Mikayla layla

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  • Hey Layla =), How ya doing? Lol I just thought I would actually do something on the forums for a change =p. Yes, I am that bored lmao.
    Hey! My internet went wacky. No access until next week but I wanted to let you all know! Miss you guys!!

    hey mikayla all goodd here how are you Eu sux big time atm so you are not missing out on much MAs VU is stuffing people up left right and center and loot sux even more then ever
    lol that new computer is taking ages huh? ;p
    well i'm gonna hit the sack
    8.30am almost so bedtime for me lol
    nightshifts do that to me lol
    hope to see u online this year sometime ;)
    hello yo howdy G'day just popin in to say hi Mikayla... and now i will say BYE... ___m_<(^.^)>_m___
    go to my thread i have posted and it say add rep just click that and give me reputatiion
    Im guessing around 6hours from now... easyest way to fine me is msn, kimarild@msn.com
    Well, Im not sure what you meen, but I remember I changed your skin color last nite, and I know it got changed.
    If there was a bug I guess you could send a support case to mindark. Well if you bring me 20 skin color set, I guess we could try again and I wont charge any.
    Hey Mik ;)

    Ofc that I`m playing.. Was in mining a little today.. ;)

    How things go with u hun? Any HOF`s on the screen? :)

    C`ya arround ;)
    whats up girl...im connected now on eu. I stil have to make a myspace...i think one step at a time lol. Im about to log onto the game soon. Hope to see you there and hope your not upset lol./
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