Deke Oct 20, 2009 Hey Rave, you were born 5 months before i joined the Navy so you really were a baby when I was in Desert Storm. Damn, i'm getting old. lol You be sure and send me a PM with your Units address so I can see about my having my sons class adopt you
Hey Rave, you were born 5 months before i joined the Navy so you really were a baby when I was in Desert Storm. Damn, i'm getting old. lol You be sure and send me a PM with your Units address so I can see about my having my sons class adopt you
G G General Alcazar May 26, 2009 Hey Rave! You still do these "Race for the PED's events"? Because it's the End of May and I didn't hear anything of it. Alcazar.
Hey Rave! You still do these "Race for the PED's events"? Because it's the End of May and I didn't hear anything of it. Alcazar.