HoF: Yay yay yay

What guns are they? lr32 and a cb19 or something?
atrox drop lr 32(L) , cb 13 (L) and cb 24(L) pretty common and as u can read in the chat window its an lr 32 (L) and a cb 24(L)

gratz nice loot
Yep. Saw ingame. Gratz to you!
:DGratz man!! Keep em comin!:D
gratz... always a nice bonus!
Way to go, BB!:wtg:

Well done and well deserved, Keep'em comin'! :yay:

Steve Mischief
WHOOOA! Awesome Hof!! Big grats!! :yay:
Awesome loot you got there, Gratz :yay: