13725 PED HSL: The Battle of the Ancient Titans


Oct 7, 2006
Avatar Name
Eve Everglades

Holy Moly Society is in need of assistance and we are asking for your help!
We are having a problem controlling the population on these ancient titans lands and we ask any colonist willing, to come into battle, to help reduce the threat to a more controllable level.
For assisting the fight lead by us, we will be awarding 3 equal prizes of 4575 PEDs. Please check the details below:


Event dates:
Start: 14th January 2022 20:00 MA time.
End: 11th February 2022 20:00 MA time.
Prizes awarded the following days.

Event rules:
There will be 3 prizes of 4575PED awarded to top 3 HSL on any of the 3 land areas. All 3 HSL can be on one land or split between the 3 land areas. One person cannot win more than one prize. Event is only for solo hunters, no teams allowed.

No registration is required.
HOFs will be tracked through EntropiaLife.com so if you qualify, I will find you and I WILL pay you (me or one of my soc m8s :) )

LAs setup:
Tax: 2.99%
Density - Maximum
Maturity: Spiders minimum (youngs), Falx and Kingfishers maximum (stalkers)

Participating LAs:
Takuta Plateau - ( /wp [Calypso, 38737, 31715, 101, Takuta] ) - Araneatrox - closest TP: Sakura City: /wp [Calypso, 39672, 30222, 103, Waypoint]
Vermillion Fields - ( /wp [Calypso, 35715, 46689, 101, Vermillion] ) - Falxangius - closest TP: Zonnestraaltje /wp [Calypso, 36239, 44088, 163, Waypoint]
Southshade Valley - ( /wp [Calypso, 34276, 43246, 167, Southshade] ) - Kingfisher - closest TP: Zonnestraaltje /wp [Calypso, 36239, 44088, 163, Waypoint]

Lands are part of the society land grab event and if one of the lands will switch ownership during the event, that land will stop participating in the event, but if that land has a qualifying HSL, it will still be concluded in the prize pool.
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Time for some falx & kingfisher codex :)

EDIT: If anyone manages to loot 1000+ tier increase rate Kinetic 15 limited chip from the Falxangius, I'll pay ridiculous amount of money for it.
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fun, will definitely look fwd to winning a prize!
I'm assuming, since you don't specify, that HOF's will be tracked through ET and no need to post pic?
But feel free to post picture of your juicy hof if you have one :D
What's the current leaderboard? Is there some way to check this on EL?
(Thinking of Vermillion mainly)
It’s not separate leaderboards for the LAs. Highest 3 loot in any of the 3 LAs will win you the prize. Im not sure of the current leaderboards, but it’s been quite puny hofs so far.

It can be checked on entropialife if you got the LA viewer unlocked.
Nothing over 1k PED yet! These are about to pop! Who which mob will pop first? Who's gonna be the lucky one?
Grats to MonsterBatwings for breaking the ice with a nice uber!

[Globals]: Michel MonsterBatwings Raud killed a creature (Araneatrox Young) with a value of 3155 PED at Takuta Plateau! A record has been added to the Hall of Fame!
Two nice HOFs yesterday, big gratz to Linzey and Jasse.

Current leaderboard:

Spiders usually have a max hof size of 8-10k falx and kingfishers can both hof 20k+, so still good odds of beating the current top 3!

Edit: falx and kingfishers can both hof 20k+ not 10k+.. :)
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Very nice event. Great job HM!!!
top 3 still not crazy big hofs. everybody got a chance still :D
Stewie takes the lead with a really nice HOF!

[Globals]: Stewie NULTIVITAMIN Griffin killed a creature (Araneatrox Young) with a value of 9294 PED at Takuta Plateau! A record has been added to the Hall of Fame!
7 days left, time to get lucky 🤞
Tomorrow is the last day! There's still time left to try and make your way to the top 3 and bank 4575 PED!
You didn't knew before age 5 too guess what? people learn stuff along the way.
At 5 years old, like you, i was already married with 2 kids, with a degree in informatics and sales. its silly from you to ask me that knewing the answer already. i was making fun out of it considering real linzey was russian and now that its owned by an healer, fml real one would be so pissed to see that.