Couple questions about skill gain and hunting



1.) How can you tell if the weapon you have is good for you when it comes to a skill raise/cost analysis?
I only have 150 Longblades and really low skill in the other ones like Melee Damage and the other ones. Like 20ish. Real noob skills here. I'm out hunting with a RepEdge Battle Axe 1x0. To repair it, it costs about 6.5 PED. It lasts a decent amount of time, but it's no great shakes in the durability department. How can I tell if I should be using this? Is there a better weapon for me?

2.) How do skills go up? Because I'm fighting things like Young Combibos and Berycled Young and things like that, and they die in about 3 hits. I don't really gain any skill anymore. Does skill go up each time I swing? Does it matter how hard the mob is? What actually goes in to skilling up?

3.) Should I leave the PA area? Too many young mobs..not cutting it for me.

Thanks - answers to these questions will help out tons of people I promise you that.
jimmymus said:
1.) How can you tell if the weapon you have is good for you when it comes to a skill raise/cost analysis?
I only have 150 Longblades and really low skill in the other ones like Melee Damage and the other ones. Like 20ish. Real noob skills here. I'm out hunting with a RepEdge Battle Axe 1x0. To repair it, it costs about 6.5 PED. It lasts a decent amount of time, but it's no great shakes in the durability department. How can I tell if I should be using this? Is there a better weapon for me?
According to your skills, the Axe 1x0 is the weapon for you, you shouldn't take another one before reaching 1k-1.5k in LB. But if you want to hunt a little longer, you can try to take like 10 axes and go hunting.

jimmymus said:
2.) How do skills go up? Because I'm fighting things like Young Combibos and Berycled Young and things like that, and they die in about 3 hits. I don't really gain any skill anymore. Does skill go up each time I swing? Does it matter how hard the mob is? What actually goes in to skilling up?
Since the last VU, skills gains depends on the mobs you're fighting and your weapon. The general system is the biggest mob you kill with the biggest gun gives you the biggest gain... but they're some theories about the fact that you need to find the good weapon and the good mob for your skills. As this system hasn't been here for long, we don't really know exactly how it works. The only thing we know it's the gains are dependant on the gear, at least, for what i know :)
If you're not gaining much skills, you can try to hunt some bigger mob.

jimmymus said:
3.) Should I leave the PA area? Too many young mobs..not cutting it for me.
Leaving PA and exploring Eudoria is always a good thing. It widens your hunting spots and makes you able to meet more ppl. F.e., try to go near Argus, they're a well known beach with many Cornundacauda which are kinda good to skill on with Axe ;)

hope this helps and good luck :cool:
1. axe 1x0 u are using has the one of the best dam/pec ratio what comes to weapons, so u deal much damage comparing the peds/pecs u use.
if u are using melee as your primary hunting weapon, sorry there are no other as cost efficient alternatives at the moment, so just stick with your axe.

skills raise anyways to 1k pretty fast now, so just keep on choppin, if u can try more axe hunts at same time, buy 4-5, so u dont have to run and repair those every so often.

2. skills go up by, well doing what u do, in your case hunting, of course more time it gets to kill one one mob, more skills u might gain for slaying it. skills go up, when u see info on it at chat window... and if berrys don't do it for u, u might wanna try cornundacaudas, snarks etc, can be found at Argus area.

3. read answer 2, good luck with hunting, and most of all, try not concentrate on getting skills, have fun :)

ah cacail, got before me ;)