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  • Thanks for the comment!
    It breaks the monotony of hatemail... not that I receive much of it anyway. X-D
    Greetings : )

    Thanx for dropping by.. let me know if there is anything that I can do for you..

    Hehe thx for t nice commant on my page ;)

    and i will do soon new pics of my ava :)
    by time for sure :D
    :) Aye,

    You points are good and strong.
    I am posting replies atm to them, hoping to open up a little to what addresses the consensus that is forming externally in the real world about Entropia.
    I lived there 20 years ago, blimey! where's that gone lol, I had a crappy bedsit run by a complete, well you know how some landlords are, lasted about 7 months and moved back to Wellington, escaped there and lived in Prague for a year and ended up in Exeter, been here nearly 8 years now. You are my closest RLer so far, where's Nadie?
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