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  1. R

    Du ska jobba inte skriva inlägg på EF. //Rex Hmm...jag är visst oxå på jobbet

    Du ska jobba inte skriva inlägg på EF. //Rex Hmm...jag är visst oxå på jobbet
  2. R

    Skulle inte skriva det här. //Rex

    Skulle inte skriva det här. //Rex
  3. Signal


  4. R

    Another myth to debunk

    In my first 3 months I had 3 mining Hofs + one spaceship with a 35 pedder :). After 8 months I got my first and only hunting HOF 8,2k molisk:yay:. since that one nothing:mad:
  5. R

    Atrax Beach presents you: The Big Endurance Challenge! Win 10000 ped.

    This is stupid! But here comes no 1 and 2. Why did I join this:scratch2:
  6. Nr 2

    Nr 2

  7. Nr 1

    Nr 1

  8. R

    Entropia Universe Version Update 9.3 Application

    Time change? Did they change the time or...:scratch2: 19 May 2008 The Entropia Universe servers will be temporarily unavailable while we implement VU 9.3 between: 2008.05.20 04:00 and 2008.05.20 14:00 UTC We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Edit: Yes they did