A player locked for a year with no serious reason! I'm worried!


Old Alpha
Jun 20, 2007
Avatar Name
Foudil ElSalsero Bachatero
Hi all,

I have been playing entropia for over 11 years!
I do love the virtual universe concept as well as meeting players from all around the world!
PvP is the part of the game that i'm loving the most, sadly i do not have enough time to enjoy all the others possible activities and fit, build my avatar for them.
I am trying to advertise entropia to my surrounding in France in order to help making this game known and i must admit that i am surprised about the lack of advertising for entropia.
With my job, i am around alot of people to which i am mentioning the game.

I got into this open letter over my worries!

To Mindark:
Its been a year that my ingame society mate is locked, yes, "Invisible Andre Junior" is kept locked since February 7th, 2018.
On a side, i'm feeling confident and reassured to see that you are leading investigations to protect the players that may be affected but on the other side i'm noticing that "Invisible Andre Junior" remains locked.
I'm worried, is this normal that his case is not yet solved?
He is either guilty because you have serious proof to show for it or he is innocent.

Personally, I invested thousands and thousands of Euros and i have to tell myself that any innocent can find his avatar locked all the sudden, this is hard to swallow.
In consequence, i have momentary stoped my deposits because i'm having serious questions, doubts, on your way of leading and handling an investigation.

I do not have anything to blame myself for and i never cheated or took advantage within this game, I log in to enjoy a bit of player killing and hunting, i do not need this game to make a living.
When praticing PvP, whenever a player is unhappy, mad or any other negative feeling, he can send a false testamony in order to lock, close my account.
So, i can find myself with a locked account for false reason and i wouldn't be able to do anything because you are the one setting up rules, write eula and that virtual items do not belong to me.

Can you pronounce, state on the situation of my society mate "Invisible Andre Junior"?
This would help me to know if i can still believe in this game or not.
1 - he is either guilty, over serious proof you may have.
2 - he is either innocent and in this case he should be able to log in into his avatar
3 - you either leave this unanswered and this will show, prove that we can not trust you anymore, in this case, anybody investing would know that anything can be lost without a valid reason which is very disturbing !

To all the entropia community, if you feel concerned, thank you to leave your opinion.
"Is it acceptable after a year, that Mindark does not state on the situation?"
Oh so you gave him items too? that sucks....

MA should not state anything publicly about this and we, the community, have no way of knowing is Andrei is not hiding stuff from us and you must see our point too, because when Andrei found various ways to make things easier for him, like trapping, for example, he wasn't stealing from MA, he was 'stealing' from the community by gaining unfair advantages. Where I'm going with this is... you should understand to not ask for community's understanding and sympathy when the subject stole from the community. IF Andrei tells the truth, no, it's not normal.
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Yeah unfortunately this is not a public issue.

I find it very hard though to assume innocence, especially when those who watched the auction over the years know what they did.

Based on (".. and are waiting for some documents from other accounts") I would assume it had something to do with market manipulation, multiple account abuse, and any other "workarounds" they could find to force markups a certain direction, in their favor...and as Eve says...against ours.

Who knows how much they ended up gaining with methods that are prohibited in the EULA. This is why you do not cross that line. This is real money, it is simply not worth giving MA a reason to lock you.

MA has been cleaning up alt accounts, and people abusing market it seems as most of the big abusers are no longer around, for this I am happy...if truly innocent then he will prevail, I suspect he cannot prove certain "people" exist.
I guess the only thing in Foudil's favour is if Andre is holding some items loaned to him from Foudil, since MA openly stated they 'support' sharing of items in the recent management discussions with players.

So I guess foudil could under those circumstance attempt to reclaim his items back via support if Andre's account remains locked, and foudil can prove such items belong to him.

On the matter of Andre himself, the issue must be 'serious' to justify such as extended lock, without the full facts it would be unfair to attempt to mediate or take sides. Hope it gets resolved though.

with no serious reason ?!

