Recent content by prfctdark

  1. P

    Be come a rock star!

    I do believe earlier in the thread u said it was quality that counted not quantity right? 40k views is only 40k people who can't stand u or ur soc,go out and start PK'ing again,nobody gives a shit about what's going on in ur real life,they come here to play a game and they want a soc that does...
  2. P

    Be come a rock star!

    They went away when Force decided people would rather see pics of a perverted old man acting like he's 20 trying to hook up with underage girls and "falling in love" with bald transvestites....... And Force for the love of God dude learn how to freakin type,trying to read what u type is like...
  3. P

    Be come a rock star!

    Wow 15 whole members(including ur alts),u guys really did rock the fame....lmao:laugh:
  4. P

    Be come a rock star!
  5. P

    Be come a rock star!

    Im sry but why does everyone even bother posting here? It's pretty obvious he has some serious ego issues,having to constantly put up pictures of either ugly or possibly underage girls lol(I still don't know if the chick(?) in that pic earlier was even a girl).:laugh: And Force every keyboard...
  6. P

    Be come a rock star!

    Is that a dude or a chick in that pic Force I seriously can't tell........:scratch2:
  7. P

    What's wrong with this picture? 1K EFD reward

  8. P

    Borrow System

    Hi, I've been reading around and noticed many incidents in which people do a trade because they trust someone and get their item stolen,and I began wondering if MA should implement a borrow system. Basically it would be similar to trade,but only one window instead of two for the person to...
  9. P

    Help: Sumima

    Where can I find Sumima?
  10. P

    Help: regen on osseocollum

  11. P

    Help: regen on osseocollum

    Me and some socmates were thinking about doing some osseocollum,but will probably die some,so do they heal to fast to revive kill?(we do about 40-45 DPS apiece).
  12. Molisk 76

    Molisk 76

  13. First Dragon

    First Dragon

  14. P

    Question: Improved mob AI "Angriness" ?

    I sort of noticed this to.... Not sure if it's coincidence though:scratch2:
  15. P

    HoF: First ever!

    My friend wanted me to upload her first HoF! I guess I cant make fun of her for not HoFing anymore:) Big gratz Hope!