Undiscovered Pre-Calypso

Feb 19, 2007
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Rickard Jeffery Blackwater
A few months back, Marco metioned that there was still things undiscovered on our little planet. Now that VU 10 is about to change all that It would be nice if FPC could give us some hints towards those things, so that we could have a chance to experince them before Crytropia.

Such as:

Is there a way to actually open the Thoriofold altar?
Is the something missed in the undergroud of New Oxford?
Any undiscovered Mobs or resources?

Just a couple of things off the top of my head, add yours and maybe we can get a few answers before Titan hits Sunday night.
and the egg... what about the egg ????? :umn:

S V :kos:
Yes the magic egg! when will this thing hatch! :D BUYING fruit .5 :D
A few months back, Marco metioned that there was still things undiscovered on our little planet.

Maybe it was a typo and he meant uncovered. I don't think anyone's see Marco, Simon, or Emma's underwear out in the open yet?

Was that post from him before they opened the garage door in PA to the little closet room near the TP that has nothing in it? Nothing ended up being in there...