Recent content by Bloo

  1. Bloo

    Running on SLOW... and other moans.

    What's up? I have left PE and come back to EU but I still walking through treakle (sp?) give me a vehicle or something and while you're at it fix the laaaagggggg... Seriously MA has only seemingly added content to boost profits (sell more land etc) not fix basic problems like GUI GFX glitches...
  2. Bloo

    FAP Sound Effects??? LOL

    Honeslty this has been annoying me for ages. The sound that plays when you use a FAP is pathetic. It's sounds like a one armed 5 year old in his first music lesson. Such a shame the techno music is great, other sounds not so good but for Bloo's sake the FAP is the worst sound effect in ny...
  3. Bloo

    Twin peaks attacked by 50ft Woman!

    yeah I'd boff her. :)
  4. Bloo

    Flight Passengers BEWARE

    Well I am planning to loose weight in the new year hope the Clue Neverdie bouncers take that as an excuse?... "not tonight you're not on the list...." (UK Old School hardcore rave quote...) I blame my dancing, they just don't want my sort up there in space. Stop me at the passenger booking...
  5. Bloo

    Merry Xmas to all.

    Funny you should say that tomorrow before I get to my parents; my grandparents get a visit; 92 year old grandfather (second world war fighter) and gran 87 year old granmother (second WW weapons factory worker) will. /salute I think you'll agree?
  6. Bloo

    Merry Xmas to all.

    Just like to say Merry Xmas to all of you. :) Yup everyone of you. Hope you all* have a nice relaxing time like I intend to over the holiday period. I myself live in Nottingham (UK) and will be chilling with my parents (i.e. a full fridge) for the next two days. I have been playing PE...
  7. Bloo

    NEVERDIE's last word on the subject!

    Salute dude.:)
  8. Bloo

    How many teleporters on the second continent? whatever it's called. Just Wondered how many there are?I know there are 3 on Deathifiers Island (which Deathifier is massive I might add :silly2: ), anyone? Cheers - Bluefunk
  9. Bloo

    Calling all vets - how UNLUCKY are you??

    My Loot observations.... My largest loot so far is (get ready) 8.5 in PED's and some shogun armor with some other small item. Ok I have only been playing a few weeks so this is to be expected? Skills to me (i.e. higher skills) imo only allow you to kill higher level mobs so if you do get a...
  10. Bloo

    32k ped... whats to be done?

    I personally think the apology does little. She showed her true colours imo. I shall necro-post all I fucking like thank you very much.
  11. Bloo

    32k ped... whats to be done?

    DUDE, thats just completely rude. You don't deserve your 32k of PED's. Pull your head out of your golden PED ass and sort it out!!!! I also notice you haven't apologised to anyone for that.
  12. Bloo

    how much is Solomate Crusho worth OR...

    Could someone direct me to site that has estimated prices for items? I did try a search on the furms but had no luck... Any help would be appreciated??? cheers - Bluefunk
  13. Bloo

    Changing the Resolution!

    Yeah Deathifier I just forced AA and it look looooooaaads better!!!! Wish I could run it at 1600x1200 though, ah well!:)
  14. Bloo

    Buy PED's but not accounts?

    Obviously the way PE works is by no monthly fee but PED investment (if you're seriously going to play to b honesT) however why can you not buy skilled accounts? to keep the economy running perhaps? The other thing I was wondering if MA do not endore or run this then where are the vet accounts...
  15. Bloo

    Isn't the Zychion Citadel cool?

    Compared to many other sites on Calypso I think for me so far is the best cool place to visit? What do you think and can you best it? - Bluefunk