Are First Generation Chips still dropping (UL MF)?


Feb 24, 2008
NBK Army
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Resnis Resnis Tusnis
Does any have seen /heard of 1st Generation chips still dropping (Unlimited ManaForce chips)? Tried L but they decay rather fast and then need replacement

Skilled up and maxed my First Gen Electric Attack Chip IV, now looking going forward and seeing Chips VII and VIII rather impossible 2 obtain due the excessive MU. There are no Mobs listed in Entropedia that dropped them....

Have any1 seen some First Gen Chips dropping and what mobs plc (Yes I am interested in upgrading from 1st Gen IV, of corse if I am very lucky and could loot it and move with MF 2 bigger mobs than small Argos and small Molisks)

Not heard of any drop since after the MF VU :(
Does any have seen /heard of 1st Generation chips still dropping (Unlimited ManaForce chips)


Nope, and while I can't rule it out I can say that its *very* unlikely UL MF stuff over level IV will ever drop again.

Sad but true. Keep skilling, some of the L toys are very interesting already and if more advanced levels will become available they can be decisive in pvp.

Sad but true. Keep skilling, some of the L toys are very interesting already and if more advanced levels will become available they can be decisive in pvp.

For PVP, I guess the oldschool firestorm chips are way better, because of concentrated damage (=one mob, and standard way of aiming) and the range (>100m rather than ~60m).

What I miss is the drop of chips like wormhole chip and resurrection chip, especially since there is no (L) eqvivalent. I do have skills enough for wormhole chip; what I don't have is 10k ped on my PED card... (and having a high markup (L) chip that rarely drops would remove the fun).

I read somewere that Rocktropia will have a major release in 2 days (tuesday - tomorrow?) with "unlimited items". Maybe we have to go to Rocktropia to loot oldschool chips...

As for the metabolic accelleration chip, I first though "wow fun". Then I looked more closely, and first, it uses the old firestorm skills that were almost impossible to skill in the old days (except for a few people). And it appears to drop in lootable pvp (pvp4). As for the "metabolic inhibitor", well I have skilled some cryonic skills; I can't use it yet - but the usefulness is somewhat limited because the reload of the chip is higher than the time the effect lasts. The opposite of the accelleration chip. So in other words, the fun chips aren't for me (yet).
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