⚡ELECTRIC⚡ Armors & Plates - Twin Peaks Mall, 2nd Floor


Dec 31, 2006
Twin Peaks mall, 2nd floor
Dirty Dingos
Avatar Name
Inherent Marxus Legends

Thanks for checking out my new shop thread. This shop is dedicated to providing all the best possible armors and plates which protect against Electric. For now I only have 70 item points here so I am limited in what I can offer but the plan is to expand rapidly and add a wider range of Electric plates and armors in the near future.

Most popular Electric mobs in Entropia

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Here are some screenshots showing current inventory:

Firewall Mk-III (M,L) - Firewall Mk-III (F,L)

⚡ ⚡ Electric Armor Plates ⚡ ⚡

--- My other Armor Shops:

For Burn & Penetration protection, please visit my Robot Armor shop thread

For Impact, Cut and Stab protection, please visit my Animal Armor shop thread

For all the best Acid and Cold armors and armor plates, please visit my Mutant Armor shop thread
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Inventory List: Updated 4 Jan 2023

Limited (M) Armor:

Thunderbird (M,L) - 5 parts
Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set

Limited (F) Armor:
Thunderbird (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B armor plate - (x9)
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-54 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-48 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-42 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-36 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-30 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-24 Electric (L) - (x6)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x7)
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reserved for future use...
The following sets are currently available at the shop:

Liakon (F)
Helmet - tier 2.89
Harness - tier 3.19
Arms - tier 2.89
Gloves - tier 2.09
Thighs - tier 2.39
Shins - tier 2.29
Foot - tier 1.59

Phantom (M)
Face - tier 1.85
No Harness
Arms - tier 2.00
No Gloves
No Thighs
Shins - tier 1.96
Foot - tier 2.79

Helmet - tier 2.39
Harness - tier 2.72
Arms - tier 2.41
Gloves - tier 2.11
Thighs - tier 2.13
Shins - tier 3.09
Foot - tier 1.89

Adj Vigi (F)
Helmet - tier 2.80
Harness - tier 3.10
Arms - tier 2.69
Gloves - tier 2.69
Thighs - tier 2.59
Shins - tier 2.89
Foot - tier 3.09

Jarhead (M)
Face - tier 3.09
Harness - tier 3.10
Arms - tier 3.69
Gloves - tier 2.29
Thighs - tier 3.29
No Shins
Foot - tier 1.79

Zombie (M)
Face - tier 2.39
Harness - tier 2.69
Arms - tier 2.09
Gloves - tier 2.09
Thighs - tier 2.39
Shins - tier 2.39
Foot - tier 2.39

Gremlin (M)
Face - tier 2.79
Harness - tier 3.59
No Arms
No Gloves

Thighs - tier 2.99
No Shins
No Foot

Tiger (M)
Helmet is tier 1.85
Harness is tier 3.00
Arms are tier 2.41
Gloves are tier 2.01
Thighs are tier 2.54
Shins are tier 2.40
Feet are tier 2.39


Added 3 parts of Gremlin (M) in the shop today.

Cheers o/

The following sets are currently available at the shop:

Phantom (M)
Face - tier 1.85
No Harness
Arms - tier 2.00
No Gloves
No Thighs
Shins - tier 1.96
Foot - tier 2.79

Helmet - tier 2.39
Harness - tier 2.72
Arms - tier 2.41
Gloves - tier 2.11
Thighs - tier 2.13
Shins - tier 3.09
Foot - tier 1.89

Adj Vigi (F)
Helmet - tier 2.80
Harness - tier 3.10
Arms - tier 2.69
Gloves - tier 2.69
No Thighs
Shins - tier 2.89
Foot - tier 3.09

Jarhead (M)
Face - tier 3.09
Harness - tier 3.10
Arms - tier 3.69
Gloves - tier 2.29
Thighs - tier 3.29
No Shins
Foot - tier 1.79