When forum asked who he is his brother, everyone knew that avatar and he was only playing in auction , now i wont assume what he did but guess it was really fucking the game since they got banned.
I guess the only thing in Foudil's favour is if Andre is holding some items loaned to him from Foudil, since MA openly stated they 'support' sharing of items in the recent management discussions with players.

So I guess foudil could under those circumstance attempt to reclaim his items back via support if Andre's account remains locked, and foudil can prove such items belong to him.

On the matter of Andre himself, the issue must be 'serious' to justify such as extended lock, without the full facts it would be unfair to attempt to mediate or take sides. Hope it gets resolved though.


I don't have any Foudil stuff.
with no serious reason ?!

When forum asked who he is his brother, everyone knew that avatar and he was only playing in auction , now i wont assume what he did but guess it was really fucking the game since they got banned.

My avatar and my brother are temporarily blocked, not banned it s big difference.
As I said earlier in another thread it was two different avatars and two completely different personalities and they were not only in the market and engaged in trade, it is easy to check (see the tracker).
I don't have any Foudil stuff.

Well that's good news.

I don't actually agree with long term locks; all issues have the potential to be resolved or should at least be given a judgement so that you're in a position to either challange that decision or accept MA's judgement.

You will know more than anyone what the issues might be. Now lets assume for a moment that a certain activity could be questionable regardless of your interpretation of the rules. It might be better to accept a compromise 'without predudice' to enable your account to be reactivated.

That comes down to what matters to you most, does an active account hold more value to you than a certain value of peds you could potentially lose. If the active account is more important to you, then you could approach the problem from another angle, and make MA an offer of resolution.

You could either make an offer (as I say without predudice), or ask MA their value of the dispute to put the matter to bed. Or continue the stalemate. Life is about compromise, go find it. Maybe suggest to MA that the activities whch they are unhappy about wont happen again, although 'alone' I don't think that's going to make the grade add an offer.

All the best

Tbh im a little worried to as a heavy depositor, i`ts all fine and dandy aslong as peds go in but when u try and make a withdrawal thats when MA look into your account and looking for any suspicious activity or any reason to not pay out actually. MA let andrew go at his business untill he tried to withdraw 40k ped.

I personaly newer heard of this avatar, but hey how bad can he be when a number of ppl trust him with their gear?
Well that's good news.

I don't actually agree with long term locks; all issues have the potential to be resolved or should at least be given a judgement so that you're in a position to either challange that decision or accept MA's judgement.

You will know more than anyone what the issues might be. Now lets assume for a moment that a certain activity could be questionable regardless of your interpretation of the rules. It might be better to accept a compromise 'without predudice' to enable your account to be reactivated.

That comes down to what matters to you most, does an active account hold more value to you than a certain value of peds you could potentially lose. If the active account is more important to you, then you could approach the problem from another angle, and make MA an offer of resolution.

You could either make an offer (as I say without predudice), or ask MA their value of the dispute to put the matter to bed. Or continue the stalemate. Life is about compromise, go find it. Maybe suggest to MA that the activities whch they are unhappy about wont happen again, although 'alone' I don't think that's going to make the grade add an offer.

All the best


I wrote them many times and you all have seen the correspondence with them I have posted in another post, they simply ignore my suggestions, solutions to this problem, not problems tell me what was wrong and their solutions, and in the answer silence.
At the moment I have only one suspicion that I could temporarily block - this is what was purchased, what the item from the auction at which the avatar may manipulate the auction or were simply stolen
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Tbh im a little worried to as a heavy depositor, i`ts all fine and dandy aslong as peds go in but when u try and make a withdrawal thats when MA look into your account and looking for any suspicious activity or any reason to not pay out actually. MA let andrew go at his business untill he tried to withdraw 40k ped.

I personaly newer heard of this avatar, but hey how bad can he be when a number of ppl trust him with their gear?

