Vixen Android Pet

imo, i think the inclusion of tamable vixens is a bit of a mistake which could come back to bite them. There was a report just a few months ago which hit major news pages about the treatment of women and children in games, if a news page decides to carry that story on, then EU could be on the front of the yahoo homepage.

i don't agree with them been ingame, but if they do stay, i hope they stay on RT only.
Sigh... Too many folks going anal retentive in these politically correct times. How I hate that term already. Yeah, I got me one of those Vixens. It was fun to discover how. Thought it would be harder.

And returning from hell I just saw worse, namely an avatar who looked quite the same as his Vixen pet, shape and clothes (or lack thereof) and all. Yes, I say "his". That to be banned, too? How will they keep him away from Toulan? Toulan simply doesn't exist, as far as I am concerned, and that's all I'm gonna say about religion. I am very conscious of where I spend my money.

But if we can't take other people's concept of having fun for what it is, nobody needs to play a game at all. At least not one where different folks might meet. Like it your way, and let others have it theirs. If someone else doesn't want to see these things, they may ban it from their own premises. As long as they don't tread on everybody else's. Too many anal retentive people making rules already. Our own fault if we let them.
Toulan simply doesn't exist, as far as I am concerned, and that's all I'm gonna say about religion. I am very conscious of where I spend my money.

Why the hell you talk about religion at all on this forum?
Do you think you or your sect is superior than other?

Any Fundamentalist is a dangerous thing, no matter what story/book he believe in, no matter how he pray...

Just tamed one and it still says "Spawnable on foreign planets: At level 7" at the info and "Exportable: At level 7" at the status window.
It says they are but they are not. I got the first one and lready got it to level 7 and cant be spawned off rock
It says they are but they are not. I got the first one and lready got it to level 7 and cant be spawned off rock

I'm guessing that is because they have no mechanism for planet partners to pick and choose which pets are allowed on the planet like they do for weapons and things. If/when that gets fixed, I suspect that they might be spawn able on some other worlds.

The really odd thing is that virtually all ( if not all ) of the other new pets seem to be geared toward the ComPets game. I guess ND got special treatment again?
The really odd thing is that virtually all ( if not all ) of the other new pets seem to be geared toward the ComPets game. I guess ND got special treatment again?

Rather not... Vixen Compet art dates back to the roadmap from early 2014. It was in the pipeline alright. No surprises there. :dunno:

ND got special treatment? I guess thats why his pets got all the good passive buffs.. oh wait no that was calypso
Personally, I think it's just a bunch of pixels. But I do understand that people may be upset by how those pixels are arranged to look like.

On the other hand, PP owns a planet and should have a say over what goes on in it.

Probably MA has to provide a mechanism for the PP to be able to control which pets are allowed in a planet.
As was mentioned in our FB forum, since toulan does not allow vehicles, they alone could prevent this pet, I don't see it as being a problem, but let others do what they wish with their pets, this is totally ridiculous about this certain pet, my god!!!
Instead of nutrio we should be able to throw peds or pecs at them so they would dance.

I have a inflatable woman, locked in my basement, and sometimes i make her do some "tricks"
Is that bad?
Until you can't laugh over your demons you are not free from them.

Yes i know where u coming from, very much so. But still.

It's a game. A fiction, no different than a movie or a book.
Wanna burn books that u don't like? Well, that's a fascist mindset. Fascists didn't believe in free will, they wanted to dictate what ppl think. If u fascist we have nothing more to talk about.

It's also something much more important than just a game.
It's also a testing ground for the new emerging planetary culture. A melting pot of sorts - different languages, beliefs, lifestyles. Are we ready for this? Do we have enough tolerance and respect for the ppl who are different? Can we live beside them and let them be? Or will we react aggressively and try to police the whole world according to our rules... :smoke:

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Anyone know exactly where these vixens are found to tame?
Yes i know where u coming from, very much so. But still.

It's a game. A fiction, no different than a movie or a book.
Wanna burn books that u don't like? Well, that's a fascist mindset. Fascists didn't believe in free will, they wanted to dictate what ppl think. If u fascist we have nothing more to talk about.

For all those who have stood up against an injustice, against inequality and given all they have for the right to be treated with fairness and respect, I doubt they would think they were being fascist.

This isn't about limiting freedom of expression, it is about inhibiting backwards thinking on how members of our society should be treated. About what lessons we are teaching the young minds of tomorrow, about what is ok, and what is not.
It's also something much more important than just a game.
It's also a testing ground for the new emerging planetary culture. A melting pot of sorts - different languages, beliefs, lifestyles. Are we ready for this? Do we have enough tolerance and respect for the ppl who are different? Can we live beside them and let them be? Or will we react aggressively and try to police the whole world according to our rules... :smoke:

I would not tolerate living in a society with a vast group of individuals. If this makes me narrow minded and unaccepting of their beliefs, then so be it. I would not be ready to respect, tolerate and live alongside rapists, extremists, paedophiles and the like. - And I do not for one minute believe a new emerging culture should.

