Celebrating Ink on Paper Versus Digital Art avatar drawings By Sir John the Vampire

John Baic

May 24, 2016
Avatar Name
John vampire Baic
Ink on paper, avatars drawings by hand:


Digital drawings are, nevertheless, digital. However, this aspect is also an artistic and unique form, considering that they include unique drawings of your avatars. But it is digital, incomparable to the fluidity of ink on quality paper such as Fabriano paper.

A drawing created in ink on paper is a work of art with significant value, especially if it is made by a nationally and internationally renowned artist. In this case, allow me to introduce myself. In 2009, while working in the capital of my country, I illustrated the front page of a weekly economic newspaper. The newspaper sent a copy to the European Newspaper Awards in Vienna in 2009 with theirs front page, and my illustration from that newspaper won the Excellence Award. Practically, I was the best illustrator in Europe that year. I wi'll atach the image of the diploma to see:

Time has passed, and I started drawing avatars in 2016 for online video games. Initially, it was for amusement, to create various virtual exhibitions. However, due to demand from players, I continued to bring smiles to their faces and the pleasure of owning a unique drawing from me. Whether it's with the player's avatar or a couple's portrait, or why not a real life portrait, they can hang it on the wall of their virtual home they own.

Choosing your style matters because the avatar drawings I offer to players like you, at a reasonable price, vary in graphical execution. They can be digitally hand-drawn in black and white, in color, or in ink on paper. Of course, the prices differ, but that doesn't mean they won't be accessible. The price of a digital drawing, whether black and white or color, is 500 peds, whereas an original ink drawing on paper with international shipping anywhere in the world costs 1500 peds. Below, you have a link to a free Wix website where you can view all the digital avatar drawings. Later, if there are requests for unique avatar drawings in ink on paper, I will create a section there for them.

As you can see on this portofolio website, my services also include real-life portraits, which are priced at 700 peds.

If you want something unique of gift the best thing to your friend, add me in game and we can talk!
Regards, John.
You can own your digital avatar drawing for printing size for only 500 peds.
