Build.... Fly.... Dream...


Old Alpha
Sep 26, 2008
Tucson, Arizona, United States
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Benjamin 'Ben' Coyote
Now i know that not everyone in EU loves space, but what if had this for Space?

And I mean this would be so cool if it could ever be implemented..

Ater all think about this... There was that old bit of Info I dug up about the old Calypso Star System..

Don't you think people would liove flying through stuff like this?

(After all space doesn't have to be like what is it in game.. if you can build it, fly it or dream it, it can be done)

Benjamin Ben Coyote
(Callsign 'coyote')
A.k.a. The Blind sniper..
Damn, just a couple of weeks ago I thought about this game I tried few years back but couldn't remember its name. Thanks for reminding (good heavens, it have matured a lot since the time I saw it) :)
Infinity MMO originally developed by 1 person - created an engine with seamless space to planet flights - with procedurally generated start and planet systems = billions of systems.

Here's an old Alpha-test tech demo:

Wikipedia Info [LINK]

Sem-functional website [LINK]
Well the Unity system is also seamless space much like Inifiity an d in fact allows you to createe worlds and even cities (hmmm seems like maybe we chould present the option to the gamers here.. lol

I mean you want to see what Unity can do Here's a Unity for Space Example.. and then you tell me if it's better or worse than what we have now..

and how hard would it be to use a sandbox like this Not really that hard..

Oh and i bet the pirates would lvoe those kind of ships.. :D

Benjamin Ben Coyote (callsign 'coyote')
a.k.a. "The BLind Sniper"
Unity is a awesome engine, some friends from me developing a game with that engine similar to the old PE.
That space demo looks great, hope they include that also in the development. :)
Was not able to find this video the last time i was in this topic.

Just found it, Enjoy!