I do not cast judgement on the people who have one of these "pets" , that is not my place to do so. However the fundamental principle that MindArk has allowed within our universe, is that it is ok to treat women as sexual objects to be used as slave, or sold. Anyone with a basic grasp on humanity can see that this principle, is not ok.

If one truly wishes to create a utopia within our Entropia... then it must be the case that alongside accepting and respecting those who have their own set of beliefs, to also ensure that we protect, cherish and treat others with the respect and dignity they deserve. Beliefs which conflict with the basic right to be treated with fairness and equality, cannot be tolerated in a truly immersive society. If any of us believe that we have the opportunity to mould this universe, I am sure I do not stand alone in the belief that we can create one without having to accept and tolerate the evils of humanity in the societies we leave behind.
If you do happen to find one, make sure Dudeslim & Leya aint around....
20 mins after I run up, healed Leya and told them the location they sniped a rare vixen as I was taming it.
Was actually going to give it to Leya as I have one already so they really just shot their own pet :)
Found out they are cheaper to purchase than tame since you have to kill about 500 certain mobs for one to spawn.
I would not tolerate living in a society with a vast group of individuals. If this makes me narrow minded...
OK. U want to expel those who're different than you? Keep the sheep in, goats out so to say? Well. U will have a nice and acceptable community indeed. Congratulations!

Oh wait... In the big picture, what have u achieved?

Exactly, nothing.

U will forever preach to the chorus. All those politically oh so correct good citizens will pat each other on the back every day, oblivious to the reality outside their little Utopia... Until the last day when the world abruptly ends. For you, and your children, and for the children of all your good friends.

The uneasy truth is, this world has become too small for being exclusive. The sooner we realize that the better. The technology has become too destructive and too easily accessible to keep it away from the terrorists foerver, despite all our efforts. This is only a temporary solution. The overall level of aggression and mistrust in this world has to decrease. The clock is ticking, nobody knows how much time we have left.

Luckily, the real world is not what the mass media and politicans want you to believe. The simple people are actually very nice everywhere, even the simple village people in Iran are real sweet. They don't want war, they do love children and want to have a peaceful future, just like us.
As the world grows smaller we can talk to them. We can tell them we don't like slavery and injustice, why we believe women are equal with men and shouldn't be treated as sexual objects, why we believe the suicide bombers are so fundamentally wrong. Or why pets should not starve, if u believe this is an important topic.
Just talk about it. Express yourself. Stop being part of the problem, become part of the solution.

If we leave it to the governments and politicans we'll never make it out of this mess in time. If we fail, the game's over. The game of our race on the planet Earth. (btw, don't look at me, these are not my ideas i'm just a messenger)

Sooo, still sure u wanna sit back and play it safe? ;) That would be a pity.
I think the time to complain about these female Cyborg 'creatures' was in 2010, (if you were around then), or soon after you discovered they existed if you joined later.

It's probably too late now, they've existed in-game for almost 5 years. The problem is each planet has to have the rules applied to them equally.

Personally, I wont have a Cyborg assistant running behind me, but as with all new content, there will always be people who dislike such changes, and I yes, I do understand the issue that the female players are making.
Bring back Umbranoid Male's and make them tamable for the ladies ... easy fix!
[I do understand the issue that the female players are making.[/QUOTE]

Well this one is not complaining, other than banning them from other planets!
At first I thought some of the posts were sarcasm, but...
It is very scary that some people play this for so long that they actually think this is real life and the vixen is a real woman.
There are people killing each other in PVP everyday, is that teaching us that its ok to kill people in RL too?
Please cancel your internet and cable if you think everything that shows up on a screen is real.

Note* In real life, I am a defender of equality and woman's rights
How come that all of a sudden an RT pet is an issue?
Half of entropia players made female ava with many intentions and purposes.
Cheaper gear is not enought valid reason, tere must be a lot of pervert reasons too.
If RT pet is now an issue then we need to ban all female ava players unles they porve they are not pervert and are female also IRL by sending documents to MA.

*Still looking for untamed wild Umbranoid Female Joung ( pre orb wersion )
To be fair, having a pet bot is more suited than a Panda. I wonder how such a delicate specie could travel in pandora desert.
If i knew the passive buff which is all that matter in a pet choice, i may do the same as op.

Agreed, its a robot.
It's a good thing this isn't second life.
It's a good thing this isn't second life.

I was going to say that but Serica goes on a mass delete if she spots a computer game name.

Oh sugar...... sorry Spawn.

You can see things there that makes the "sexy dance" we have here look as tame as flopsy the bunny rabbit. Anyway, best not ask me what I've seen, I already have the 1000 yards stare! :D
Rather not... Vixen Compet art dates back to the roadmap from early 2014. It was in the pipeline alright. No surprises there. :dunno:


Well, I stand corrected. I do not recall ever having seen that picture before and I can not find anything even remotely like it on the ComPet website.

So, I guess my next question is-

Considering that what you posted is essentially a picture of a bunch of male avatars standing around watching a female in underwear fighting what appears to be a molisk, how well do you think that will fly with the FarmVille browser games crowd. I assume that they are the target audience for ComPets.

Maybe that's the reason that the more recent art shows only happy little cartoon pets?