Your final posts in Entropia Forum!


Few Scars

Aug 18, 2009
Avatar Name
Bjorn Bjorn Longstaff
EntropiaForum will be taken offline on Tuesday, September 21st at 21:00 Calypso Time (UTC).

Lets make our final posts as EF draws to a close, the memories and good times!


Becouse I just love it so much :laugh:

I posted this over there a few days ago... duplicating it here since I'm not sure if links will still work after the changeover..
The moon should block out the stars
Nah. We have Jenna and Starfinder on this side of the moon, and MA knows it, lol.

I like the idea in this thread and will try to get together some pics to post.

Wait... already have one or two that I've posted about before... Here it is:

Old issues that MA (or other parties responsible) fixed already:

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and... now the entries:

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(note: some entries are fairly old screenies, but are not listed as fixed above because, well, it should be obvious... :))

I might post more entries later... ;)
I am glad to see EF go.. perhaps a new start will mean less whining and some actual substance in posts... Yea, who the hell am I trying to fool!! :laugh:

It's just gonna be full of the same BS that this place is full of! Can't wait to see it! :rolleyes:

Dear Mindbuster,

Thank you for creating Entropiaforum. It's been a good home for Entropians over the years. I've made new friends, shared tales, and had many good times here... all thanks to you.


Well, it was fun while it lasted I reckon, and despite all the whining, the flaming, and the general unhapiness sometimes, this is a very mature community that greatly enriches the game. So thanks to all the EF admins and mods for giving us this service for so long, effectively filling up the need of having a somewhat-but-not-quite-official forum. :)
bye ef! thanks for all your info.

i'm no senior anymore now :(
Will I keep my 88% Longevity?
Well, see you all on the other side :D
Oh my god, what will I do when I get bored at work... :eek:
More time for work

So long and thanks for the fish!
Are you sure this will be your last posts ? :D
What becomes of
Two to three weeks after the PCF transition, will be relaunched

not my last post yet, EF or PCF, whatever, my last post will be after I've sold out :d
bye bye

I love you all :) Let see if my pranks work on the future EF :)
Bye and friends
i hope we see us ingame, in other / new forums.

In this time:
gl @ all !!
So we have been sold on once again :wave: See ya on the other side :)

Loot is for Pussies!!!

No wait, that was the text or my first post on PCF... :scratch2:

Errm, ok, now i know:

Unban Knuckles!!!!

:yay: :yay:
It was fun while it lasted, now lets see what happens.
In before the lock ;)

Cu on :D
Thanks for all the fun and information :)

I think the new one will not been the same :(
Let my last post for now be a youtube movie[YOUTUBE]KmnKCE99sYE[/YOUTUBE]