Recent content by litojohn20

  1. L

    Computer Automaticly Restarting

    heres what happens i just randomly walk do around the place for something to do then it starts freezing then for some reason it restarts computer at first i thought it was overloading since i was in port atlas but i went to billy and it still happened does anyone else have this probly or is it...
  2. L

    new things since last year

    hi im a person that has played eu since its started back when its was pe and i had to quit playing for some time last year because of a job i had to do so when i logged on today u can bet i was surprised by what i saw im just wondering if anyone can give me a list of new things that had happen...
  3. L

    Rich question

    just wonderding when i first started playing this game i thought i could make a few bucks off this game it seemed easy get sweat sell sweat cash out but after playing for a while i got bored of sweating and thought huntng would be better but hunt just like sweating took to long to get so i just...
  4. L

    pe assistant

    hey i had pe assistant for a long time now i hear they have a new verson is this true if it is can someone tell be where i can get it thanks
  5. L


    hey im a new mentor here and i tried to teach a couple of people but after the first week or two they stop logging on how do u find a person that will play for a long time and is new
  6. L

    Recruiting noobs to hunt

    sry going off topic but what noob can afford 55 ped in ammo
  7. L


    I was looking at my profile and i saw a part that said EFD 107 ( donate) and i was wondering what it was thanks for reading
  8. L

    joy stick

    ok today i was searching through my house. i was searching in a box that contain things that we brought from our vaction in china. i found this band new joystick cantroler for the computer. i was thinking to us the ccntroler on the game. when i pluged it in it it worked but when i tryed it on...
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    ARt Making

    hey bixs i didnt no you read these things
  10. L

    ARt Making

    HEy i got a question. i resently can to the art gallery at new oxfort ( i forgot how to spell it) and i saw the prices on the peices of art and that got me to wonder if u can make your own art and sell it to people? thanks for read
  11. L

    I Need Help

    I spent 2 weeks so far of sweating and all it got me was a jestergun and 100 bullets but that all ran out soon so i had to sell may jester since it got weak and i couldn't get more money of any more ammo :mad:
  12. L

    I Need Help

    Hey I've Been Playing For A While Made Some Friends And Got Used To The Game A Bit. But I Can Never Get An Sweat Or Money So Im Stuck With Nothing. MY Friends Told Me About Getting A Mentor To Help Me So Here I Am Waiting For One. I Live In The Central Part Of United States :) .