3 things to improve Shops


Dec 31, 2006
Twin Peaks mall, 2nd floor
Dirty Dingos
Avatar Name
Inherent Marxus Legends
As the title says, here's 3 things that MA could/should consider implementing in order to improve shops.

1. Make it possible for Shop owners to offer an outfit or set of armor for sale
It is not and has never been possible for a shop's owner to offer a complete set of armor or an outfit, i.e. pants, shirt, shoes, hat, etc... for sale as a set of items rather than just the individual items. Yet an outfit or an armor has more value as a complete set than the individual parts have. When ever I have a complete set of armor and put it up for sale, it is somewhat disheartening when someone comes along and only buys the most difficult part to obtain in the set and leaves the rest because it may be a year or two before I can offer that armor as a complete set again. I think this is one of the main reasons we don't see too many shops that specialize in unlimited armor (I'm pretty sure there currently are no shops specializing in unlimited armor in Entropia).

This feature shouldn't be too difficult to accomplish, why not just make it possible to sell a Mannequin (the items that Mannequin has equipped on him/her). That would allow the Shop owner to put the armor or outfit on display on the Mannequin and allow someone to purchase it as a set of items. The Shop owner could just set 1 purchase price for the Mannequin, when someone buys the Mannequin, they just get the items equipped on the Mannequin, i.e. all the Armor parts or the whole outfit. It may be necessary to create a completely new Mannequin for this purpose, which should be available at the Trade Terminal. Dropping it inside your shop could be a permanent action, meaning once the Mannequin is set, removing it will result in it's destruction. The Mannequin could be used over and over again, sale after sale, as long as it isn't removed. For as long as the Mannequin is 'installed' in the shop, it just adds functionality. I'd be willing to pay say 100 ped per Mannequin for this added functionality, as long as it is re-usable. If it is only a 1 time use, it should be much cheaper.

2. Upgrade-ability and history information at the Estate Terminal and/or on the Deed
There is no information regarding the upgrade-ability of shops on Shop Deeds or Shop Estate Terminals. I had purchased 3 shops already before I ever even heard about this. MA should consider adding this information on the Deeds of Shops. Ideally, consider adding to Shop Estate Terminals and/or Deeds what specific upgrades are available for that Shop. The way things are currently, my understanding is that not all Shops can be upgraded, it would be good to know exactly what upgrades are available before buying a Shop from someone. It would also be pretty cool if the history of each upgrade was recorded at a Shop's Estate Terminal or it's Deed: the upgrade, the price, who purchased the upgrade, date it was performed...

3. More information on Pet buffs under the 'Detailed Information' panel
Show all available buffs for a pet when clicking "Item Info", under "Detailed Information". Show the status of each buff, i.e. Locked/Unlocked, preferably with a progress bar, similar to the progress bar you see on a blueprint for your success rate when using it.

Pets have no Market History and cannot be sold on the Auction, which I think is wise. But this means that people often sell them in shops. When buying a pet in a shop or from someone, it is easy to see the pet's level just by hovering your cursor over it, but it isn't possible to see what that pet's buffs are, or whether these buffs are unlocked or not. Unlocked buffs makes the pet more valuable and this information should be available to a potential buyer. Pet buffs are generally unknown to players that do not own the pet themselves or look outside of EU, i.e. Entropiawiki or this forum, and therefore, a pet in a shop ends up mostly being 'valued' for it's 'coolness' factor, rather than what buff it will provide for it's owner. To remedy this, simply add to the 'Item Info' panel, all the buffs available for the pet, what level is required before unlocking each, and preferably a progress bar for each (you could just add a button for 'Show Pet Status' at the bottom if that's easier)

I think the above would greatly improve the experience for Shop owners, and make things easier for customers as well.


How about a Shop Directory
or maybe a Shop Directory...
or perhaps a Shop Directory?

More Item info in the deeds on auction may be useful too... currently the deed shows you the map but not the number of item points, etc.

Not possibly doable knowing Mindark, but it'd be cool if they had a video or set of images for each estate, sort of like a real estate broker does in real life that gave you a view of the place from inside of the auction... for folks bidding on some place on some planet they've never been to, etc.

Separating each deed or deed type in to it's own auction history might also be useful... stupid silly that the smallest estates and largest estates in game have same market history screens.

Also, put a damn door in the apartment shops in places like Omegaton, Treasure Island, etc. Stupid that you have to run around the outside of the building to get to the display area outside of the building. Better if each shop there had it's own door in the wall that it owns or if the walls just got removed completely and display area was open area on sidewalk, like a portico.
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How about a Shop Directory
or maybe a Shop Directory...
or perhaps a Shop Directory?

More Item info in the deeds on auction may be useful too... currently the deed shows you the map but not the number of item points, etc.

Not possibly doable knowing Mindark, but it'd be cool if they had a video or set of images for each estate, sort of like a real estate broker does in real life that gave you a view of the place from inside of the auction... for folks bidding on some place on some planet they've never been to, etc.

Separating each deed or deed type in to it's own auction history might also be useful... stupid silly that the smallest estates and largest estates in game have same market history screens.

Also, put a damn door in the apartment shops in places like Omegaton, Treasure Island, etc. Stupid that you have to run around the outside of the building to get to the display area outside of the building. Better if each shop there had it's own door in the wall that it owns or if the walls just got removed completely and display area was open area on sidewalk, like a portico.

This is a great and easy Idea...
and i still hope to see a list of shops, where i can browse all offered shop items, just like the auction list.

best would be integrated in the auction iteself.

here in one list i can find the gun/item i search for TT+125% in auction and for TT+120% in a shop. the auction with its fee provides post&package with instant delivery included.
now i can decide if i buy it directly from auction, or if i follow the provided position link to a shop somewhere and safe a buck.

the idea of shops is nice.
but as long as MA hides the shops out in the nowhere and doesnt provide a platform to publish their item prices and make them compareable, it stays a dead born child.
noone travels for hours to search and find shops with unknown offered items.
guess why so many shops are deserted.

the RCE concept of PE shines bright.
but there are so many dead born childs laying around in this game. they start to stink in the bright RCE sun.
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Thanks for hijacking my thread ... lol

No but seriously, a directory could be really cool but sifting through hundreds of listings might not be much use... I feel like it's up to the shop owners to promote their shops and make the offering interesting enough that people will think it's worth their time to visit.

The only way that a directory of shop content would succeed is if it is simple, and doesn't supplant the current auction system.

The above 3 things I mentionned are still needed tho...