Attributes - What do they do for the MOB?

Knowing that Intelligence affects how long it may get stuck by the decoy, doesn't really give us much useful knowledge anyway. Testing would be necessary still, in order to determine how much impact intelligence has. It could be tiny, it could be huge.

In past ( pre VU 10 ) players did some small tests with decoy.
It looked that time one mob is atracted by decoy is somehow determined by mob maturity.
Higher maturity - shorter time is that decoy will distract the mob.
But nobody looked deeper in that or colerated with single particular attribute.
Specialy me as pissed by scaning result on umbranoids by time as i skilled up.
I started to scan all i cud from first day i created account.
As a noob i cud understand that umbranoid can kill me so easy ( naked with tt fist or blade and fap 5 ofc )
But trought years of hardcore skilling i went to have double and also triple ammount of attributes of umbranoids.
And they were still hard.
Sure one evade a lot but still not enought if you compare attributes, one do not regen so fast and after all nerfs do not run as fast as them.
Also changes to their hp throught many VUs similar as changed on fefs and maffoinds showed to me that i know after each VU each time less than before.
Any of mob attributes didnt change but hp went biger.
So amateur conclusion was - or Scaner lie or mobs have possibilities and effects not based on what scaner show.
Today i say who care, i became too lasy.
Too many changes and is too much that one need to test and learn ewrything from start after each VU.
One thing I would like to know is where those Level numbers every mob has comes from. There must be some sort of calculation behind those. It is most likely a combination of max hit, health, regeneration and possible speed.
I have always thoughts the lvl numbers will be related to taming somehow.

because they have little correlation to hp/health etc. some seem too, but there are a lot of exceptions.
Higher maturity - shorter time is that decoy will distract the mob.

Yeah, years ago I tried hunting mobs too big for me with decoys, and I'd agree higher maturity mobs were generally less susceptible to decoys than their lower maturity counterparts.

I know it may be against the Terms of Use and what-not, but I think the answers we are looking for are on our own computers.

Has anyone gone through the client side files?

EULA issues aside, I'd almost fall off my chair in shock if you could work this out from the client-side code. But I do include 'almost', because it is MA after all :D