Selling: Argonaut Claws, Great, FEN Edition T6.99 + Melee Trauma Amplifier 8, Modified !!! Only 149k BO !!!


Jun 26, 2009
Hello :)

As the title says, I'm selling this amazing melee combo

Argonaut Claws, Great, FEN Edition T6.99 + Melee Trauma Amplifier 8, Modified
Moved to ingame auction, thread can be closed

Tiering cost is around 45k and with all new weapons on the market will probably increase a lot soon, amp should be 15k alone which makes t0 claws at 90k mu only!!! Items, deeds and peds accepted for this steal deal. Pm me here or ingame plz, gl :)
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BO set at 149k. Tiering cost is around 45k and with all new weapons on the market will probably increase a lot soon, amp should be 15k alone which makes t0 claws at 90k mu only!!! Items, deeds and peds accepted for this steal deal :)