Zombie (M)
Face - tier 2.39
Harness - tier 2.69
Arms - tier 2.09
Gloves - tier 2.09
Thighs - tier 2.39
Shins - tier 2.39
Foot - tier 2.39

Gremlin (M)
Face - tier 2.79
Harness - tier 3.59
No Arms
No Gloves

Thighs - tier 2.99
No Shins
No Foot

Armor Enhancers:
Defense Enhancers 1-5 - available in stacks of 5 and 14
Durability Enhancers 1-5 - available in stacks of 5 and 14

Armor Blueprints:
Predator armor parts blueprints
Orca armor parts blueprints

Please note: since I have sold most of my tiered armor sets at this point, I have started converting this shop into a shop which is dedicated to Armor crafting and I will be adding more Armor blueprints in it as things evolve.
I have converted this little shop by the Televator into an Electric protection shop. Here is what's in stock there now:

Inventory List: Updated 13 February 2021

Unlimited Armor:

Thunderbird (M) - 3 parts

Limited Armor:
Thunderbird (M.L) - full set
Thunderbird (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-III (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-III (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B - (x6)
AP-66 (L) - (x7)
AP-36 (L) - (x7)
AP-24 (L) - (x7)

Inventory List: Updated 20 February 2021

Unlimited Armor:

Thunderbird (M) - 3 parts

Limited Armor:
Thunderbird (M.L) - 5 parts
Thunderbird (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-III (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-III (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B - (x6)
AP-66 (L) - (x7)
AP-36 (L) - (x7)
AP-24 (L) - (x7)

Inventory List: Updated 20 February 2021
Inventory List: Updated 1 March 2021

Unlimited Armor:

Thunderbird (M) - 3 parts

Limited Armor:
Thunderbird (M.L) - 5 parts
Thunderbird (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-III (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-III (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B - (x6)
AP-66 (L) - (x7)
AP-36 (L) - (x7)
AP-24 (L) - (x7)

Inventory List: Updated 1 March 2021
Inventory List: Updated 6 March 2021

Unlimited Armor:

Thunderbird (M) - 3 parts

Limited Armor:
Thunderbird (M.L) - 5 parts
Thunderbird (F,L) - missing harness
Firewall mk-III (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-III (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B - (x6)
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x2)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x6)
AP-36 Electric (L) - (x6)
AP-24 Electric (L) - (x7)

Inventory List: Updated 6 March 2021
Inventory List: Updated 20 March 2021

Unlimited Armor:

Thunderbird (M) - 3 parts

Limited Armor:
Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set
Thunderbird (F,L) - 4 parts

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B - (x6)
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x2)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x6)
AP-36 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-24 Electric (L) - (x7)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x4)

Inventory List: Updated 20 March 2021
Firewall mk-3 both male and female in stock! AP-60 Electric plates also in stock!
Inventory List: Updated 2 April 2021

Unlimited Armor:

Thunderbird (M) - 3 parts
Thunderbird (F) - 2 parts

Limited Armor:
Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set
Thunderbird (F,L) - 4 parts

Armor Plates:
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x2)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-36 Electric (L) - (x6)
AP-24 Electric (L) - (x7)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x4)

Inventory List: Updated 2 April 2021
Inventory List: Updated 7 April 2021

Unlimited Armor:

Thunderbird (M) - 3 parts
Thunderbird (F) - 2 parts

Limited Armor:
Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set
Thunderbird (F,L) - 4 parts

Armor Plates:
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x2)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-36 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-24 Electric (L) - (x7)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x4)

Inventory List: Updated 7 April 2021

Re-stocked, and Happy Birthday to me :dancing: :ahh:
Inventory List: Updated 17 April 2021

Unlimited Armor:

Thunderbird (M) - 2 parts
Thunderbird (F) - 2 parts

Limited Armor:
Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set
Thunderbird (F,L) - 4 parts

Armor Plates:
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x4)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x5)
AP-36 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-24 Electric (L) - (x7)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x4)

Inventory List: Updated 17 April 2021
Inventory List: Updated 26 May 2021

Limited Armor:

Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - missing shins
Firewall mk-2 (F,L) - full set
Thunderbird (F,L) - 2 parts

Armor Plates:
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x4)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x5)
AP-42 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-30 Electric (L) - (x7)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x5)
Inventory List: Updated 20 June 2021

Limited (M) Armor:

Thunderbird (M,L) - 6 parts
Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set

Limited (F) Armor:
Thunderbird (F,L) - 5 parts
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x5)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x5)
AP-42 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-30 Electric (L) - (x7)

Inventory List: Updated 20 June 2021
Inventory List: Updated 31 July 2021

Limited (M) Armor:

Thunderbird (M,L) - 4 parts
Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set

Limited (F) Armor:
Thunderbird (F,L) - 4 parts
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B armor plate - (x7)
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x5)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x5)
AP-42 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-30 Electric (L) - (x7)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x4)

Inventory List:
Updated 31 July 2021
Inventory List: Updated 9 August 2021

Limited (M) Armor:

Thunderbird (M,L) - 4 parts
Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set

Limited (F) Armor:
Thunderbird (F,L) - 4 parts
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B armor plate - (x7)
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x5)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x5)
AP-42 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-30 Electric (L) - (x7)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x4)

Inventory List:
Updated 9 August 2021
Inventory List: Updated 23 August 2021

Limited (M) Armor:

Thunderbird (M,L) - 4 parts
Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set

Limited (F) Armor:
Thunderbird (F,L) - 4 parts
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B armor plate - (x7)
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x5)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x5)
AP-42 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-30 Electric (L) - (x7)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x4)

Reduced price on AP-30 Electric plates :)
Inventory List: Updated 14 Sept 2021

Limited (M) Armor:

Thunderbird (M,L) - 2 parts
Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set

Limited (F) Armor:
Thunderbird (F,L) - 4 parts
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B armor plate - (x7)
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-54 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-48 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-42 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-30 Electric (L) - (x7)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x6)

Inventory List: Updated 14 Sept 2021
Inventory List: Updated 11 February 2022

Limited (M) Armor:

Thunderbird (M,L) - 4 parts
Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - 2xfull set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set

Limited (F) Armor:
Thunderbird (F,L) - 5 parts
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B armor plate - (x7)
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x4)
AP-54 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-48 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-42 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-36 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-30 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-24 Electric (L) - (x7)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x6)

Inventory List:
Updated 11 February 2022
Inventory List: Updated 18 February 2022

Limited (M) Armor:

Thunderbird (M,L) - 5 parts
Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set

Limited (F) Armor:
Thunderbird (F,L) - 5 parts
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B armor plate - (x7)
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x4)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-54 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-48 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-42 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-36 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-30 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-24 Electric (L) - (x7)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x7)

Inventory List:
Updated 18 February 2022
Inventory List: Updated 15 March 2022

Limited (M) Armor:

Thunderbird (M,L) - harness
Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set

Limited (F) Armor:
Thunderbird (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - missing foot
Firewall mk-2 (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B armor plate - (x7)
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x4)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-54 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-48 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-42 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-36 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-30 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-24 Electric (L) - (x7)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x7)

Inventory List:
Updated 15 March 2022
Fully stocked for Easter Mayhem :)
Inventory List: Updated 3 April 2022

Limited (M) Armor:

Firewall mk-3 (M.L) - full set
Firewall mk-2 (M,L) - full set

Limited (F) Armor:
Thunderbird (F,L) - full set
Firewall mk-3 (F,L) - missing foot
Firewall mk-2 (F,L) - full set

Armor Plates:
Mk. 6B armor plate - (x7)
AP-66 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-60 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-54 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-48 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-42 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-36 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-30 Electric (L) - (x7)
AP-24 Electric (L) - (x7)
Pulsar 2 (L) - (x7)

Inventory List:
Updated 3 April 2022
Fully stocked for Easter Mayhem :dance:
Reduced prices on all Electric plates :)
Reduced prices on Electric plates :)