Belfegors book of shadows


Apr 11, 2005
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I know I know. Why should I get a Dairy at this site. Well.... everyone else have one :yup: So what to put in here? hmmmmmm
Well I took out my Handgun skills again. Wanted to know how fast I can gain skills. 30 ped ammo, gave me 92 HG skills :)
Feels good.

Time for bed. Will write more interesting stuff in here soon :tongue2:
How nice was this :(
Woke up and feeling very sick =( Not fun at all. Loaded up with Vit C, Fishermansfriend and hope to be able to play some PE soon. When my head stops to hurt......

Watching TV was soooo boring. So I went skilling HG. :)
Because I got a noob level in HG again (135) I wanted to check how much I could gain in Troy using a Adj M2722. (Exa, Daikiba)
The results was good :) I think.. :p
135 - 280 in HG. (1K clicks, 70 ped ammo) Got ~55 ped return. Not bad.
Still getting hints from my body that I need some more rest. See if I can play tonight :)
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aaaaaaaah. Taking out more skills now. Noob again :)
Hoping to get some peds for my Melee skills :tongue2:
aaah yes. I will do crafting from now on. Selling of all the none crafting releted skills

Cya another day :)
Belfegor is leaving the world of Decay :)
Back to the old good crafting machine again. With some peds on his Ped card. Taking a small break and will play some. Hoping for better times :)
Had many hofs and globals. Biggest hof was IRL :)
Will still be playing PE but less. I am always located at my Crafting machine in Zeus :) Stop by and say hello sometimes.
I am BACK :eek: To the world of Decay. To the world without loot :p