Suggestion: El Plan - An option to create a better economy

Ivo Jahrumble

Feb 6, 2007
Porto, Portugal
The Great Pretenders
Avatar Name
Ivo Jahrumble Rocha
On the follow up of this poll,, as promised I wil lay down the suggestion and rationale behind it.

With a poll with high participation number and somewhat clear results of 60%/40% in favour that the economy is running too low it only fair I keep up with what I said.

This will be a wall of text, so get your coffee ready if interested :)

"EL Plan" is a pratical plan of how to achieve a higher level of Entropy in the economy of a game that is called Entropia Universe.

In order to understand "El Plan" you will need first to understand what is Entropia and how can we apply that law to the game.

"Entropy is a measure of chaos in a system. Because it is much more dynamic than other more rigid metrics like accuracy or even mean squared error, using flavors of entropy to optimize algorithms from decision trees to deep neural networks has shown to increase speed and performance." - So we can use flavours of Entropy to tune a decision tree.

"High entropy means that the data are spread out as much as possible while low entropy means that the data are nearly all concentrated on one value. If the entropy is low, therefore, we have high information content and are most likely to come up with a strong rule." - Ok, so when looking at Entropia Universe it seems to be flowing in a low Entropy state.

"A closed system can only reach maximum entropy at equilibrium" -Awesome! Equilibrium is great for a competitive enviornment.

"At equilibrium a closed system can still continuously undergo sub-microscopic changes no matter how long the system is in equilibrium." - Mindblown!! There will still be change in prices at maximum equilibium.

"So think of ‘entropy’ as a number that is related to the ‘number of possible ways in which we can arrange a particular configuration’" -Yeah I know. Its in the developers hands to tune the game as they feel better :)

History lesson:
Running the system on High or Low entropy is in the fingertips of the developers. How? By connecting OR disconnecting the economy.

A quick re run of how Entropy flowed in the economy through times and how far it was connected and has been disconnected almost completely with the changes over time.

2006 - 2011 - As soon as L items came to life surpassing stats of the basic unL models we were given at the beginning of times by the developers, The Universe went into a High Entropy state where demand was huge because all options and needs where connected to crafting. There was a major flaw in this system. hunting loot was not well balanced to keep the flow going so the economic cycle ended there. The obvious displeasure of hunters after a few years of this, along with the FOMA lvl13 amps exploit, some shady behaviours of some guys exploiting the desire to gamble of some and a world economical crisis killed this model. - This is still an example of a High entropy state. Already at the time I was asking why the hell there is survey probes in amps bps. To keep prices down they said. Ok, why not blau, copp iron etc? Humm...Already here you could see the managment of Entropy by devs..

2012- to present - The answer to the issues at hand the answer was Explosive Projectiles blueprints and loot 2.0. MindArk delivered exactly what the players requested. Cheaper guns and cheaper craft for gamblers. And put in a system that returns to the players on average 95%back. All this came at the cost of disconnecting a very, very big part of the economys turnovers. Now there is no demand of resources for guns or for crafters to gamble. Everyone can use TT/repair to hunt/craft. They promoted tiering up as an economy. But that is an optional path. Not a path of need. - And what we live in is a Low Entropy state. Everything is so well defined that most if not all players are on the same bag of unL as the only viable META. This obviously create a decaying economy over time and we are where we are.

2023 - Nanos change - The Nanos change was the first step to correcting the low Entropy state the game runs on at the moment. It tied up the big turnover of EP crafters with the generic loot production of the other two activities, hunting and mining. But this still leaves one way for player to play only against the TT/repair and not engage in the economy. And thats where all the players are at the moment. Can´t blame them. But can´t also blame MA if the playerbase does not request for this change if they don´t do anything. The way it is setup is better for them as there is harldy any markup production due to no paths of need. Only options and one way to play from tt/repair.

A small mythbust:
Demand comes in many shapes and colors but for simplicity sake lets use only the 2 main differences in demand:
- Demand can come from a need. It becomes fundamental to move forward. Food, water, a weapon to hunt a finder to mine.
- Demand also comes from desire. It becomes optional. I want a better watch. I want a quicker car. I want to tier up my weapon.

These two are as different as day and night as far as making the game move forward and we preety much only have options at the moment. Not fundamental needs.

Finally "El Plan", the execution:

Removing completly unL from game is unthinkable for many reasons. Way to many to even name a few.

