a litte question


Apr 15, 2005
Hi .. when i started playing PE i was not to serius,I created female charatcter , but i am male IRL. Is there anyway u can change to male in the game? :laugh:
Nope you cant, unless you make a new avatar and start over again.
But there are benefits of having female avatar ingame -cheaper armor and coats! ;)
i am not sure they will do it, but you could ask through support if they would allow you to do an avatar reset.

they used to allow it prior to gold but i don't know if they still do.
will we get bodyshops in the next VU?
wanda said:
will we get bodyshops in the next VU?

from my understanding the bodyshops (whenever they may be implemented) will be for superficial changes such as piercings and tattoos. i don't think they will provide sex changes or avatar facial/body modifications.
I think so too, as silo says. I think the beautysaloons will be hairdye, makeup maybe, tattoos and maybe siliconimplants. But I doubt sexchange..
I just hope tatoos will be "tt" stuff from MA,not any BS about using materials from the world
Knuckles said:
I just hope tatoos will be "tt" stuff from MA,not any BS about using materials from the world

i agree with that. more "common" stuff needs to be tt. which reminds...i have a post i need to make in the wishlist thread!
Knuckles said:
I just hope tatoos will be "tt" stuff from MA,not any BS about using materials from the world

example of what tattoos could look like, not that i would take tattoo like that IRL, but Nea as a kick ass huntress would look fine with that :kos:
