How long does the skill boost last?

got 15 minutes 40% boost
I was grinding some Prots yesterday, after about 150Ped TT ammo my skill boost kicked in, lasted all of 5 mins, saw a few extra green lines, nothing to see here, move along....
It varies. I have had boosts at 5 mins (common) and boosts at 20 mins (uncommon). Also the % increase varies, up to over 200%.

- MR
my highest or most favorable was blp 200% for 12mins, fastest 12mins of my hunting career think i slaughtered every trooper and legionnaire on the map ...and yes the skill gain was very very noticeable :D
i got 2 boost one 3% para boost for 5 min and one translocation 0% boost for 5 min. YES 0% now MA thinks they are funny