Didn't want to waste more of your MM time, but ya already gave me 18 ped (through opalo + 1k of ammo) ^^. More than enough for my decay*markup... Ty for the opportunity to heal, though, it was nice to get some easy skills (getting close to having the t5 maxed ). GL with the competition!
heh, 20hrs of hunting in 48hrs, easy. if I get back online soon, think a FAP-28 (~8-~17 per heal) or a max'd T1 will help out a bit w/ Tul helping? (Tul offered a lil while ago on i-tao if you ain't checked).
Err, never mind. I can't see anything around here so I'm pretty sure I went to the wrong continent or something ^^. Let me know when you're going to return.....
nah, that's fine. I should have been paying more attention. I'm just wondering if you'll be returning to the same spot to hunt or not...? In so, it might not be worth it to tp out.
lol Bru - Just made it to your coordinates after dying a few times and realized you logged off.... Coming back to the same place when you log back in or should I just leave? ^^