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  • Hey, just wanted to let you know that we had to create a new event on ET for Grimyth's Giveaway. The other 2 were deleted so just a reminder to re-register on the new one.
    hmm I would`ve thought that you are able to get the truth behind dolly`s post better by now since u play for some time...
    but well nvm if you think that my -rep was undeserved then it is at least evened out by now. The +rep was deserved for sure... maybe you can check again next year and see if you then still think the -rep was not deserved.
    Thank you for the + Rep ^^
    Well, when I started in here, for joke I did recall some old threats with nice ATHs.
    After all the necro stuff I ended up in negative rep ^^

    Well I am IG right now if u want a chat there?

    Might be easier then using the forum. I am in ashi.

    lol why do you tell some facts about the rep system on here but don`t name the reason why I-repped you?...
    Well I hope it`s because you regret the post I -repped you for a little bit... if that`s the reason then I am glad I gave you-rep becaus next time you will think a bit more before you decrease the value of the work from other ppl.
    Before -repping me, lecturing me what & how to post and telling me to "shut up" you should realize that I got 3 bars of rep from less than 100 posts while you got 4 bars of rep from more than 1000 posts and might want to look who's talking...
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