Bad Runs for 50+ Hours? Has anyone experienced this?

ZargYn Dregor

Jul 20, 2014
Puerto Rico
Avatar Name
Zarg Yn Dregor
Hey everyone,

I was curious if anyone has had the same experience that I have had with this game. It's an experience that has caused me to actually leave EU for 6-8 months on more than one occasion.

Generally I could have a great day with plenty of globals and good profit. For instance, last week I started with a mere 400 PED depo and I ended up with about 2k PED profit on LTs after 3-4 days of hunting (around 12-15 hrs a day or so).

Afterwards, the system seems to destroy me for insanely prolonged periods of time, such that not only do I run out of any "profit" I made from my depo, but I end up literally losing all of my PEDs. On this particular occasion, after those 3-4 good days of straight profit on any activity, I went 3-4 days straight of nothing but pure loss on whatever activity or mob I chose.

I know some people say, if you begin a mining run and drop 3-4 times and get continuous NRF, switch areas or don't mine right then. Or if you do a hunt and get 50% back, don't hunt right then. But my question I guess is, has anyone has "bad loot" for over 50 hours straight?? How do you know when it is safe to start again?

I am the type that, when I have PED I am in EU all day constantly doing activities. Whether it's mining amped or unamped, hunting, or crafting (EP II mostly with 100% QR bp, and 95% success rate).

You can check my stats on EntropiaLife. I am definitely more of a miner than hunter, but I really want to get into the hunting. If it weren't for 50% loot returns for literally days on end (this week I averaged about 15 hours a day playing and I literally had 4 bad days where I lost about 1k-2k ped and it did not matter whether I hunted or crafted, everything was a loss).

My Mining Stats:
33 Prospector
27 Surveryor

My Hunting Stats
37 BLP Sniper Hit
37 Laser Sniper Hit
33 Ranged BLP Dmg
32 Ranged Laser Dmg
19 BLP Pistoleer
19 Laser Pistoleer
18 Evader

So I am it just me?? My worst stretch was 3 months with no significant hofs and just slowly declining PED count (which was basically the last time I quit, and I returned in July). That was mostly mining unamped.

Does anyone have any tips or recommendations of how one could know in advance whether they will end up going 4-5 days without so much as a global? Or something like 3 months with no significant multipliers?
all the time.
Well damn, ok I guess it isn't just me then LOL

I am still trying to figure out a way to balance this out. For instance if my loot is bad for 50+ hrs and suddenly it starts getting good, I wonder then whether it will be good on any mob I hunt or if I should stick to whatever I am hunting at that time. I mean, ideally when loot gets good I'd go hunt bigger mobs, but if it were that simple everyone would do this. xD

I have seen people say to hunt the same mob over a few days and it balances out better that way compared to blowing 1k PED in a day on hunting a mob that you can't really kill thousands of. But I mean...I killed nearly 4000 LTs in 5 days and while I think to myself that must count for something, it seems it doesn't. Seems I need to kill closer to 10000 mobs perhaps in order for the loot to balance out?

If anyone has any ideas here or perhaps a number more accurate (based on some sort of empirical evidence) for seeing balanced loot returns, it would definitely be helpful. ^^
loosing is something normal , at least for me, I am too noob. And loosing several k in a couple of days is nothing ... try hunt big mobs, I lost 3k+ in a couple of hours, but was fun :)))))
Depend what you do. For example, for me to complete LT mission I had a cost of 17k ped. For big mobs you need high bankrolls. With 400 ped stick on puny :) My advice....
It's called variance.

Big ups and big downs. Your returns were probably awesome on average judging by the amount of time you spent hunting with the 400 ped. How much did you cycle in total?
i get it all the time too, thats why eco and markup have such a huge roll in this game. If you only blindly hunt/mine/craft without a good gameplan, you will lose terribly in this downward swings and won't have anything to cover your losses. My suggestion to you is this. If you notice you're in a downswing, decrease your play by skilling a new weapon on smaller mobs. Grind out your argo/kerb mission using a shortblade or powerfist. By doign this, you not only increase your overall skill level, you can also gain some HP while most importantly minimizing your losses because even if you go on a 2 hour hunt for 50 ped and lose 30, that is much smaller than 300 ped on a regular 500 ped hunt for you. Once you notice loot stabilizing in your favor, then go ahead and return to your regular hunting tactics.

Well I started with 400 PED, over the course of the last 2 months I have burned more than 20k PED, so it's not as if I don't have bankroll for big mobs. I am about 30% completed with Stage V of the LT Iron, and I did stages 2-4 this week.

It's just knowing when the system is set to just take everything from you that concerns me. This wouldn't be the first time I burn thousands of PED hunting only to get a loss, lol.

However, at some point for many players the system will balance out and provide a decent multiplier to cover a lot of their losses. I am very quickly nearing six digits of losses across all time deposits over the years, and this is what concerns me most, since my biggest hof wasn't even 2k ped mining with a D-Class amp, and I burned about 15k PED over 1-2 weeks to get that relatively small hof. This was all in attempt to land my first tower for my birthday. I came back to EU knowing that I had already lost over 50k all time before I left last year, and this is how the game treats just wants to take more, no welcome back hof or nothing lol.

It's quite unnerving. So now I would like to adjust my playstyle accordingly, but at the same time I'd like to preserve my gameplay revolving around activities that could actually generate some sort of return on my all time losses (for instance, I would never be able to hit a kerberos even close to 50k, especially since the loot cap that was imposed around ~2010 was it?).

I am basically trying to get an idea on the maximum time frame of "bad loot" the game can possibly give me in hopes of anticipating when to amp mine or do a bigger activity to generate multipliers that could resemble some sort of all time PED recovery. :/
Sorry for double post, but I wanted to reply to the others comments I didn't catch.


With the 400 ped I had deposited I was able to buy a gun, an amp for that gun and take 150 PED ammo for the hunt. During that first hunt I hit 6 globals for a 700 ped profit. Over the next 2-3 days I had similar runs with 6-8 globals per 150 ped ammo run which resulted in 400 and 1000 ped profit respectively. My other runs those good days still had at least 1 global to them. I also hoffed mining prior to that hunt.

In all I wasn't sure of the total cycled. I know I spent many days hunting, and the cycle count got me nearly 4000 LT kills. So at 3500 LTs to estimate a number with a cost of roughly 5-6 PED each (LT Olds) we're looking at about 17.5k-21k cycled on LTs alone, not to mention I took a trip to mountain gorillas on SI as well as some Cyrene hunting. (Lost about 2k at RT and Cyrene and another 1k-2k back at Caly when I returned).

I actually wonder if my planet hopping caused my bad loot cycle. :/


Thank you very much for your comment. This is actually what I was wondering about. Since you mentioned when the loot starts normalizing then go back to the bigger mobs. I will have to try this next time I am up on PED and I sense the game treating me so poorly. Perhaps if the smaller mobs display a better loot return, it might be safe to go back to the bigger mobs. Though in my experience I usually have a bad run after a good run, that simply doesn't explain the 3-4 days of constant profit to me, lol. This game definitely has its quirks!
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Oh wow, das, thanks for sharing that!

I'm going to sit down and look through it now over the next hour or so haha!
This is the sort of stuff I love studying up on. ;)
you're welcome.
Gun used was a maxed i2870+106 & ff9300 + 105 for tagging
Maxed on the i287, 9.4 hit on the tagger
Healing was done with adj fap T4, armor depends on the mob
study your runs, its the best thing you can do. if your taking too long to kill something, while it regens and causes armor decay/fapping, of course your costs will increase.

i created a runsheet which includes my killing eco (when i can) cost & return/kill, so if i try a new weapon and my cost/kill raises i know its not working.
study your runs, its the best thing you can do. if your taking too long to kill something, while it regens and causes armor decay/fapping, of course your costs will increase.

i created a runsheet which includes my killing eco (when i can) cost & return/kill, so if i try a new weapon and my cost/kill raises i know its not working.

Sorry for off-topic, but would you be able to share your spreadsheet and/or your method?
hi, np this is a non editable copy of my current sheet!585424&authkey=!AD2XuNG4oX-h8wM&ithint=file%2cxlsx

Its pretty much work in progress still, im trying to automate it as much as possible and i keep adding bits here and there

ive no issues giving a blank editable version however

Thanks for this, I'm interested so I can make a hybrid version. How come I'm not able to see the formulas in your viewable version?
Generally I could have a great day with plenty of globals and good profit. For instance, last week I started with a mere 400 PED depo and I ended up with about 2k PED profit on LTs after 3-4 days of hunting (around 12-15 hrs a day or so).

I know some people say, if you begin a mining run and drop 3-4 times and get continuous NRF, switch areas or don't mine right then. Or if you do a hunt and get 50% back, don't hunt right then. But my question I guess is, has anyone has "bad loot" for over 50 hours straight?? How do you know when it is safe to start again?

I am the type that, when I have PED I am in EU all day constantly doing activities. Whether it's mining amped or unamped, hunting, or crafting (EP II mostly with 100% QR bp, and 95% success rate).

Slightly off topic but I’m fascinated to hear about the levels of activity from the community. It amazes me that people have the time, funds and dedication to be able to commit themselves to playing for so long in a daily basis.

Due to my personal circumstances, it would take me about a fortnight or more to spend the same amount of time in-game actually hunting that you manage to achieve in a day, and up to 2 months to spend 50 hours hunting lol.

Basically my PED lasts a whole lot longer and my activity hunting or mining may even be more profitable, but on a much, much smaller scale – I just never bothered to monitor it. In this case I've always been interested in how time/activity might contribute or effect the 'return' (although I understand the longer you spend doing 'something' the more chance you'll have of hitting something decent).

Just thinking aloud there, really...
50 hours is nothing compared to how much loosing streak you might face and for that reason you are failing like most of EU players das included.PED CARD , you don't have it? Hunt small mobs
All EU players lose peds but only a hand of them survive because of smart hunt and markup (fat ped card is a must have - see fluske(first that came in my mind).
Thanks for the replies everyone. Nice logs posted and good info / points of view.

I have been reading up a lot past few days and a few new things I will be trying in the near future so let's see how it goes. I guess this is part of the entertainment value of EU in a sense. xD

@Steveyneo, working from home tends to help maintain such long activity hours in EU. Sometimes I can be afk crafting and working on a project. I was on sort of a break last week though due to heavy hours. xD

Anyways, am hoping my next runs will show some promise. I will be trying out some tactics on a small scale and based on how they work out I will then be able to up the scale to bigger mobs and hopefully get my payback HOF someday haha!
It's dynamic.
50 hours is nothing compared to how much loosing streak you might face and for that reason you are failing like most of EU players das included.PED CARD , you don't have it? Hunt small mobs
All EU players lose peds but only a hand of them survive because of smart hunt and markup (fat ped card is a must have - see fluske(first that came in my mind).

Go troll somewhere else :D
Having peds stuck on your card is useless, I do have a decent storage..but I guess you also know that about me