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  • Hey man, sorry for late reply, didnt see this message before.
    Sorry to hear that, always sucks when you get scammed.
    Who made team? always agree on team rules before team is made. And when its made check the team settings. When you agree on it you can hunt in the team, if you do not agree, leave the team. I normally only team hunt with people i know and trust.
    well i got scam a bit last night whit a team hunt we wont a few global all together over 450 peds and only got around 150 peds of my share xxfrancisxx dancekitten dancekitten kept the rest how she or he had it set up most of the time she got almost every thing

    at the end she tried to get my oli worht 98 peds trying to give me amo for the same price

    also i had notice she was not making any damage againts atrox i had ask her if she was using a pee shooter lol i would not complain even i would have got half of the stuff that was won

    gest its best to hunt alone
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