However it is undiniable that this creates an issue on the economy when all or most of the players use the same option. The game becomes unbalanced.

The main things to adress would then be:

This is the big one and most meaningfull change:
- Repair of unL items comes from Explosive Projectiles. Use a repair terminal and pay with EPs. I was thinking about a BP for a repair coin. Could be. But at this stage it seems like a perfect solution right in front of our eyes. Links the two biggest turnovers in game in a cyclical game.

What this aims to achieve:
- Control the population of unL. Meaning if all players go unL it will create an inbalance in price of EP, that the ones with the least efficiency items will be motivated to use L gear.
- Sets a universal price for usage of unL gear making the stats more relevant. This price is what will motivate others to buy L gear setting the wheels in motion of the whole economy.
- Ubadupaubers will still use they ubadupa 90%effi guns at the lowest price in market to play the game. So no harm done there either.

Other stuff to take care is:

- Change all the BPs that still have TT contribution to use nanocubes instead. Talking about survey probes in mining amp bps, empty enhancer comps and such stuff.

- Create a path of upgrade for the old lower efficiency gear so those users that get priced out of using the t7 items they currently own receive fair treatment from this change and can maintain the value of their investments.
- Edit all the blades as in this economy they become obsolete if they only use decay and dont use ammo
Possible ways of doing this:
- At T10 one last tier upgrade fo the the gun to go from 55% to 60% effi.
- A set of bps that requires several of the old items to craft the adj/modified version of it.

To sum it all up.

This plan comes from this belief.
"In a game that returns 95% back, perfect equilibrium should return more examples of 107% in items/resources that are needed in high demand."

I belileve that equilibrium is not possible as the game runs in a low Entropy state decided by the developers and as such players are being skimmed of potential markup from their peds cycled under current conditions.

With this change there is only ammo burn coming from TT. It should achieve the middle ground of Entropy we are looking for.

No player can use an item or craft a BP bypassing the economic game. And this is fundamental as I see it.

Equilibrium and High entropy will bring the METAs into murky waters making the game much more fun. not just mine pyrite and hunt outputs.

We can all agree that the base prices are to low. We know the developers can disconnect or connect the economy as they please.

The math behind this is really simple: If price of loot goes up, item price goes up.

It is on our side to say if we want something different or not. MA is confortable as it is..

I think we have a good 2 or 3 years until UE5 comes out. So it will be a desert of ideas already until then. As someone who was around when we the 1st engine migration was done, UE5 will be no more that a bugged reskin for a couple more years after launch with no new features. This is what I expect but I would love to be surprised.
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unthinkable for many reasons. Way to many to even name a few.
I could use what you wrote to then not need to write anything myself?
However, ofc I'll write something... :)
Repair of unL items comes from Explosive Projectiles.
Interestingly, unL weaps that have a high percentage ammo cost would then be cheaper to use than stuff needing more relative repair, but not by much. As anyone can make their own EP, serious players would leave their avatars crafting during their own downtime, but at least it might be anti-bot time too then...

On entropy itself, I wonder what trained chatbots make of the subject, as they are possibly only as good as what has been used in training. I get the impression people do not understand entropy very well here on this planet orbiting a sun and in the firm grip of the forces of gravity... maybe chatbots would also just agree with their human trainers?
high entropy borders on outright gambling.

edit : as in implementation thereof versus a natural evolution.
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(Chatgpt summerize wall of text)

The text discusses a plan called "El Plan" aimed at increasing the level of entropy in the economy of a game called Entropia Universe. Entropy is described as a measure of chaos in a system. The writer explains that the game has shifted from a high entropy state, where demand was linked to crafting, to a low entropy state with more defined options but less economic activity. The writer believes that a balanced state with moderate entropy would be beneficial. The proposed plan involves changing the repair system for certain items, introducing upgrades for old gear, and modifying blueprints to encourage more economic activity. The writer believes that achieving equilibrium and higher entropy will make the game more enjoyable. The text also addresses the developer's role in managing the economy and suggests that players should express their preferences for changes. The writer anticipates a period of low innovation until the release of a new game engine.
- Repair of unL items comes from Explosive Projectiles. Use a repair terminal and pay with EPs. I was thinking about a BP for a repair coin. Could be. But at this stage it seems like a perfect solution right in front of our eyes. Links the two biggest turnovers in game in a cyclical game.
This is cool but I would suggest they go a bit further and make it so that you need multiple components to repair an unlimited item depending on its tier, so T1 could use nanocubes or EPs why not, and then you would gradually move up to filters, sensors, BSM and even higher level components such as reinforced plates and whatnot, this way there will be a positive effect on a wide array or resources. This change does make sense as it follows the same logic behind the introduction of nanocubes.

