in my diary latley and it appears, I'm not alone. Only the die-hard bloggers are still posting here and their entries are, for the most part, becoming shorter. PE life is status-quo right now. Things appear to be in a pre-VU slump for the loot pool. I globaled the other day and got one 2 days ago teamed up with Dogg Byte but, in general, loots have been on the down side. I was a part of Rose's "Trip-To-Space" party...which would have been much more fun if my video card didn't keep crapping out on me. I was feeling very guilty that I didn't fire a shot the whole time until it turned out that I didn't get much in the way of loot anyway. So...alls well that ends well. Still, I wouldn't mind doing that again. Got to meet some new folks and actually do something with some of the people I've met here.

Has anybody else noticed the lack of robot ship global messages latley? I have. Haven't seen one in ages. I wonder if it has to do with "The Object" that's heading for Calypso. Should be interesting to see what that's about.

RL is back to normal. Wife and kids are back to work and school, giving Wolfie some of his "Me Time" back. I guess that means I'll be hunting more than usual....oh darn!


Wow...I'm really reaching here. I'm putting myself to sleep ffs. I'll stop boring you now. Sorry.

Wolfucious Says:

Hey EF.

After reading Svetlana's last diary entry, I realized something about myself...I'm a hater, not a congratulator. I've been seeing all the mining ATHs and thinking, "Damn! Why can't that be me?". I try to make sure that I gratz everybody that bothers to post their good fortunes here but, I'm still exceedingly jealous. I've also discovered that I don't like that fact about me one little bit. It leads me to believe that I'm taking this game more seriously than I should be. It is after all just a game but, it is becoming an increasingly larger priority to me. I think I may need a break...well...maybe just a short one. :rolleyes:

My usual hunting partner, Dogg Byte, is away for a couple of weeks so, this may be a good time for me to back off a little too. Not that being away will keep Dogg offline for long...he is addicted you know.;) I'm also going out of town for the Columbus day weekend and won't be back till tuesday so...this will be good for me. No PE til next tuesday at least.

Now, I don't expect that taking a lousy 8 day break from PE will get all the little knots out of my knickers but, it's a start. After that, I'll try to be more casual with it. Play within my means and time constraints and not get all bunged up if I can't for some reason. And try to be happy for those people that are lucky enough to get ahead...even if I don't.

You're probably thinking..."Wolf, why are you telling us this?". Because, I bet there are some others out there who feel the same way I'm feeling right now and it is my hope that by posting this, you will come to the same conclusions as me. This is only a game. A great game! One that I intend to play for a long time..but, still just a game. Is it worth all the stress and anxiety and frustration and sometimes anger, jealousy, panic, etc...NO it isn't! If you are starting to experience these feelings as I am...back off. Take a breather. Re-evaluate and then try it again. Hopefully, that's all it will take.

Ok...enuf preaching. To all of those people that I have felt that way towards...I give you the following:


May good fortune continue to smile on you and please forgive a silly old Wolf for being human.

Peace EF.

Wolfucious Says:

To err is human, to forgive....canine. ;)
Hey all you groovy EF'ers out there....

What's shaking? Just got back from a 3 day weekend. Feeling finer than frog hair and hoping to get back to hunting. Alas, this will not be happening for me today. :( You see, my PED dealer is MIA. Actually, I know exactly where he is. The problem is, he can't get into PE and won't be back for a couple of weeks yet. :scared: This leaves poor old wolfie broke and unable to acquire ammo, bombs, etc. and to effect the repairs needed to make some of my equipment usable again. If you read my last entry, you'll remember that I was looking to take a break from PE but, NOT THIS LONG!!!!!! I'm only joking folks. This will give me some time to catch up on some of my other hobbies. I'm an avid reader. I play games other than PE :eek: ! Yes...hard to believe but, it's true. I also collect and paint war gamming miniatures. I'm currently working on a set of LOTR figures from a company in Ireland called Mithril Miniatures. It's kind of time consuming but, I just love it! Maybe I'll post some pics of my work here. Plus...I may actually be forced to do some work!!!! God, did I just say that out loud....oh no! It's worse than that, I put it in print! What was I thinking! :duh: There are some projects around the house that I've been carefully ignoring...at least my wife will be happy.:rolleyes:

Oh well EF. That's all for me today. Old Wolf has been kicked in the arse by real life...it's time for me to kick back. C U L8R M8s!

