A very tired warpship owner

Now consider who the likely owner of a warp ship is and you eliminate both ends of that extreme. A broke player can not afford a warp ship, a rich player will not waste their time offering services to other players when they could just play for fun.

It is a game, play to have fun :)

I like how much thought you put into your reply and I especially like the comment about playing to have fun.

I did want to point out that there is another - albeit much too small - group of players, whether they are rich, poor or middle-class. That is the group that are willing to provide services to all players with little to no profit. 10 PED for a warp is this type of service because it allows those on a limited budget to greatly reduce the risk of getting looted while moving stackables to Caly to sell.

I could climb on my soap-box and rant endlessly about the evils of the quarterly earnings report mindset, but I won't. I will leave off with this thought though: by your analysis, there is absolutely no way KISS comes out ahead on doing scheduled daily warps. Yet that schedule happens anyway and it is because KISS is invested in the EU player-base as a whole, rather than just trying to maximize on an investment.
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Seems like a great excuse for me to do a couple things:
back up Rowan as an honest straight forward player and person that cares and invests tons into this game and community.

next = tell you how much I hate pirates and feel I can easily speak for anyone in NBK in our disdain for them. I was amazed to hear they were any increase in activity after their exit due to the change in safe zone and other mechanics. Imagine they actually have to put in some effort, wow?!
So I guess there are more, but screw them.
Finally = I blame MA just as much. They allow this function to happen. The idea of looting others in space and in a game for that matter is fine, but IMO it just isn't acceptable in a real cash economy. They allow people to do things that in the real world is legit crime. Also, they have done f-all to develop space so no wonder it leads to a shit show with whiners, cheaters, liars, and losers. It's literally a vacuum with all the life sucked out of it.

So if you think ANYONE in NBK even considers pirates "not bad" let me know so I can get them kicked lol.
It's enough effort to set up a warp schedule and commit to be online all the time for that schedule - who are we to judge anyone who can even commit to that. The price is and always has been fair. If KISS "makes money" than it's no different than people that rent out items for MM or are fappers or 20 other combinations in the game. I pay for warps because I don't want to wait 20 friggin minutes to go somewhere and I'm not willing/able to invest thousands to get a warp ship.

Anyhow, let's love each other (except pirates they can go...... u know )
That's exactly it Davin.

Pirates are allowed to do real crime that would be punished if we had real police/laws ingame. Would pirating, stealing and robbing be acceptible if criminals were chased down and thrown in jail and made to pay back the stolens funds? YES!!!! But this doesn't happen. They don't even get suspended or banned. It's a bigger crime to annoy someone in port atlantis by spawning a mob decoy.

It's MA's job to punish lawbreakers. But pirates get a free pass? This makes them guilty of the same crime!!

There is hundreds of ways to make warping on motherships a desirable activity. Pay more fuel for instance. Or make ships costly to repair. There's no payoff to smuggling stuff. Jesus, here I go again about potential. Get some frickn designers FFS!!!
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Its simple ignore the haters...they will always kick n scream...no one is forcing anyone to take a warp...if you wanna fly go fly...then you will see what its all about ive flown in space a few times so, far and not once have I been attacked. lots of variables go into that...time of day, the routes, which planets? etc...but, it doesn't mean it wont happen...but, a quad or sleeper and fly...ppl need to stop complaining about a service ppl provide that they know nothing about because they down own a large ship t understand everything needed for it to get their whiny asses across space in a couple min...again ignore the haters...ppl complain about pvp yet they enter a pvp area...no one NEEDS to leave planet...if you do you have a few options...PvP area = warzone...IRL you enter a Warzone no cops are coming to assist in a designated warzone over someone dying if we're using real life scenarios lol
Interesting thread. I have been around for so long that I can confirm space has become more un-interesting since it started. The comparison of consequences of kills in a cash economy game and outside is intriguing. The best suggestion I have found so far is to let a MA designer look over the space concept and make it better. Space undoubtedly has potential....