Many players here know me and I have repeatedly taken things just like that and always returned them back on time and they can confirm it. I've been playing this game for 10 years and you think all I could do is be so stupid and break the rules knowing that I could get banned for it ? and to lose everything is to be a complete fool.
It is clear that there are a certain number of players who are your opponents and just hate you and write all the dirt.
with no serious reason ?!

When forum asked who he is his brother, everyone knew that avatar and he was only playing in auction , now i wont assume what he did but guess it was really fucking the game since they got banned.

What is the problem of being a resaller more than a hunter, since when is it illegally?
What is the problem of being a resaller more than a hunter, since when is it illegally?

None of that are a problem but he is not locked for any of that.Market manipulation is.
When you combine that with multiple accounts, multiple reports for different aspects of the game from so many players you get this result.I wish I could go into detail but I don't know exactly what he did so I won't speculate.
I am sure you guys know it better and please don't sell us donuts, we are not stupid.Some of us breath this game as we breath air.
Wait for Mindark to answer and make sure you respond back with what they request ok?
If they did not respond on you by now its because you failed to do your job as they requested period.
None of that are a problem but he is not locked for any of that.Market manipulation is.
When you combine that with multiple accounts, multiple reports for different aspects of the game from so many players you get this result.I wish I could go into detail but I don't know exactly what he did so I won't speculate.
I am sure you guys know it better and please don't sell us donuts, we are not stupid.Some of us breath this game as we breath air.
Wait for Mindark to answer and make sure you respond back with what they request ok?
If they did not respond on you by now its because you failed to do your job as they requested period.

Suspicion of manipulation!
Multiple avatars slandered him and his real brother so about multiple reports you're absolutely right!
Yes, for players like you, it may be the only income in real life, but for me it's not. I like and so answered all the questions that you asked all the people in my thread and tried to do everything 100% but the fact that there are haters it's understandable but what happens with MA it's not OK if I did something wrong then no problem tell all, if not then hell let me continue playing that's all
Andre suffers from multiple personalities ? :confused:

His English fluctuates from absolute Zero and totally unintelligible on some threads, to close to perfect gentelman speaking on some others.. :rolleyes:

Just to answer your question Foudil, yes, if a case is in hands of justice, then it can last for many years.
Andre suffers from multiple personalities ? :confused:

His English fluctuates from absolute Zero and totally unintelligible on some threads, to close to perfect gentelman speaking on some others.. :rolleyes:

Just to answer your question Foudil, yes, if a case is in hands of justice, then it can last for many years.

To write a text I use a translator because my English is very low
MA is not responding to your mail/support cases because they are afraid of an lawsuit which can affect their trust. As a public corporation they have to protect others involved (like us). Im sure there is something "unclear" in your actions. If you are really honest you should start an lawsuit, pay out an lawyer and sort it out. You can always request compensations from them if you win, pay the lawyer, and move on. If you would win such a lawsuit and they were wrong im sure a lot of people would rethink when investing in the game. Wasnt the case untill now so im gonna go with the fact that MA is right. Fair is fair, and taking advantages of any sort should lead to what is deserved.

Good luck solving it.
MA is not responding to your mail/support cases because they are afraid of an lawsuit which can affect their trust.

I think MA is not responding because they have told him multiple times that they are waiting for the other accounts involved to submit the documentation they requested.

And these threads imho go against Andre for a few reasons:
  • He is trying to put pressure on them, plain and simple. This is bad per se, and also makes him look bad.
  • He's got all his friends gang up and come here to defend him, which is very suspicious and also irrelevant to the case since all of them, as friends, are biased in their judgement.
  • He puts his case up for public discussion, which is terrible since nobody but him knows exactly what he did or didn't do.

MA doesn't lock an account out of the blue, they must have very good reasons to do so.

Notice I didn't say he was innocent or guilty, how the hell could I know? I don't.

I cannot believe we have rules against naming scammers, but not about ongoing investigations. Threads like this one serve no purpose but to add more drama to the forum (as if we needed more). Pointless, childish accusations going both ways.