And if the use of EPs will increase significantly as per you suggestion, then EP BPs need to be readded to the lootpool, I'm surprised they didn't do it with the nanocube change, was totally expecting them to start dropping back then, maybe they just forgot.

Another thing that needs to be addressed I think is rampant reselling - when some avatars don't really play the game or cycle anything, just trade, speculate and do nothing else. Imho this isn't good for the economy and needs to be addressed, no harsh measures, just link trade turnover and actual turnover somehow, so that everyone has to contribute something meaningful.
I see 1 flaw with your plan :)
Gl convincing Mindark
Please tell.

The point of this is showing the concept and coming up with the best idea we can have as a community.

Maybe I forgot something. That can easyly happen.
I'm quite skeptical that etymology is the right tool for understanding what Entropia is. Entropy is, at best, a sustainability constraint on what can be implemented, with respect to some (but not all) facets of Entropia. Perhaps overcoming entropy constraints is an important aspect of Entropia for many individuals, but mapping entropy to aggregate markup in the economy feels like forcing a conceptual framework onto the discourse for the sake of rescuing an unhelpful etymological link. It's hard to see how the data science website quotes support your subsequent assertions about Entropia, or how any of them support the changes you ultimately propose. If I had to try to derive an actionable conclusion from the entropy quotes, it would be that players are "likely to come up with a strong rule" for optimizing their gameplay decisions because, in aggregate, they "have high information content" regarding Entropia's mechanics and how best to incorporate them into a strategy. If optimization problems were less straightforward, i.e., if new item effects granted bonuses which increase in effectiveness the less efficient the user's current weapon is (as a side-benefit, a more organic use case for the older gear), then economic activity would emerge as players believing status-quo strategies not to be at equilibrium experiment with new approaches.
The main things to adress would then be:

This is the big one and most meaningfull change:
- Repair of unL items comes from Explosive Projectiles. Use a repair terminal and pay with EPs. I was thinking about a BP for a repair coin. Could be. But at this stage it seems like a perfect solution right in front of our eyes. Links the two biggest turnovers in game in a cyclical game.

Terrible idea I hate it- but thanks for trying to improve the game
You do have several points. Not sure if you have the best solutions, but I like the post overall.

One thing is certain. EU is not on a good path currently (in my opinion). Something will have to change.
I'm quite skeptical that etymology is the right tool for understanding what Entropia is. Entropy is, at best, a sustainability constraint on what can be implemented, with respect to some (but not all) facets of Entropia. Perhaps overcoming entropy constraints is an important aspect of Entropia for many individuals, but mapping entropy to aggregate markup in the economy feels like forcing a conceptual framework onto the discourse for the sake of rescuing an unhelpful etymological link. It's hard to see how the data science website quotes support your subsequent assertions about Entropia, or how any of them support the changes you ultimately propose. If I had to try to derive an actionable conclusion from the entropy quotes, it would be that players are "likely to come up with a strong rule" for optimizing their gameplay decisions because, in aggregate, they "have high information content" regarding Entropia's mechanics and how best to incorporate them into a strategy. If optimization problems were less straightforward, i.e., if new item effects granted bonuses which increase in effectiveness the less efficient the user's current weapon is (as a side-benefit, a more organic use case for the older gear), then economic activity would emerge as players believing status-quo strategies not to be at equilibrium experiment with new approaches.

By all means!! Do not go only by the quotes I posted here. Do your own research and apply it to the closed system that is Entropia Universe.

I would suggest you, if you wish to do so:

1- Learn or refresh the concept of the thermodynamic law of Entropy.
2- Learn or refresh the notion that there is high and low Entropy levels and what the main differences are between them both.
3- Understand that the thermodynamic law of Entropy is used in many more ways than thermodynamics. Research examples of the law of Entropy being used in closed systems.
4- Make an exercise to apply what you learned in the framework of what was said as if you were a developer.

Lets play a game.

My claim is that the system currently runs in a low Entropy state.

Your conclusion from my quotes is that players are:

- "likely to come up with a strong rule"
- "have high information content"

These are the two traits of a low Entropy state. Can you answer what is the strong rule and the high information content in the current state of the game? If you did the research you will be able to answer this.

PS: Dumb it down a notch in the language. I had to use google translator and still was hard to follow what you were saying. Im not native English but can manage. reading your post was exhausting. Please? :)
I ran out of coffee but luckily had two Jack Daniel's miniatures in the fridge. Why have a higher level of chaos in the economy?
I ran out of coffee but luckily had two Jack Daniel's miniatures in the fridge. Why have a higher level of chaos in the economy?
Share one please!! :D

The purpose of higher level of Entropy is so that the METAs are not so well defined. Instead we have several options than run close together. Creating doubt of what is the best gear to use. Hence promoting L gear and for the economy to move forward.
This will be a wall of text, so get your coffee ready if interested :)

Have had so much coffee i am already giggidy , maybe ill chew up 20 mg Wyld Elderberry 2:1 CBN + Indica , and see if that gives me some insight.

so the solution is "let's tax more UL users". i cant figure out how this increases the economy but it is just like what stases do. yo own a house, pay for that.

one point is interesting tho.
Decay Items vs ammo items 100% agree and i have also proposed this as a Lore RDI conversion of melee weapons from "decay" to ammo with same parameters, thsi would automatically provide conversion of shrapnel benefits

Sadly this is not YOUR (or MY) game it is MA game, and...

MA is going UL mate..... TWEN, BGH, mayhe, vendor produiced this year about 5x 2022 items with lower population
MA is going autoloot, red pill in xmas boxes, easter bunnies are a clear symptom
MA is going Leech, summer20 is dropping since 4 years, it is not an error, leech allow to kill bigger, risk more and increase swings
Nanocube fucked up Gizmo crafting cost, a 0.8% multiplied 7 ranks is altering (L) cost

MA still does want monopoly of Calypso
MF chips dont drop elsewhere
we got lootable space to prevent easy moving around resources
we got separate auctions for separate planets
as a planet start to attract people there is a "fresh event" or something to call decay back to caly.
caly is SO MUCH in oversupply that most of loot is shrapnel, making it best for high eff weapons so most of large cycle happens on caly.
MA prevents PP to develo peapons, NI is not allowed to producing NIP at all, Herman stat are too bad, Viceroy can ot be further upgraded
MA control supply, we need to get fixed percentages without cap in the resources
AH fee are too high and prevent a smmoth flow of items (you know probably i back a ONE universal acution with fixed tax ot 1/10.000th of traded amounts with minimum fee 1 pec)

Taxing UL gamers is not a solution, real problem is that we are all stronger, loot more and playerbase is small.
the only solution is to move the slider to the right and return 99.5% instead of 98% in loot pool, increase 10x playerbase and people that play for fun will jsut accept to spend 10...50 eur per month without caring but in this inflationary and recessive moment its hard to spend 100 to 500 for many and we see sweat circles full and puny farmers.
Please tell.

The point of this is showing the concept and coming up with the best idea we can have as a community.

Maybe I forgot something. That can easyly happen.

Here is something for you this has been going for 20 years already Mindark brought the game to 1 point they feel comfortable with they don't want to change it because it's steady income even if it's not that great. The reason for the game to be heading to Unreal Engine 5 is they think that profit will increase if the game has more modern look. Their biggest fear is the game economy if you have been playing a lot of online games you will notice how in some games the economy is messed up such as WoW and Swtor - They don't want that to happen because it might ruin them - in order for this to work they need to find a way to increase profits - and keep the playerbase if that balance is ruined the game will shutdown . However if you have been watching what happens to the Entropia econonmy that is already happening. There is more gear floating arround than people willing to buy it because all activites in the game are being heavy taxed most if not all loose ped doing everything. Some may claim that everything is fine might be fine for some people or they are simply telling themselves that to escape the truth. Some already gave up but they like entropia and continue to funnel money month by month i know people who spend 1000$ a month +(for people of eastern EUrope that is not possible) .Some gave up and are cashing out. Some see those people cashing out and put their gear for sale aswell fearing they will be left to hold a hot potato and loose their investment. Numerous players express desire to fix the game however Mindark dosen't seem to adress their concerns .I believe that has been stated that game will recivie balances and changes that once Unreal 5 is in there will be changes but that is like 2 years away !
Share one please!! :D

The purpose of higher level of Entropy is so that the METAs are not so well defined. Instead we have several options than run close together. Creating doubt of what is the best gear to use. Hence promoting L gear and for the economy to move forward.
About 90% of my gear is L so I can agree with that. At least then I can usually find something that I can use even if it means I can't repair it. Initially I tried the UL route but realised it would take a long time to get the required skills.
Lets play a game.

My claim is that the system currently runs in a low Entropy state.

Your conclusion from my quotes is that players are:

- "likely to come up with a strong rule"
- "have high information content"

These are the two traits of a low Entropy state. Can you answer what is the strong rule and the high information content in the current state of the game? If you did the research you will be able to answer this.
The problem isn't that I can't imagine how the concept of entropy could possibly be applied to Entropia, but that I can imagine too many possible applications to figure out from your post exactly what you're going for. Entropy is nearly as widely applicable as probability. It's really just an average over slightly algebraically massaged probabilities (information), so whenever you find probabilities and a space to average over, you can talk about entropy if you want.

My best guess was that you're trying to say something about the macroeconomic activity caused by players seeking information, i.e., that holding all else constant, the more players tend to focus on exploring the game's strategy space rather than just exploiting the information they've already learned, the more aggregate demand should emerge, and thus the more total markup should exist in the economy. In that case, a state of high information content would mean that players have too much of the actionable part of Entropy's strategy space already mapped out, and strong rules would be the resulting, nearly-optimal heuristics. I'm more acquainted with entropy via information theory than thermodynamics, so I may have missed some technical meaning to "strong rule." My suggestion was that making Entropia's strategy space more dynamic and interesting should help keep players in an exploratory mode for much longer, even as they devote some of their attention and expenditure to using the information they've already learned.

This doesn't quite explain everything you say though. The quote, "If the entropy is low, therefore, we have high information content," may be a source of confusion. I couldn't find this quote via a simple search, but it's misleading at best. Entropy is an average over information, so it doesn't really make sense to say that low entropy causes high information.

I'm also quite skeptical that inelastic demand could exist within Entropia. Your real-world society can capture any quantity of your time and physical/mental resources it wishes in exchange for food or water only because you would suffer bodily damage, pain, and eventually death without them, but without a weapon or finder, a player can simply do something else or quit Entropia; these options do have some exit barriers, but not a wall to press Entropians up against to coerce them to accept value propositons of arbitrarily poor quality. It's pretty much a necessity that demand in Entropia stems from desire, although different desires obviously matter to Entropians to different degrees.
Entropia has been compared to real cash economy multiple times but there's something off certain individuals were talking mighty and high about virtual jobs and such but that was just a baloon of hot air game is far off from that as possible needles to say such individuals are not anymore with us anyomore they are selling another game as the next big thing. The game has limited ammount of activities and a flooded market besides healing and space flights not much else you can do and sweating. Hopefully that will change with Unreal Engine 5 but i remain sceptiical As a healer i can tell you this the L chips resto combo of chip life stelaing are too op - add a tezlapod and ppl won't hire healers . Healing is not what it used to be so instead of the few things you can do in entropia one is almoust dead
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Entropia has been compared to real cash economy multiple times but there's something off certain individuals were talking mighty and high about virtual jobs and such but that was just a baloon of hot air game is far off from that as possible needles to say such individuals are not anymore with us anyomore they are selling another game as the next big thing. The game has limited ammount of activities and a flooded market besides healing and space flights not much else you can do and sweating. Hopefully that will change with Unreal Engine 5 but i remain sceptiical As a healer i can tell you this the L chips resto combo of chip life stelaing are too op - add a tezlapod and ppl won't hire healers . Healing is not what it used to be so instead of the few things you can do in entropia one is almoust dead
<Soon you can download your consciousness to Entropia and start working as a fapper or a reseller ingame. Better have some ped saved up before soo you can afford to buy an apprtment with a bed in it!
<Soon you can download your consciousness to Entropia and start working as a fapper or a reseller ingame. Better have some ped saved up before soo you can afford to buy an apprtment with a bed in it!
Neverdie is that you? lol jk

Reminds me I need to catch up on season 2 of Upload.

To the original poster, It will be interesting to see what MA does when Unreal is implemented but until that time I don't see them making any massive changes to what they currently have in place. There might be small incremental changes after Unreal but a complete overhaul of the system might sink the game.

