I might be a bit on the late side, but here's my
2022 Summary
It's been an interesting year, with the IFN Missions still not ending (did they in the new year, now did they?), my first view of Monria, not despositing (and still doing quite well), and also losing so many PEDs lol.
A few of the highlights are:
- I'm now a good Smuggler and own the complete set of clothings.
- I found one of Monria's Lost Chapters.
- Unlocking Reaping at the end of November!
- I got a promotion in the IFN to Warrant Officer C2.
- I looted from Scoria a Gravis GLR-27.
- I now have 225 HP and counting.
I've cycled through 141.843,70 PED the past year, wich is more or less 100k less then the year 2021. Of those PEDs 138.138,26 (97.39%) was the decay from weapons, ammo, enhancers and amplifiers. My defense bill for armour and faps was 3.386,90 PED (2.39%), wich is a good 2% down from 2021. A small 0.22%, yet double from the year before (318,54) was the cost of everything else, from pills to the use of TP-chips to the decay of my scanner.
I got back 129.496,51 PED, or a return of
91.30% TT-in vs. TT-out. This is down from what I had in 2021. All in all it's a loss of 123.47,19 PED done in 318 hunts, wich is slightly more then the number of hunts done in 2021.
The smallest hunt I did in 2022 was 1,71 PED for a Gibnib Daily with over 1 PED in profit!
The biggest hunt had 5 globals, 400 PED loss, and a cost of 2.716,55 PED on the lovely Scoria.
I've completed the following missions on Arkadia:
Stage 3: Magurg Male ; Scoria
Stage 4: Warhound ; Monura Female ; Monura Male ; Madana ; Huon
Stage 5: Jori ; Arkadian Hornet
Stage 6: Wombana ; Defense Bots ; Feran
On Arkadia I got to the following Codex ranks (in steps of 5, in order of getting there for each rank):
Rank 5: Madana ; Ubo ; Monura ; Feran ; Yarrijak ; Hadraada ; Scoria ; Huon ; Togolossi
Rank 10: Wombana ; Aakas Dig ; Arkadian Hornet ; Monura ; Madana ; Oratan ; Hadraada ; Huon
Rank 15: Jori ; Arkadian Hornet ; Aakas Dig ; Feran ; Zadul
Rank 20: Defense Bots ; Jori
Rank 25: Defense Bots
And on Calypso the Codex ranks are:
Rank 5: Atrax ; Igni ; Bristlehog ; Snablesnot ; Gibnib ; Chirpy ; Boorum ; Harbinger ; Repesilex ; Foul ; Mourner ; Cornundacauda ; Cornundos ; Fungoid ; Trooper
Rank 10: Snablesnot ; Sabakuma ; Molisk ; Traeskeron
Rank 15: Berycled
On Monria it looks some what monotonous:
Rank 5: Shoggoth ; Yog
Rank 10: Shoggoth ; Yog
Rank 15: Shoggoth ; Yog
Rank 20: Shoggoth ; Yog
Rank 25: Shoggoth ; Yog
Rank 26 (Repeat): Shoggoth
And so it may look for Cyrene as well:
Rank 5: Merfolken ; Empis Wasp
Rank 10: Empis Wasp ; Merfolken
Rank 15: Merfolken
I made one graph to visualize how it went from bad to worse lol.
This graph shows the accumulated hunting costs on the
x-axis versus the accumulated return on the
y-axis. It's a bumpy road down alright.
We all love a top this-or-that-list, so here's my top 5 best and top 5 worst mobs of the year. I hunted all mobs in this list at least 4 times in 2022.
Five good mobs | Return % | Five bad mobs | Return % |
Fungoid | 125,0 | Scoria | 81,9 |
Riptor | 109,0 | Merfolken | 85,7 |
Feffoid | 101,7 | Togolossi | 86,4 |
Aakas Key | 099,1 | Feran | 88,3 |
Shoggoth | 098,5 | Traeskeron | 91,8 |
I'm a little bit suprised by the mobs on this list. Fungoid is there because of big global of 67 PED on a Daily hunt. But seeing Aakas Keys up there too, that's not something I would have expected. It's good to see Riptors there right behind on second place too, meaning that not all Arkadian mobs are evil, or maybe I had just been lucky those hunts.
Scoria and Togolossi are my favorites on the bad side. I would have thought I did better on Feran, Merfolken and especially Traeskeron though. They leave behind other mobs with arguably worse reputations such as Huons, IFN Defense Bots and Wombana.
Oh, and there's one line I omitted: the hunting of
Many Different with a return of 111,6% lol. These are all hunts on Calypso near a TP hunting small mobs for the most part. These took place around Eos, Fort Fury, Fort Pandora (sochunt), Fort Victoria and Omegaton West Habit. Maybe I was just lucky on the globals those hunts, but they did came out as positive 3/5 hunts!
I've also looked at wich months are good and wich are bad, and to compare it with the year before.
I'm not seeing any trend yet or wich month is better or worse without a doubt. Could be fun to track this over say 5 years to see what it's like then. (I can look 4 years back already, but I don't want to do that).
Month | Return 2021 | Return 2022 |
January | 92,0% | 83,7% |
February | 95,0% | 93,2% |
March | 93,5% | 91,2% |
April | 89,6% | 90,6% |
May | 97,7% | 93,1% |
June | 97,4% | 92,5% |
July | 88,6% | 94,5% |
Augustus | 93,5% | 89,4% |
September | 105,4% | 88,1% |
October | 92,4% | 95,2% |
November | 93,1% | 89,6% |
December | 89,6% | 93,9% |
I started the year on Arkadia, but that was also a period of less activity, the reasons of wich you can read back in my early post of the year. January only saw 9 hunts.
In March I went to Calypso for a short week, after wich I flew to Monria where I stayed for a day or two and then I came back to Calypso again. A short week there before I got to Monria once again where now I stayed for close to two months till late April.
In May I was back on Calypso for three weeks and then I flew to Cyrene where I stayed till the end of June.
In July I was once again on Calypso, till right at the end of that month when I flew to Monria for two weeks.
August saw me back on Calypso for about two weeks till I got back to where I started. Only at the beginning of December did I leave Arkadia again, for a short trip to Calypso of about three days.
Around Christmas time I took my last warp to Caylpso for the year.
One thing I know for sure, 2023 won't be a dull one!
For now I'm thinking of staying here on Calypso for a good while, but I might also do some trips to other planets like I did from March to August. Or perhaps I'll test a few more hunts where I kill all kinds of mobs in one area or going from one place to another and see what happens then.
Best wishes to you all for 2023!