Moderators wake up.
I cannot believe we have rules against naming scammers, but not about ongoing investigations. Threads like this one serve no purpose but to add more drama to the forum (as if we needed more). Pointless, childish accusations going both ways.

Moderators wake up.

This is precisely what I meant with PR problem and which some chose to misunderstand. Only that a moderator's decision in such a case needs to be backed up by an information from MindArk that there really is an ongoing case which cannot be concluded through no fault of their own. If this bit alone cannot be communicated, then cutting him off at the knees will only backfire.
MA is not responding to your mail/support cases because they are afraid of an lawsuit which can affect their trust. As a public corporation they have to protect others involved (like us). Im sure there is something "unclear" in your actions. If you are really honest you should start an lawsuit, pay out an lawyer and sort it out. You can always request compensations from them if you win, pay the lawyer, and move on. If you would win such a lawsuit and they were wrong im sure a lot of people would rethink when investing in the game. Wasnt the case untill now so im gonna go with the fact that MA is right. Fair is fair, and taking advantages of any sort should lead to what is deserved.

Good luck solving it.

The problem is that I don't pogu submit them to the court today as the rules of the game there is no period of time in which they can get you a temporary block for vyyasneniya of reasons and it is very bad, so that they can keep you locked up years and then just let go when your stuff will be worth 0 peds
This is precisely what I meant with PR problem and which some chose to misunderstand. Only that a moderator's decision in such a case needs to be backed up by an information from MindArk that there really is an ongoing case which cannot be concluded through no fault of their own. If this bit alone cannot be communicated, then cutting him off at the knees will only backfire.

Life support can not answer anything because they have no right to interfere in the investigation and can not answer anything, respectively, can not help anything, although everyone says that not to answer the case 8 months is not correct and we can only pass your problem up and everything, but where up it is not clear and as I see nothing helps, at the exhibition MA my friends talked personally with Hendrik and he also said what to answer the case 7-8 months is not correct and this just should not be, when you write to Hendrik and David on Facebook or LinkedIn they respond normally but as it comes to my problems, then again silence and no answers just like they just do not notice. I make only one conclusion for myself that they have nothing to answer me and the whole situation comes down to the fact that you can just temporarily lock in the code without giving any explanation and don't reply for years on all your queries
to be fair, even when they permanently lock him out, as stated in the EULA he has the right to get his stuff withdrawn at TT value. that also includes being banned for whatever reason. and tbh, locked for a year is being banned. so, despite whatever he has or hasnt done, he could withdraw at least the TT value. and that is where a lawyer comes in handy

You think?

From Terms of Service (you accept this every single time you launch the game):

All and any behavior, utterance or action in the Entropia Universe or in any of MindArk’s forum or website that MindArk, at it sole and absolute discretion, FIND TO be a violation of the Rules of Conduct could result in the Account being Banned or Terminated WITHOUT ANY CLAIMS WHATSOEVER.

Source: Terms of Use

From the End User License Agreement (EULA):

You hereby expressly acknowledge that if MindArk and/or MindArk's Partner decide not to reactivate Your Account, it will eventually be Terminated, with or without Your right to withdraw any remaining PED Card value, on MindArk's and/or MindArk's Partner sole and absolute discretion.

Source: EULA

There are more mentions of account banning/termination. Everyone should invest 20 minutes in reading those documents.

Again please, I'm not a lawyer. Seek legal advice from a professional if you really want to pursue legal action.
You think?

From Terms of Service (you accept this every single time you launch the game):

Source: Terms of Use

From the End User License Agreement (EULA):

Source: EULA

There are more mentions of account banning/termination. Everyone should invest 20 minutes in reading those documents.

Again please, I'm not a lawyer. Seek legal advice from a professional if you really want to pursue legal action.

thats what i said. if you quote, quote it completely including the passage i was referring to.
Andre, one sure thing: You're not so much Invisible anymore.. :rolleyes:

Maybe you should stop believing everyone is dumb and naive.. Just saying.. :dunce: