Bugs and feedback


Mar 27, 2009
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Gotto LuckyStrike Gotto
Note: I played on windows, my wife (also holding some compet deeds) played on android tablet

- amount of Diamonds bought for $19,99 - might be only text error (no intention to depo, depo not working anyway)

- server/client connection issues:
1. the server did not terminate a timed out connection (or maybe there is no timeout set?) - I still have the message that someone is playing from a different device, I can't login anymore
2. if disconnected in the arena then is very hard to get back in game - look in deep for this session, arena battle - I was able to get back in game when stuck in battle if I press give up button. But at a moment the button refuse to work and to terminate the battle session and here I am, not able anymore to login.
3. I tried connecting with my account on my wife tablet and the result was quite a mess. After some login failures I gave up. When she entered again on her account some of my buildings goes into her infrastructure, but not considered for progress. Library, for instance, my lvl 3 was in her village also (same spot as my village), while her library only lvl 2 was also existing having a different position. Although was not possible to create lvl 3 buffs.
4. this connection error remind me about virtual tycoon - same issue crashing when going over AH - so when dealing with large dynamic databases.
6. System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
from the log file, the error this morning when trying to login. Yesterday evening when crashed in arena, message was different: server is refusing the connection.

- security & registry:
1. "email": "xxx@xxx.com", "password": "xxxxxxx" - these I can find in the game log (file output_log). In clear, not with xxx :) my credentials, hmmm. Not good. Same the server ip address and port. If only verbose log for beta, OK.
2. hope final version for win will have setup for install and uninstall (at uninstall to clean the registry)

- accelerate progress - to easy level up (pet & buildings), too easy gold collection (but I assume this is only for beta testing as we need to go fast through the game and identify bugs - hope for normal play you make it harder
- big minus: definitely no connection to EU. The announcement was a consistent content of EU will be implemented in competgame. There is no real connection, maybe was only advertising to convince people to buy compet deeds? Few mobs' design similar to EU is not relevant content...
- game play is slow on a Samsung tablet up to 2 years old, I don't remember exactly the model - reported by my wife. She used to play some similar games and this one is running really slow
- in general content is attractive and keeps you connected, arena battle is really cool
I'll keep placing my comments into this thread.

Friday afternoon I gave up. I remebered why I don't like such games (just simple run for leveling up things & infrastructure). The single interesting stuff remain arena and I'll pay much more attention to this when I'll have more time. Until that, I passed the keyboard to my kid and got some interesting feedback:

- such games use to have a daily roulette to get free stuff, in this case could be:
usual: low/medium amount of gold, diamonds
rare: larger amount of above, legendary pets
extrlemely rare: high class legendary pet, few ped, much larger amount of diamonds, maybe a special buff with limited time like 1-2 hours

I remeber my wife and my kid when playing this kind of strategy (mobile platform) games - they use to check daily this kind of roulette & sometimes spending an hour or two just starting with this check

- would be nice to have notifications to the mobile platform for finishing a level up in infrastracture, when you been raided, etc... Notifications will again bring back some players just to check whats new.

- bugs: I would not spend to much words on this one, a lot of threads already mentioned a few. A close look should be done to matching arena fights as sometimes is quite hard to find an opponent. But when player base will grow I expect no more issue in this matching.

- legendary pets - a few of them have no special status vs regular pets

So far this is what I/we find out and no more testing for me now. I don't have so much time next 2 weeks. I hope an improved beta meanwhile and paying again some time on it.
some other bugs

- forest fights in chapter V - pets are quite weak, I expected much stronger for chapter V. Very often you get into battle with a rare cat but the reward is missing - no diamond, ped or xp - nothing.
- If I'm not wrong, Bulgar Bog is very often starting the battle with heal - while it is full hp, first round & initiative, it is pretty dumb.
- "Resisted" - sometimes is written to the side of pet launching the attack, not to the side of the pet resisting the attack
- very often there is no round timeout reset, in the forest battle, if the opponent has initiative. I don't know if clear, it is like that: let's suppose ROUND 3, opponent has initiative, 30 sec timeout of round, if the opponent has an attack with longer animation when comes my turn I have like just few second left to decide. I have no timer reset to have also those 30 sec.
- I did all chapters in forest but the count Beast defeated still shows 21/22. It is true for chapter 5 I got mostly fights with that rare cat.