Wolfucious Says:

"When the well runs dry, we know the worth of water." Benjamin Franklin

I used this quote because it is on the wall in our family cottage where I spent this past weekend.
Hey Peeps!

If you read my previous post, you'll remember that I was going to give some time to my other hobbies and some household projects that I've been putting off. Well, I put the projects off for another day so that I could take some pics of my painted LOTR figures. And lucky you...you get to see them! Now...I've never taken digital pics of these before and I have to say, they don't do the paint jobs justice. That being said, I also am not the best figure painter in the world so.....without further ado.....the pictures.

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Bilbo Baggins

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Thorin - King Under The Mountain

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Gandalf the Gray

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The Wood Elf King

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Elrond - This one is a little blurry (sorry) but, it has an american quarter to show size comparison.

That's it for now. These are not exactley complete yet. I'll be putting some nice wooden bases on them with different stuff like grass, rocks etc... But, this is what I do to relax. I know....GEEK ALERT!!!! All I can say is..........

Wolfucious Says:

Don't knock it til you've tried it.
Too many images for previous post....had to do it in 2.

These are 2 shots of a forest dragon I did. He came in about 20 pieces and needed to be assembled before painting.

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Bard of Lake Town

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The Great Goblin

That's all folks....:D
Pertaining to DD's ban...

I didn't get a chance to say anything in the discussion thread so I thought I would (carefully) post my thoughts here.

Anybody who has bothered to notice, knows that I avoid the controversial issues and mainly focus on the "fun stuff" . This is largley due to the fact that it's a game and it's supposed to be fun. However, in this situation, I feel the need to voice my opinions concerning the issue at hand.

Let me say first and foremost that this is MB's show and he runs it as he sees fit. That doesn't mean that we have to like it but, it's also our choice to stay or not. Up until now I think that he has done a really good job and I have been a supporter of his choices.

At the same time, DD is a friend as is Svetlana. I'm not the kind of person who sits idley by and lets his friends get mis-treated. But, I like to get both sides of the story before I pass judgement on who is the one doing the mis- treating. Then I let them have it.

DD does have a bit of a problem keeping his mouth shut...a fact that we are all aware of. But, MB's comments concering the country I live in, whether in jest or not, deserved some sort of response. I'm not condoning what DD said, I would have handled it differently but, I deffinatley would have handled it.

I would like to point everybody's attention to Carebear's comments in the "DD is banned" thread. This pretty much sums up the way I feel as well. It has long been my practice and a practice I try to instill in others, that we are in a sense ambassadors of our various countries and as such should conduct ourselves accordingly. This would include but, not be limited to, not making derogatory comments about anothers homeland. This should be especially true for the person who is in charge of a site such as this. This is a multi-national platform and political opinions have no place here imho. Here we should all consider ourselves Calypsians and nothing else.

Having said all of that, I think this particular situation is simply a case of two bad choices. MB's choice of humor and DD's choice of response. I would like to think that after a little time has passed, a mutual appology would settle things but, I don't think that will happen.

It saddens me that this has happened. I'm not sure what else to say.

Yes...I've decided. I've been trying to take a step back and really analyze my feelings concerning the current unpleasantness. There are many reasons for my decision, most of which have already been beaten to death by others.

Before I tell you what I've decided, I feel that I should put out the following disclaimer. I've said this before but, it bears repeating: This is MB's site...his rules. His decisions are beyond question while he pays the bills.

I agree with The Beast that I don't think he is a bad person, he just made some bad choices.

I'm not going to list all of the things that have gone thru my mind in the last 24 hours, I'm just gonna tell you the main one. It has been said by most people here, myself included, that the thing that makes this game so great is the community...the people. MB's decisions yesterday have effectivley cut off my main connection to 4 members (so far) of that community who's opinions, input and friendship mattered to me.

I came back here today to test the waters and I find them to be quite cold. There's a lot of speculation and finger pointing going on that I would rather not be a part of. I'm leaving EF.

I don't want to sway others to my way of thinking. I'm not going to encourage others to leave. This is my decision. One I feel was contemplated, not acted on based on the feelings at the moment.

I want to say sorry to my friends who will still be here. My email is trex0076869@hotmail.com should anybody need it. I check it everyday.

Peace EF. See you in game.