It might be possible we see some new level of item customization or buffing that engages crafting and mining in a meaningful way. I am sure MA knows exactly what generates more deposits so don't think they will radically change things that will upset that flow. I think in the past they've gone down some rabbit holes that didn't pan out and they seem a bit more conservative since I started playing again.

Suggestions are good and I think it might spurn some ideas at MA HQ but only if they align with their business goals.
Whatever they do, will fail if they dont bring new depositing players. UE5 is going to be either strongly postponed, or delayed project so no boost for economy in here. And they wont make it to Epic store due to gambling regulations and different laws in different countries. So how would you attract more players? taxing UL users is bs, solving bots might help a bit, changing how our auction works might have significant impact. And yea most of their balancing ideas were insanely wrong.
Whatever they do, will fail if they dont bring new depositing players. UE5 is going to be either strongly postponed, or delayed project so no boost for economy in here. And they wont make it to Epic store due to gambling regulations and different laws in different countries. So how would you attract more players? taxing UL users is bs, solving bots might help a bit, changing how our auction works might have significant impact. And yea most of their balancing ideas were insanely wrong.
Entropia is not gamble and Mindark will implement 10 more tiers to items for more veraity. Enjoy!
Even if Unreal 5 comes it's not a magic pill new graphics will increase the flow of new players but when they come and see what ti costs to stay afloat in Entropia they will go play another game . Other things need to change aswel not just graphics!
If asking for repair of unL to come from the most basic craft there is in game is asking to much, it just shows how much the players are willing to give up in return of a better game.

The concept of what I mean is clear at this stage, no point in trying to explain it even more.

Have no fear. This would not be an earthquake to the economy. Only a slight bump as the nanoschange was. More work is in place still to make the game more attractive I have no doubt.

But with this kind of economy I could then support other players claims such as removing caps from loot. Until the demand issue is not solved there is no way to remove the caps on resources and Sally will still have to do most balancing work and so on.... yeah you know where this leads...

- Wishfull thinking of more players for the same bad product
- Demands of cheaper game that hurt MA bottomline
- Suggestions that do not provide solutions and that do not take into account the full picture and reach of the proposed change

These are the things MA will not really listen to.

What MA will listen to (altough they hardly aknowledge it) and there is recent history they listen and act.

- Suggestions and proposals that are throughly detailed and thought of.
- Solutions that have support of most of the players.

If you guys want to throw the towel and live in this universe for another 3 years in these conditions go ahead. Meanwhile I would like to throw a few bones at MA to make something better and prepare for the future.
From angle of law it is, you bet your money with uncertain result. You dont even have to go deep through those laws.
just publish a paper that loot+skills gained is zero sum and GG, no more gambling
Here is something else crafting skills don't matter as they should - you can get all the skills you want thru crafting and daily quests but nomather what is your level you will always have arround 43% chance of sucess compared to hunting and mining where lootings skills in both professions increase your odd to find resources or get loot from monsters. Crafting should have guides and rewards to make the crafter feel intrested some Unlimited items low to mid level and low chance to discover something new if that dosent hype the crafters nothing will. RIght now you have Limited use armors which nobody use UL weapons that hardly anyone use and L weapons which some hunters use
just publish a paper that loot+skills gained is zero sum and GG, no more gambling
Gambling is taxed in bit different way than "standard" companies. So once they stop being under the radar and try big move, like moving on epic store, first thing that happens is regulators jumping on them and its not only publishing papers but actual tests of alghoritms etc. And that reminds me since we know after "happy hours" they can manipulate with loot, they will never get licensed even IF they would pay money it costs. And its not small figure for anyone.
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Gambling is taxed in bit different way than "standard" companies. So once they stop being under the radar and try big move, like moving on epic store, first thing that happens is regulators jumping on them and its not only publishing papers but actual tests of alghoritms etc. And that reminds me since we know after "happy hours" they can manipulate with loot, they will never get licensed even IF they would pay money it costs. And its not small figure for anyone.
respectfully the paper on loot system has already been filed in sweden
again the company is listed even in a small exchange so regulatros already are supervising it.
simply the Swedish gambling company ALREADY determined that there is no gambling in game
this is a point already debunked, sorry
if Epic game needs FURHER disclosure, just publish a partial paper on loot mechanics that explai WHY it is not considered gambling by the commission.

the rest is conspiration theory sorry